Friday 29 January 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    To thee I will put forth the revelation of the state of mankind before and after the fall. But first I want reveal unto you the of state mankind now, mankind seeks power land possessions wealth comfort physical in this life without considering that all that mankind does and possesses in this life at the present is a vanity of vanities, in that at the end of earthly existence all, even the body has to be given up whether mankind wants it or not, but mankind does not consider until too late to prepare for life after death or the consequence of their actions upon this earth and that mankind has failed to take the opportunity to attain unto everlasting life through the Messiah.
    Therefore let Me reveal fully what was before the fall and immediately afterwards, thou dost only consider the story of Adam and Eve and the command not to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the temptation, eating of the fruit and the casting out of My garden, but let Me reveal unto thee the condition of Adam and Eve before the fall, the temptation and the casting out of the My garden.
     Mankind what created perfect in every way and if mankind had not fallen would have lived forever in a perfect state of happiness and peace and blessedness without measure upon the Earth, they were unaware they were naked because the climate was at that time perfect thus there was no necessity for clothing and the Earth yielded up the fruit of the ground without measure and without effort on the part of mankind. But was it not My command that they should go forth and multiply and populate the face of the Earth and have dominion over all the creatures of the Earth, does the command to populate the Earth not mean that mankind was commanded to bear children who would grow up to live forever and populate the whole of creation. Also were they not created in My image spiritually, having a perfect body.
    Thus for a length of time not as ye measure it but far beyond a thousand of your earth years as ye measure them for their existence was not limited by time as death did not exist then, they enjoyed a perfect state and that continued even after they fell, they lived for over a thousand of thy years giving birth to many offspring, before the penalty of disobedience to My command resulted in death physical for it was My warning that in the day that they did eat thereof they would  surely die. Because mankind was responsible for the whole of creation having dominion over it the punishment of death was imposed on the whole of creation. But death spiritual was not imposed on the creatures of the Earth their spirit comes out from Me and thus returns unto Me at death. But what does death spiritual mean it means as does physical a cutting of from the source of life and as I am the source of all life it means a cutting off from Me.
    Thus Adam and Eve in their perfect state there was complete and perfect harmony with all of that which ye call nature, then mankind fell, but the imposition of the penalty of death was delay so that mankind would have the chance to turn and repent and regain his first estate but only on a one to one basis in that everyone would be given the chance at salvation through the promised Messiah which was typified by Abel’s first sacrifice to Me and because of jealousy resulted in his murder by Cain nevertheless he along with his mother and father gained salvation because they believed in the promised Messiah and obeyed all of My commandments to the end of their days.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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