Thursday 22 June 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I at this time that this Great Nation is Leaderless which is shown by the present Leaders inability to govern this Great Nation as it should be governed. What is need is a Leader to step into the breach which now exists who has at heart the concerns and welfare and the unity of this Nation. One who knows what their budget proposals are for education health welfare and social services, for transport and road and rail maintenance and repair and investment for extra funding for the security and emergency services for the military and the Intelligence services and border control of this Nation and the foreign aid budget funding and of course trade and industry investment. But paramount is knowing the source of their budget where the revenue is to come from and can the present taxation system support their budget proposals and can they reverse the austerity measures to a sensible and acceptable level to keep Government borrowing down without punishing the population of the country proposing to put in place austerity measures that are acceptable to all the Parliamentary parties and the public at large. Who will seek to allay the fears of the business sector over the Brexit negotiations by addressing practically their concerns and promise an escalation of investment for trade and industry to meet Britain’s entry into the global trading market and will keep that promise.  One who has his or her eyes fixed on the civil service budget and is it justifiable in every respect of its structure and maintinence. A leader that will address the needs of medical research and make sure they get the necessary funding and for science and the arts, one who will address the need for regenerating the house building program to build rentable and affordable housing. The responsibilities of any PM and their cabinet is such that the petty wrangling and childish arguments and character assassinations should never even enter into their minds much less being voice in Parliament, more and more it seems that parliamentary sessions have been sinking into becoming mudsling sessions. Therefore if a strong determined Leader is PM he or she should be able to ensure that sensible calm and constructive debates on resolving the issues of major public concern will be the order of the day. To be sure saith the Lord God of Host there are others in thy history who have been leaders of this Nation who would have been ashamed of all of the present political parties and this generation of politicians and their attitude to each other and their lack of respect for the office they have sworn by their oath to uphold and to perform to the best of their ability never by their acctions to bring it into disrepute which they are doing in as far as both the governing and opposition parties by their lack of endeavouring to meet the pressing needs of this generations citizens, young and old sick and disabled homeless and poverty stricken jobless and those in work struggling to make ends meet for them and their families working all the hours they can to keep a roof over their heads and those struggling in this modern ages to keep body and soul together and there was one who did and was alive now would be sore tempted as he did then to kick the lot of them into touch. Thus I repeat what is now needed is a strong determined Leader in place as PM who is fit and capable of governing this great Nation and one who will form a Brexit negotiating team from all the political parties to negotiate a beneficial deal for the whole of the UK and For the EU especially all the citizens of the EU living in Britain and the British living in the EU

This is the Word of The Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

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