Thursday, 24 September 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    The solution to the problem of Syria and Iraq is the same as when it first began the Nations of the World had the means to sort this out in the first place before it escalated to its present level and now must be addressed before it gets totally out of control and other Nations suffer at the hands of Isis, the Nations had the means but not the will. Now the will to sort it out must be found. The peoples fleeing the wars only want to go home and rebuild their homes and their lives. The ones who desire to stay are those seeking to play on the West’s hospitality who they now consider as a soft touch so to speak.
    Look unto the traffickers and the money they are making who are they and where are they from one answer to that is Isis needs money and people trafficking is a source of income and by Europe having an open door policy this solves two of their problems one money and two people they know killing to many of the population of both countries will provoke the west to take military action so the best way to get rid of those who oppose without mass killings is to make or help them to leave.
    So now the crisis approaches the dissolution of the Euro Zone or taking military action against Isis is a descision that has to be made, sooner rather than later when the problem is ten times worse than it is now.

This is the word of the Lord to you.

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