Saturday 24 June 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee at this time in as far as the Grenfell flats fire disaster who is really to blame for the National Block Cladding refurbishment by materials that don't meet fire safety standards as required by Law has to be laid at this Governmental Parties door by the imposition of the Extreme Austerity measure put in place when it won the previous General Election by the then Prime Minister. Which forced Local Governments to make budget spending cuts throughout their boroughs forcing them to take on when the refurbishment program for high-rise blocks came into effect and was put out for firms to submit tenders for the contract of refurbishing high-rise blocks of flats to accept the lowest tender. Of which samples of materials presented to the then local authorities where up to standard and complied with fire safety regulations. There are three problems herein present before thee one is that the contractor didn't refurbish the blocks of flats with the same materials of which samples were presented to the local authorities and two there was no overall supervision of the installation of the cladding by local authority inspectors and three was there after refurbishment was completed a fire safety inspection carried out to make sure the refurbishment met all fire safety rules and regulations required by Law. So on all of these refurbished blocks of flats the implications are that the firm installing the cladding knew exactly the materials they were using were not fire retardant materials and could never meet fire safety regulations for high rise blocks of flats. That the local authority neglected to make the necessary fire safety inspections during the refurbishment and when it was completed. That the Local authorities because of budget cuts could not accept a tender from a reputable known company that used high standard materials because of the high costing of the tender submitted but should have applied to central government for extra funding to comply with all health and safety and fire regulations which by law should have been applied to all the blocks of flats being refurbished which seems have been almost ignored. But the extreme austerity measures which the then Government put in place are to blame and therefore the Government itself which if it continues to apply present austerity measures on all other public and security services and local authorities NHS services, fire and ambulance and police services and as well as the military capability for the present armed services to adequately protect this Nation especially after leaving the EU the effect will be catastrophic leaving this country on a conventional Militarily basis vulnerable except in the case of a Nuclear attack an escalation by any world power which is extremely unlikely. For the foreseeable future all Military conflicts will be conventional ones.

This is the Word of God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

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