Friday 2 June 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

                       Thus saith I AM THAT I AM at this time unto thee even He who is the Lord of Host and creator of all that is was and ever shall be I it is who hath separated this Nation unto Myself both at this time and in the past to be to the Glory of My Holy Name. Thus say I that the terrorist have made the greatest mistake they could have ever made as is being revealed when they attacked Manchester. London might be a mighty city and the brains of this Nation but Manchester is it heart and in their attempt to bring the fear of the terrorist threat of causing disharmony and disunity and a fearful trembling and a weakness of the knees in anticipation of further attacks to this City they have but done the opposite it has brought Unity and harmony and a defiance against the terrorist threat and as said Manchester being the heart of Britain is beating harder than ever before causing that unity and harmony and defiance and strength of spirit to course throughout this Nation like blood coursing through the veins of the human body, thus becoming an example to the rest of the World that truly united people and Nation cannot be defeated by terrorism or any other threat. This Nation has a kind and sympathetic heart willing to help any Nation in trouble if it can which can be mistaken as weakness and it takes a lot to provoke this people and this Nation but as has proven in the past two world wars and the attempts of mighty Empires to conquer this Nation when it has its back against the wall it comes out fighting with such ferocity that woe betide any who gets in its way especially the terrorists. Other Nations might fear and tremble but this Nation will not bow the knee to any terrorist organization or any tyrant or dictator. This Nation has become and will remain a defiant symbol of the right of free democratic people to live in peace harmony and security.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

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