Tuesday 19 January 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say unto thee that as afore said rebellion against My Will and purpose will not be tolerate for I will visit the rebellious Nation's of the Earth which bow down to idols and statues of false gods who follow after all manner of immorality debauchery adultery and the raping and molestation of women and children with such wrath and anger that I shall cause them to cease from the face of the Earth even those who follow after all manner of false faiths which teach that mankind is able through good works to attain unto heaven and everlasting life for there is one way alone which leads to heaven and everlasting life and that is My way as is set down in My Word. This I do say unto thee My Will and mankind’s will in their unrepentant state are totally opposed for the source of mankind's rebellion is their will, for the will of mankind is governed by their nature which is spiritually opposed to My Nature mankind only follows after the thing's of this earth of the flesh, of riches wealth comfort power, never taking in to account that at the end of life all must give up what they have gained in this life. They are temporary even the body thou dost inhabit is a temporary house that will in the end have to be given up, what good lands and riches and houses and goods if all is but for a short time rather better for mankind would it be if they would concentrate on that which is forever. Thy body dies but thou dost not die when ye pass from this life no matter what any one says and teaches for they are in denial of that which their own heart teaches them, thy spirit or personality lives forever either if thou art of Me in the heaven of heavens or in the bottomless pit which thou call’s hell where there is blackness and darkness forever which thou dost call hell.
    My servant knows the path of death for he has travelled upon it and once upon it thought his life was over after seeing his own body feeling a sense of peace and thinking that was it, did he want to return no, but after travelling through the universe till he came to the angel with the book of life was asked his name and when he said who he was, was not directed to go on for in front of him where two paths one lead to the pit the other to the heaven of heaven's, he was directed to go in another direction finding himself at what to him looked like a doorway looking down again at his own body a voice behind him said ye have to go back, Thus finding himself back in his own body not at first know who he was or where he was until he slowly revived, but never forgetting and always knowing and remembering what happened with utter clarity. What caused it was turning on his gas stoves burners full blast and the oven to keep himself warm in a freezing flat in a small narrow kitchen without any ventilation three feet wide by nine foot long for quite a long time all windows and a skylight where shut and the kitchen door was closed too, he stood up and collapsed knowing in his heart then his life was over. Knowing through faith he was on his way to the heaven of heavens.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

from the prophet of the Lord.

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