Thursday 22 March 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee of this generation of this people and of the Nations of the Earth when they come before Me in Judgment what shall My verdict be? Thus it is over the ages from the very beginning have I sent out My servants to warn them of the wrath to come upon them if the did not turn from all manner of wickedness adultery fornication murder debate deceit corruption and iniquity and what the consequences would be if they did not turn and repent to walk before Me in purity righteousness and truth seeking ever to be obedient to all of My Holy Laws and Commandments by faith seeking always to be pure in heart. Many did but others did rebel and continued to walk upon the path they were on hardening their hearts and setting their faces as stone in the direction they were going stopping up their ears deaf to the warnings proclaimed unto them from the mouths of My servants sent to warn them but not only did they rebel but did persecute and torture many of My servants others they burned at the stake laughing whilst they did so and mocking say where is thy God now beg for Him to come down and put out the flames or save thee from thy chains which bind thee but they found out that I will not be mocked and did reward them for their evil deeds even by sending a great plague upon all of the lands of Europe and scorching their cities with fire in which many perished and where after death cast into the pit to await the final Judgment and even recently have I punished the Nations of the Earth by whirlwind and fire by earthquake and tidal wave which thou hast named tsunamis by volcanoes and by plague and famine for all the wickedness immorality idolatry hard heartlessness in refusing to come to the aid of those who desperately needed thy help even those in war torn countries, just looking on and doing nothing to help them in the way they needed help the most. Yea thou didst help the refugees who fled when they did to other Nations around about but and if thou aided them as thou ought to have done in the way thou ought to have done those who became refugees need not to have become refugees in the first place. There is only one punishment for those Governments that turn on and rob and murder their own people total and utter destruction along with those who aid them and as this is what verdict of Judgement I give now as I did in the past so shall it come upon them as they have shown no mercy towards their own people so shall they have no mercy shown to them when I come in the full fury of My wrath and anger to destroy them even after the final verdict be given when after their lives on Earth are ended by My right hand when it strikes them with the sword of My vengeance shall they be cast into the pit even that place thou callest hell and it is that nothing shall save them from being cast therein. But what verdict shall be given when all of mankind are brought before Me and when the righteous and the wicked have been separated as is wheat from the chaff after the harvest and what shall be the punishment of the wicked and unrighteous and what shall be the reward of those righteous by Faith in the Eternal Passover Lamb even Messiah as said afore as with the chaff the wicked for burning and the righteous for Heaven and everlasting life peace happiness wherein the lion shall lay down with the Lamb and the child will play on a snakes nest without harm of fear for in all of My Kingdom there shall be no harm that shall befall any fear and death shall not and cannot exist for I AM THE SOURCE OF ALL LIFE SPIRITUAL AND PHYSICAL so it is all who are of Me through faith in the Eternal Passover Lamb the Messiah cannot and shall never taste death eternal and all who are disobedient and wicked and rebellious who refuse salvation through faith in the Messiah cannot and shall not taste eternal life in heaven thus it is to be a part of Me is life eternal and separated from Me death eternal.

This is the Word of God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

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