Tuesday 25 April 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God unto thee in as far as the elections in two Nations are concerned the UK and France and also those that are to happen in the near future in the EU there are going to be some massive shocks in store for both Nations parties especially the one which is expecting a greater majority than they had before the election began and one that is confident in the EU that they are going to win that election. But greater shocks are in store for those National elections which in the EU are going to take place in the near future for the peoples priorities as concerning how they want their country to be governed has change from what it was in the past in as far as border control immigration the refugee problem and their desire for greater security against the growing terrorist threat are concerned thus the party that meets those priorities in their manifesto will be elected to govern their country. Those standing to be elected to Government and to be the Governing party of their country should realise that if they want to win their election those issues should be at the for front of their campaigning but not only to use these issues as a means for being elected but using the election platform to give the firm assurance that what they promise they will most assuredly carry out that their election promises are not empty promises but firm commitments. There are those in the UK who are campaigning on issues that are no longer a priority in as far as the general public are concerned especially one party which is because of its leader missing an opportunity to gain seats in government instead of losing them, because of the issue they are campaigning on and not what their leader should be campaigning on, what they are campaigning on are not at the moment of paramount importance to the electorate. The problem with the politicians and their parties are that they don’t listen to the electorate at to what their main concerns and major issues are and what they expect their politicians to do for them if elected to be the Governing party instead the parties campaigning to be elected to government tell the electorate what they are going to do for them which as afore said is far from what the electorate as a whole want and expect of their parties if elected to government and this in the EU is causing the member Nations desire for change in the way the EU is being governed from being a stagnant bureaucracy system to a system of government that when there is a necessity for change does not hesitate to meet that need and is willing to listen to the voice of its member states and their people in a practical manner. Thus unless the EU government is willing to listen to its member states will find that fragmentation of the EU is inevitable

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

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