Thursday 1 March 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee saith the Lord God of the whole of creation in as far as Brexit and the Irish border question is concerned. Both the EU and the UK want an open free border between Northern and Southern Ireland which cannot and will not have under the present EU Customs and Single Market and ECJ rules and regulations are concerned unless the EU is willing to ease those rules and regulations so that a borderless crossing between Northern and Southern Ireland could exist of which it cannot and will not do for if it did then all border rules and regulations for the customs union and the single market would have to be scraped. In effect the EU would as a Union collapse and each member would be able to set their own border controls and negotiate trade deals with the rest of the Global Trading Nations without restriction setting up their own import and export rules and regulations. The downside of which would be that they all would be in competition with each other to negotiate for the best trade deals with the Global trading Nations which would mean success and prosperity for some and failure and poverty for other former Nations of the EU. Which leaves but one question how can the EU and the UK negotiate a borderless crossing between Northern and Southern Ireland when the EU's position is clear that unless the UK is willing to give up Northern Ireland bringing about Unity with the South then a hard border has to and will exist and all commitment to the good Friday agreement would be brought into question. The UK’s  position is that while it is willing to find a solution to the Irish Border question it is not willing to give up Northern Ireland as a integral part of the UK and neither are the Northern Irish willing also  to give up their  Unity with the UK thus it is that the EU without Irish Unity cannot have its cake and Eat it and neither can the UK have its cake and eat it without giving up Northern Ireland in other words a hard border must exist between North and South. Even being in the customs union would not solve the dilemma. For the Border to remain as is the UK would have to be a member both of the customs union and the single market as the integral part of free trade across the EU including Ireland is the free movement of goods and people. That Southern Ireland wants to become one united country and whilst the UK was in the EU that is what in reality virtually existed and with closer integration being a possibility then the Irish Government was confident in the future that would become a reality, but Brexit has dash all hopes of that happening. The only way now for that to become a reality is for the UK if it wants an open free border between Northern and Southern Ireland is to allow Irish Unity by giving up any claim to Northern Ireland and in as far as this is concerned they have the full backing of the EU which will keep on pressing the UK to give up Northern Ireland if the UK wants a free open Border between Northern and Southern Ireland. Thus say I saith the Holy One of Israel the only true Living God and Redeemer if both sides to put it as thou wouldst say it, stick to their guns and will not budge so much as an inch or a centimetre then a hard border it shall and has to be.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

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