Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob
Thus saith the Lord God even the Holy One of Israel no one should make promises they cannot keep but say I at this time those seeking to be elected to govern the UK as they have made promises in their manifestos they had better make sure they can keep them for if those who are in the end elected to govern the UK fail to keep the promise they have made in their manifestos they shall I hold to account for having failed in the keeping of them and they it is who shall not alone have to face those who elected to govern their Nation as promised faithfully wisely but I Myself also for it shall be in wrath and anger shall I punish them full measure and they shall know indeed what it is to be Judge and punished by Me in wrath and anger by the IRON ROD of My Just Judgement and in the end they shall wish that they had never ever made the promises they have made if they fail to keep them for not only shall they be cast out of Government but shall indeed be cast down unto the dust of the ground not only losing their positions but all that they have in their lives upon the Earth. But it is as is set down and revealed in all of My Word saith the Lord God of Hosts the Holy One of Israel that I AM THAT I AM am the creator of all that is was and ever shall be the Universe and all of creation that doth exist upon the face of the Earth even all of the creatures and mankind that doth live and move and have their being in Me and without Me saith the Lord God could not exist for I am the source of all life whether it be the life of the forest the fields of the Earth the crops thereof that are planted therein that do spring up to provide sustenance for mankind or the insects animals the fowls of the air fish of the sea all are of Me and go out from Me and unto Me return once their lives on earth have ended and mankind the chief of My creation who was lead astray by the adversary in the form of a serpent and fell bringing upon all of My creation the curse of death not only upon the creatures of the Earth and all animal and plant life but upon himself and his descendants till the end of time. But even so I had mercy on mankind and provided a way back unto Me and to be resurrected unto eternal life even through the Messiah IMMANUEL the only true eternal Passover Lamb if mankind was willing to repent seeking of Me forgiveness and by faith upon being forgiven redeemed by the shed blood of the only rue Passover lamb and Messiah and though many were and have been willing to repent and turn unto Me saith the Lord God of the Host of Heaven of which many have received their just due reward and those who have and do repent and turn unto Me by Faith in the Messiah who shall do have of a certainty have in My Kingdom a place prepared for them upon passing for this earthly existence even all of those who have in the days of grace and mercy ended before Judgment day dawns turned unto Me and repented and by Faith in the only true redeemer saviour and Messiah been redeemed. But as I so said all of those who have refuse to turn and repent through faith in the Messiah which I would have rather they do for as so said I have no joy even in the death of the wicked and though I want it not all shall have to face Me in Judgement upon Judgement day even all of those who I have Judged and found guilty of breaking My Holy Laws and Commandments especially My Moral Laws who are filled with all manner of unrighteousness and do commit great wickedness immorality and corruption haters of fathers mothers brothers and sisters and follow after all of the lust of their own hearts committing all manner of crimes and perversions who are murderers rapist kidnapers abusers of children terrorist even all of those who are twice dead plucked up by the roots and like unto chaff separated from the wheat are and have been reserved for the burning even to be cast into the fiery furnace of the lake of the fires of eternal torment that exists in the bottomless pit who shall upon being Judged upon Judgment day being found guilty of all manner os sins transgressions unrighteousness wickedness immorality and corruption but and especially guilty of the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments shall be sentenced to by the angel of death to be cast into the bottomless pit forever but the one all the wicked unbelieving rebellious and disobedient breakers of My Holy Laws and commandments hate and fear most of all saith the Lord God is I Myself for it is that I it is who shall sit in Judgment of them on Judgement day. Thus say I soon shall indeed Judgement day shall dawn but first that which is soon to come pass and shall come to pass is the gathering of the armies of the Earth even of each and every Nation on the battle fields of the middle East for the Last great battle and war for said I not the middle East is a powder keg ready to explode that once the fuse thereof is lit it cannot be extinguish once it had reach a certain point and that point hath now being reached beyond which it cannot be extinguished and this powder keg shall having exploded is and shall cause great shall the devastation that shall result thereof so much so that the weaker Nations of the Middle East shall never be able to recover but will go down into the dust of the Earth to be no more and as so said in My Word a river of blood shall flow that shall even reach up unto an horses hooves. But as so said at this time I shall as so said I would once the days of wrath and anger began, punish full measure these Nation GEORGIA and TURKMENISTAN having afore in the Judging of all the Nations found them guilty of breaking My Holy Laws and commandments especially My Moral Laws and also having been found guilty of all manner of unrighteousness wickedness corruption and immorality I shall with the IRON ROD OF MY JUST JUDGEMENT PUNISH THEM FULL MEASURE but not only for the breaking of My Holy Laws and commandments shall I punish these Nations but I shall also punish them having been found guilty of the pollution and destruction of the environment of their Nations that hath resulted in the cruel injury and the deaths of the creatures of My creation of which those I have found guilty of so doing shall not in Judgment be held by Me guiltless but shall suffer the full punishment which is their just due thereof as shall all of the Nations who shall and have commit crimes against the creatures of My