Tuesday, 8 September 2015

#Attack on #British #jihadists

Thus saith the Lord.

    You have a few questions to ask yourselves about the attacks on two terrorists and the immigrants entering Europe. One is if this had been put before parliament , would it have voided secrecy and could not a  warning  have leaked out to the terrorists giving them a chance to avoided an attack and if British citizens joined Isis  if it would be illegal to attack them would it  give them  immunity from being attacked by British forces thus giving them a clear field to attack any British or European target  and knowing that if they had planned an attack thus putting the public and the crown and government in danger would it not be a crime to avoid dealing with it in the first place thus leading to them escaping justice. Security and secrecy in this instance was absolutely necessary as it was a threat to the public, the British crown and government. But if this had not been done would it not have given the terrorists a mandate to use any  British citizens who had joined Isis to attack British and European targets and would not any European country who had been attacked by British jihadists turn on the British government for not dealing with it in the first place?

Two, another point has to be set forward, yes refugees need help who flee from a war zone but awareness needs to be maintained as to the possibility of terrorists being amongst the refugees with the aim of attacking European and British targets.

from the prophet of the Lord.

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