Monday, 14 September 2015


Thus saith the Lord

        Beware that which is happening in Syria and Iraq it is for the regaining of those countries for the bath parties one under Assad and the other under Saddam’s old regime. But the backer who supplies support, weapons and money has but one objective and that is the control of Syria’s and Iraq's Oil field’s which will be promised payment for the support, finances and the weapons.
       He did it with Ukraine, backing rebel groups, then with their request anexing the crimea and making it part of his Nation and he will do it with these if he is allowed to. The west is already wary of putting troops into Iraq and sending into Syria aircraft to attack targets there now that his forces under the pretence of protecting his territory are in place is it not the beginning of that which happened in Ukraine? Will he anex Syria and Iraq making them  protectorates or part of his nation also?

       Also what you must ask is who is supplying weapons and money through various channels to the main rebel group in both countries? Is it the same one who is supplying Assad? Is Isis being just used as a means to an end?

       What western Nations have to worry about is will they stop at Iraq’s borders or carry on to Kuwait after its Oil. Once they control Iraq’s oil. Thus controlling the supply of oil to the west and putting what price they want upon it.

        Whoever controls the World's energy resources controls the World.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

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