creation also I shall not hold the governments of these Nations guiltless they having failed to meet the needs of the Need of their Nations of which they are responsible as also is the responsibility of every government on the face of the Earth to meet the needs of the needy of their Nations even of the sick the disabled the terminally ill the blind deaf and dumb and the most vulnerable and especially providing adequate care and protection for the young and the very you against those who would harm abuse or even murder them also the elderly the widow and those seeking refugee fleeing persecution starvation and civil war and the destitute and the poverty stricken especially those with families thus say I upon now finding these Nations guilty of so neglecting the needy of their Nation I shall in wrath and anger punish them most severely as even I shall all of those who I find guilty of breaking any or all of My Holy Laws and Commandments even in wrath and anger and as so said by the IRON ROD OF MY JUST JUDGMENT and by Earth Quake whirlwind and fire by great storms hurricanes tornadoes by the Eruption of Volcanoes in many places by tsunamis and tidal waves and greet floods followed by drought and famine plague and pestilence and uncontrollable diseases. But as so said the day of great troubles and the punishing of the Nations hath begun and shall not end until all the Nations of the Earth have by Me saith the Holy One of Israel in these days of wrath and anger have been punished and Judgment day has dawned at the end of days. But as all who shall in these days of wrath and anger do turn from their disobedience of My Holy Laws and Commandments and from the heart obey them fully I shall until Judgment day dawns with hold My wrath and anger from them and shall bless those who from the depths of their hearts obey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments with peace and prosperity. But be assured those who do not shall have descending upon them the full measure of My Wrath and anger by the Iron rod of My Just Judgment. Thus saith the Lord God even the Holy One of Israel no one should make promises they cannot keep but say I at this time those seeking to be elected to govern the UK as they have made promises in their manifestos they had better make sure they can keep them for if those who are in the end elected to govern the UK fail to keep the promise they have made in their manifestos they shall I hold to account for having failed in the keeping of them and they it is who shall not alone have to face those who elected to govern their Nation as promised faithfully wisely but I Myself also for it shall be in wrath and anger shall I punish them full measure and they shall know indeed what it is to be Judge and punished by Me in wrath and anger by the IRON ROD of My Just Judgement and in the end they shall wish that they had never ever made the promises they have made if they fail to keep them for not only shall they be cast out of Government but shall indeed be cast down unto the dust of the ground not only losing their positions but all that they have in their lives upon the Earth.
This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee
from the prophet of the Lord
Thus saith the Lord God even the Holy One of Israel no one should make promises they cannot keep but say I at this time those seeking to be elected to govern the UK as they have made promises in their manifestos they had better make sure they can keep them for if those who are in the end elected to govern the UK fail to keep the promise they have made in their manifestos they shall I hold to account for having failed in the keeping of them and they it is who shall not alone have to face those who elected to govern their Nation as promised faithfully wisely but I Myself also for it shall be in wrath and anger shall I punish them full measure and they shall know indeed what it is to be Judge and punished by Me in wrath and anger by the IRON ROD of My Just Judgement and in the end they shall wish that they had never ever made the promises they have made if they fail to keep them for not only shall they be cast out of Government but shall indeed be cast down unto the dust of the ground not only losing their positions but all that they have in their lives upon the Earth. But it is as is set down and revealed in all of My Word saith the Lord God of Hosts the Holy One of Israel that I AM THAT I AM am the creator of all that is was and ever shall be the Universe and all of creation that doth exist upon the face of the Earth even all of the creatures and mankind that doth live and move and have their being in Me and without Me saith the Lord God could not exist for I am the source of all life whether it be the life of the forest the fields of the Earth the crops thereof that are planted therein that do spring up to provide sustenance for mankind or the insects animals the fowls of the air fish of the sea all are of Me and go out from Me and unto Me return once their lives on earth have ended and mankind the chief of My creation who was lead astray by the adversary in the form of a serpent and fell bringing upon all of My creation the curse of death not only upon the creatures of the Earth and all animal and plant life but upon himself and his descendants till the end of time. But even so I had mercy on mankind and provided a way back unto Me and to be resurrected unto eternal life even through the Messiah IMMANUEL the only true eternal Passover Lamb if mankind was willing to repent seeking of Me forgiveness and by faith upon being forgiven redeemed by the shed blood of the only rue Passover lamb and Messiah and though many were and have been willing to repent and turn unto Me saith the Lord God of the Host of Heaven of which many have received their just due reward and those who have and do repent and turn unto Me by Faith in the Messiah who shall do have of a certainty have in My Kingdom a place prepared for them upon passing for this earthly existence even all of those who have in the days of grace and mercy ended before Judgment day dawns turned unto Me and repented and by Faith in the only true redeemer saviour and Messiah been redeemed. But as I so said all of those who have refuse to turn and repent through faith in the Messiah which I would have rather they do for as so said I have no joy even in the death of the wicked and though I want it not all shall have to face Me in