Wednesday 22 July 2020


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the Host of Heaven and the Heaven of Heavens I who hold all of creation in the palm of My hand who says and it comes to pass doth command and it is so and the only true eternal saviour redeemer and Passover Lamb the Messiah and Roach Hakodesh by whom My will is worked out in all of creation from the beginning according as I so planned and ordained in all eternity especially in all of the Earth to the glory of My Holy Name He who by many of the Nations call the Holy Spirit and by others also the Spirit of all truth, purity, righteousness, Holiness and divine Justice in the weighing of all of the Nations in the balances of My Just Judgement until Judgment dawns saith the Lord God of the Hosts of the Heavens and the Heaven of Heavens thus as afore so said these being the days of wrath and anger wherein all the Nations by Me are being and shall be weighed in the balances of My Just Judgement and have and are to be punished even according to the demands of My Holy Laws and Commandments that they have broken throughout all of their existence upon the face of the Earth broken each and each and every one of My Moral Laws the punishment that I shall caused to descend upon all the guilty Nations of the Earth even the all consuming fury of My wrath and anger shall be by the Nations shall be most grievous to bear they having none excuse before Me for I for warned them of My wrath and anger to come and gave them the means whereby they could escape for I in grace and mercy did give unto all the Nations as so said the means and the way of escaping My wrath to come at this time upon the Earth and in Judgment upon Judgment day at the end of days now is not long off by forgiving them in the days of grace and mercy now ended of all sins crimes and transgressions and of original sin inherited from mankind’s first parents if they repented and by Faith were redeemed through the cleansing shed blood of the only true eternal Passover Lamb the Messiah IMMANUEL. Of which as afore said by many of the Nations of the Earth was rejected even though as I so warned all of mankind that these days once ended the days of wrath and anger and the punishing of the Nations by the all consuming fires of My wrath and anger would begin and hath begun and as so said now shall indeed descend upon all the Nations that did at that time refused to repent and be forgiven of all sins trespasses and the crimes of breaking My Holy Laws and Commandments and be redeemed by Faith through the blood of the only true and eternal Passover Lamb and Promised Messiah IMMANUEL the promise as is so said set down and revealed in all of My Most Holy Word Law and the prophets. Thus as now it is as so said that these being the days of wrath and anger and the punishing as weighed in the balances of My Just Judgment  begun upon Judged Nations of the Earth all those now found guilty of the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments especially My Moral Law and of great wickedness evil corruption immorality and iniquity and also guilt of the pollution and destruction of the environment of the Earth which hath as said afore many a time resulted in the cruel injuries and deaths of the creatures of My creation though one point needs to be made that many of the activists emphasise the effect climate change or the devastation thereof of the climate caused by mankind hath upon all of mankind in the main seemingly to neglect to emphasise the effect it hath and shall have upon all of the creatures of My creation thus say I that mankind by the pollution of the environment hath sowed to the wind of My wrath and anger and now must and shall  indeed reap the whirlwind of their actions by the full fury of My wrath and anger at this time descending upon all of those guilty of so doing thus as mankind says in as far as those found  guilty of committing a crime that punishment must fit the crime committed so shall My punishment fit the crimes of mankind against the creatures of My creation thereof committed by all the Nations of the Earth in the devastation and destruction of the environment and the cruel injuries and deaths of the creatures of My creation resulting there from. Thus as so said I have Judged this Nation even CÔTE D’IVOIRE and having weighted them in the balances of My Just Judgement and having found them guilty of breaking all of My Most Holy Laws and Commandments and of My Holy Moral Law I am so set and determined to punish this Nation CÔTE D’IVOIRE in these days of wrath and anger by the IRON ROD of My Just Judgment unto perfection even according to all of My Holy Laws and Commandments as is so set down and revealed in My Word com and being unrepentant so shall My wrath and anger death and destruction and a casting own thereof of this Nation shall most shall surely come to pass by Earth quake and tornadoes hurricanes and great storms of tidal waves and tsunamis of floods followed by drought and famines caused by the increased heat of the sun bearing down upon the land causing the ground to become as hard as iron whereon crops and vegetation shall cease to exist also shall follow plagues pestilence and disease and famine on such as scale that shall not only devastate this whole region but all around about turning into that which called by the Nations pandemics of which the Nations in those regions affected shall be unable to contain. But not only shall I punish this Nation for the crimes of the pollution and devastation of the environment that hath and doth result in the cruel injuries of the creatures of My creation, but shall punish this Nations government for its failure to meet the needs of the needy of their Nation even of the sick the terminally ill the widow and the orphan the homeless and the poverty stricken the destitute and the refugee seeking refuge from civil war persecution at the hands of cruel tyrannical governments who govern their Nation by a cruel heartless system that places power in the hands of tyrants that subjects the people of those Nations to become in all but name slaves. But more so shall I punish this Nations Government for having failed in the provision of adequate care and protection for the young the very young and the vulnerable of this Nation against those who would harm abuse or even murder them. But in as far as the punishment of this Nation is concerned as so said unto all the Nations thus far due to be punished by Me so say I to this Nation even CÔTE D’IVOIRE if this Nation turns from off all disobedience to all of My Holy Laws and commandment and from all wickedness immorality corruption and the breaking of all of My Moral Laws and obey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and My Moral Law from the heart according as so set down in My Word the Law and the prophets so shall I bless protect and prosper this Nation as it hath never afore been blessed or prospered in all that they do and shall surrounded this Nation around about with by My presence protecting them from all of their enemies until My Judgment day dawns at the end of days but if not then so shall I with the full fury of My wrath and anger descend upon this Nation and the rest of the African Nations. Thus it is saith the Lord God where there is life there is hope and in hope there is life and as I AM THAT I AM , am the source of all life in Me there is hope for all who believe in the only true eternal Passover Lamb and Messiah IMMANUEL

This is My Word unto thee saith the Lord God

from the prophet of the Lord

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