Wednesday, 27 January 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith I unto thee that this government is in as far as the bedroom tax is concerned becoming like unto medieval Land Lords, Barons or Land owners in the past who sought to extort every penny they could from their tenants and serfs by finding any excuse to impose taxes on them to fund their extravagant life styles and build palatial mansions, not saying that the tax goes towards that. Fair enough there is a shortage of housing or living space but this tax will not sort out the housing problem. Surely there is another way of remedying this, either by building more social houses or doing like the Canadians do, when a family is reduced in size under their tenancy agreement they are given a choice of more suitable reduced accommodation and given a reasonable period of time to move in, even help with the removal. Which My servants relative in Canada had to do when one of her sons left home.
    Those who refuse to move should be penalised but not those who have little or no extra money to pay such a tax. Thus under a new tenancy bill which should be brought in by the government which states all rented property should have the clause in their tenancy agreement which is legal and binding that if a family in a family rented accommodation, is reduced in size or a couple when one partner leaves, then they should have to move to another appropriate suitable accommodation, as supplied by the Land Lord, especially if they are in social housing. No property should be rented out to single people who are claiming council tax which is larger than they need.

This is the Word of the Lord to you

From the prophet of the Lord

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