Judgement upon Judgement day even all of those who I have Judged and found guilty of breaking My Holy Laws and Commandments especially My Moral Laws who are filled with all manner of unrighteousness and do commit great wickedness immorality and corruption haters of fathers mothers brothers and sisters and follow after all of the lust of their own hearts committing all manner of crimes and perversions who are murderers rapist kidnapers abusers of children terrorist even all of those who are twice dead plucked up by the roots and like unto chaff separated from the wheat are and have been reserved for the burning even to be cast into the fiery furnace of the lake of the fires of eternal torment that exists in the bottomless pit who shall upon being Judged upon Judgment day being found guilty of all manner os sins transgressions unrighteousness wickedness immorality and corruption but and especially guilty of the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments shall be sentenced to by the angel of death to be cast into the bottomless pit forever but the one all the wicked unbelieving rebellious and disobedient breakers of My Holy Laws and commandments hate and fear most of all saith the Lord God is I Myself for it is that I it is who shall sit in Judgment of them on Judgement day. Thus say I soon shall indeed Judgement day shall dawn but first that which is soon to come pass and shall come to pass is the gathering of the armies of the Earth even of each and every Nation on the battle fields of the middle East for the Last great battle and war for said I not the middle East is a powder keg ready to explode that once the fuse thereof is lit it cannot be extinguish once it had reach a certain point and that point hath now being reached beyond which it cannot be extinguished and this powder keg shall having exploded is and shall cause great shall the devastation that shall result thereof so much so that the weaker Nations of the Middle East shall never be able to recover but will go down into the dust of the Earth to be no more and as so said in My Word a river of blood shall flow that shall even reach up unto an horses hooves. But as so said at this time I shall as so said I would once the days of wrath and anger began, punish full measure these Nation GEORGIA and TURKMENISTAN having afore in the Judging of all the Nations found them guilty of breaking My Holy Laws and commandments especially My Moral Laws and also having been found guilty of all manner of unrighteousness wickedness corruption and immorality I shall with the IRON ROD OF MY JUST JUDGEMENT PUNISH THEM FULL MEASURE but not only for the breaking of My Holy Laws and commandments shall I punish these Nations but I shall also punish them having been found guilty of the pollution and destruction of the environment of their Nations that hath resulted in the cruel injury and the deaths of the creatures of My creation of which those I have found guilty of so doing shall not in Judgment be held by Me guiltless but shall suffer the full punishment which is their just due thereof as shall all of the Nations who shall and have commit crimes against the creatures of My creation also I shall not hold the governments of these Nations guiltless they having failed to meet the needs of the Need of their Nations of which they are responsible as also is the responsibility of every government on the face of the Earth to meet the needs of the needy of their Nations even of the sick the disabled the terminally ill the blind deaf and dumb and the most vulnerable and especially providing adequate care and protection for the young and the very you against those who would harm abuse or even murder them also the elderly the widow and those seeking refugee fleeing persecution starvation and civil war and the destitute and the poverty stricken especially those with families thus say I upon now finding these Nations guilty of so neglecting the needy of their Nation I shall in wrath and anger punish them most severely as even I shall all of those who I find guilty of breaking any or all of My Holy Laws and Commandments even in wrath and anger and as so said by the IRON ROD OF MY JUST JUDGMENT and by Earth Quake whirlwind and fire by great storms hurricanes tornadoes by the Eruption of Volcanoes in many places by tsunamis and tidal waves and greet floods followed by drought and famine plague and pestilence and uncontrollable diseases. But as so said the day of great troubles and the punishing of the Nations hath begun and shall not end until all the Nations of the Earth have by Me saith the Holy One of Israel in these days of wrath and anger have been punished and Judgment day has dawned at the end of days. But as all who shall in these days of wrath and anger do turn from their disobedience of My Holy Laws and Commandments and from the heart obey them fully I shall until Judgment day dawns with hold My wrath and anger from them and shall bless those who from the depths of their hearts obey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments with peace and prosperity. But be assured those who do not shall have descending upon them the full measure of My Wrath and anger by the Iron rod of My Just Judgment. Thus saith the Lord God even the Holy One of Israel no one should make promises they cannot keep but say I at this time those seeking to be elected to govern the UK as they have made promises in their manifestos they had better make sure they can keep them for if those who are in the end elected to govern the UK fail to keep the promise they have made in their manifestos they shall I hold to account for having failed in the keeping of them and they it is who shall not alone have to face those who elected to govern their Nation as promised faithfully wisely but I Myself also for it shall be in wrath and anger shall I punish them full measure and they shall know indeed what it is to be Judge and punished by Me in wrath and anger by the IRON ROD of My Just Judgement and in the end they shall wish that they had never ever made the promises they have made if they fail to keep them for not only shall they be cast out of Government but shall indeed be cast down unto the dust of the ground not only losing their positions but all that they have in their lives upon the Earth.
This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee
from the prophet of the Lord
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