Thursday 12 July 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the whole of creation unto all of the Nations of the Earth that as said concerning the Judging of all the Nations of the Earth as it now hath begun  so shall it continue but as said as I said I would do so have I done in assuring the rescue of the young and innocent children by the means provided for the lives of all the children of the Earth are precious in My sight for of such is My Kingdom of Heaven for unless ye believe in and accept the true Messiah as thy saviour and redeemer and becoming as little children ye shall in no wise enter therein. But now say I unto thee of the mighty Nations of the Earth think ye that thy past crimes and sins have been forgotten not so especially in the light of an arrogant Nation and its arrogant Leader which should not Judge others least it and its Leader should be Judged themselves not by the same measure it and its leader JUDGES OTHERS BUT WITH THAT JUDGEMENT BY WHICH I SAITH THE LORD GOD OF HOSTS JUDGE AND SHALL JUDGE ALL OF MANKINDS NATIONS UNTO PERFECTION. For not only shall any Nation upon the Earth be Judged and condemned for its present sins and crimes alone but its sins and crimes that all have committed in the past not only against its own people and Nation but against other Nations especially those which once in great number inhabited the land before them and those who were by force taken away from their own lands and Nations to become slaves of the Nations they were transported to and still yet suffer the ignominy of once being slaves. Well have I afore said that I will condemn all those nations that refuse refuge for those fleeing persecution and war in their own Lands either at the hands of their own government or because of terrorism or because of famine and drought and the condemnation by which I will strike those who do refuse to take in refugees and those fleeing persecution and the loss of human rights of war famine and drought shall be by My right Hand be punished with whirlwind and fire famine and plague hurricane and Earthquake far greater than that with which I have thus far punished the Nations. The past crimes and sins of all the Nations of the Earth they all shall be Judged for and not only the present sins and crimes but all past sins and crimes. But I say unto thee not one sin nor one crime against other peoples whether they be of other ethnic origins than those that now inhabit the Lands of the Nations of the Earth or not, not one sin or crime of a Nation shall be passed over in Judgment and thus escape punished for of which one arrogant Nation and its Leader shall be Judged and suffer the punishment due and shall be executed upon that Nation and its Leader because of their pride and arrogance what is one of thy sayings pride comes before a fall and this one’s arrogance and pride shall be the cause of this Nations and its leaders down fall and great shall in the end be their fall thereof.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

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