Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob even the only true redeemer
This say I unto thee all of mankind past present and future I have created and put the breath of Life within there no exclusion's, My image is in the whole of mankind and is as I have previously set it down, even thy personality which is the spiritual part of thee. To repeat thy personality is made up of mind emotions and will, this is My image in thee, the mind does all the planning like unto all designers architects planners before creation was form all was planned out unto perfection even as a house before it can have its foundation laid has to have plans drawn up, the emotions are that which cares understands sympathise and feels love for others and close friends and partners. The will is that which enacts the plans and designs of the mind and displays the affections and feelings of the emotions. Thus ye have the mind represents Me the Father who hath planned and designed all of creation unto perfection the emotions represent the Son the Messiah who loved mankind so much that He came to earth to save mankind and the will is the holy spirit or Roash hackodesh who has and does and will carry out My Plans and apply the Love of the Son to all who desire to be saved in other words the spirit of truth and life. But as ye are three but one whole personality so also is the Godhead manifest bodily in the Son the Messiah.
This has been repeated to emphasise that all of mankind are have been and will be My Children having My image within, but the parable of the prodigal son reveals only one truth that of the son or child who seeks to go his own way not his father’s way in other words rebels against his father demanding his share of his inheritance and frivolously wasting away his inheritance realising his mistake repents of his rebellion and returns in deep humility. His father welcomes him with open arms saying he thought his son was dead not dead physically but dead to his family his father thinking he would never return. But what about those who don't repent and don't return what happens to them they become outcast they are exiled and lost to the father and the family but does the fathers love diminish no, for he mourns the loss of the ones who don't repent and return so is it with Me rebellion against Me cannot and will not be tolerated but those who repent and return through the Messiahs blood will be accepted with open arms and great celebration, but is My love diminished for those who don't repent of their rebellion nay not so for I mourn over them as a father mourns over dead children, these were are My children who I would that they repent and return, but in My House it is My Will that Must be done and all who rebel against Me and My Will must be banished for the peace and welfare of the whole family and house hold.
This is the Word of the Lord and unto you
From the prophet of the Lord.
This say I unto thee all of mankind past present and future I have created and put the breath of Life within there no exclusion's, My image is in the whole of mankind and is as I have previously set it down, even thy personality which is the spiritual part of thee. To repeat thy personality is made up of mind emotions and will, this is My image in thee, the mind does all the planning like unto all designers architects planners before creation was form all was planned out unto perfection even as a house before it can have its foundation laid has to have plans drawn up, the emotions are that which cares understands sympathise and feels love for others and close friends and partners. The will is that which enacts the plans and designs of the mind and displays the affections and feelings of the emotions. Thus ye have the mind represents Me the Father who hath planned and designed all of creation unto perfection the emotions represent the Son the Messiah who loved mankind so much that He came to earth to save mankind and the will is the holy spirit or Roash hackodesh who has and does and will carry out My Plans and apply the Love of the Son to all who desire to be saved in other words the spirit of truth and life. But as ye are three but one whole personality so also is the Godhead manifest bodily in the Son the Messiah.
This has been repeated to emphasise that all of mankind are have been and will be My Children having My image within, but the parable of the prodigal son reveals only one truth that of the son or child who seeks to go his own way not his father’s way in other words rebels against his father demanding his share of his inheritance and frivolously wasting away his inheritance realising his mistake repents of his rebellion and returns in deep humility. His father welcomes him with open arms saying he thought his son was dead not dead physically but dead to his family his father thinking he would never return. But what about those who don't repent and don't return what happens to them they become outcast they are exiled and lost to the father and the family but does the fathers love diminish no, for he mourns the loss of the ones who don't repent and return so is it with Me rebellion against Me cannot and will not be tolerated but those who repent and return through the Messiahs blood will be accepted with open arms and great celebration, but is My love diminished for those who don't repent of their rebellion nay not so for I mourn over them as a father mourns over dead children, these were are My children who I would that they repent and return, but in My House it is My Will that Must be done and all who rebel against Me and My Will must be banished for the peace and welfare of the whole family and house hold.
This is the Word of the Lord and unto you
From the prophet of the Lord.
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