Thursday, 17 September 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

    The moral state of the Nations has angered Me so much so that if those immoral Nations do not turn from their immoral wicked ways then upon those Nation's I shall pour out My wrath and anger in full measure, I do not mean their concept of morality but that which is set down in My Word I mean a morality both physical and spiritual that conforms to My Holy Will and Law, I have been thus far lenient with the Nations and their actions both physical and spiritual but no longer, if there are those who refuse point blank to conform then they shall suffer My righteous indignation resulting ultimately in their destruction, this I want not for I would rather they turn from their wicked and rebellious ways to be blessed by Me having long and prosperous lives and I refrain from taking such a path that leads to destruction, but nevertheless if thou dost read My Law and do know the consequences then what follows is that which must follow is that which is set down in My Word as I have done with others in the past. I am a Just, Holy and merciful God but justice must be done and seen to be done, mercy is given to the repentant and the merciful not to the wicked and rebellious. Other civilizations have followed this immoral and wicked path and they have fallen at My hand from Sodom and Gomorrah to the Egyptian and Roman Empires. From the rise of the various European, Eastern and far Eastern Empires, to the rise of the German and Japanese these have been cast down by Me Working through those who I raised up for the purpose of casting down and destroying such as these which have sought to enslave peoples and lands and Nations. Sometimes I act directly and sometimes through acts of Nature other times through those that I raise up for the specific purpose of casting down these wicked and rebellious Nations. But their end is still the same total and utter destruction.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

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