Thursday 7 June 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of Israel and of all those who are of Me even all of the Holy People throughout all of the Earth from every tribe and |Nation under the sun who are saved from the wrath to come by the outpoured blood of the true and only Passover Lamb  of which the Passover lamb in Egypt was a sign of the true eternal Passover Lamb even the Messiah to come who would lay down His life for all of His people all of those who throughout the ages past and present who have been are and shall be through faith be saved from My Wrath to Come upon all of the Earth and upon all of mankind. Is it not so that the EU declared that it had no intentions of punishing the UK for leaving the EU and has it not contradicted its declaration by its most recent action against the British car exports to the EU that is in fact an attack on the British export industry to the EU because British manufactured cars are not built entirely from domestic parts they cannot be exported under a free trade agreement with the EU in other words because of the parts in British Cars that are manufactured abroad many of which are imported from the EU. EU tariffs have to be applied is that not like shooting oneself in the foot for the import market from the EU to the UK is greater than the UK's export market to the EU in that many cars in Britain are imported from the EU and if the UK wanted to be realy nasty about it could impose its own tariffs on EU cars and parts from the EU which would cause the EU’s export market to suffer. But in as far as this action by the EU is not punishing Britain for leaving the EU what is and this will not be the first nor the last restriction the EU will seek to apply to the UK's export market to the EU. But in the end it will not be the UK will suffer from this EU's trade protectionism and spiteful manoeuvring of the EU to make sure Britain does not benefit from Leaving the EU but make sure the UK suffers as much as possible from even trying to leave the EU of which had the UK government had the sense to read between the lines of the claims of the EU and its negotiating position the EU had no intention whatsoever of making the UK's transition from the EU plain sailing and had every intentions right from the start of punishing the UK and making it as difficult as it possibly could as actions speak louder than words saith the Holy One of Israel so the actions of the EU have from  the very  from the beginning  shown what its what its attitude and true intentions have been towards the UK and still is. But in as far as the backstop plan proposed by the UK government to appease the EU and retain an open Irish border is a betrayal of the wishes of the British people to leave the EU as voted for in the referendum and will result in a backlash from the British public and the possibility of a no confidence vote in the present Prime minister of the UK and if a new  capable candidate not being found a General Election being called.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

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