Wednesday, 30 September 2015


Thus saith the only true God and Redeemer even the creator of whole Universe and all that in it is.

    Whosoever doth cause or take part in the death on an innocent person no matter who they be shall suffer the consequences thereof for is it not said whatsoever ye do unto others shall be done unto thee also. So also shall all of those involved in that persons death suffer My Wrath and indignation to such an extent that they shall fall and great shall be the fall thereof.

This is word of the Lord to you.

Monday, 28 September 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob even the only true Messiah, redeemer and saviour.

                  My Earthly name was Yesus ben Yoseph or Jesus of Nazareth. I will not nor do not wear nor tolerate any other Name, even that added to by the Greeks or by the Romans or by any other Nation on Earth. The words that I say unto you are faithful and true for all the religions of mankind are as nought before Me, for there is but one Word and one covenant and that coenant is the covenant of the Lamb of God whom I am there is no division of My Word for the old covenant and that which ye claim to be the new or old and new testaments are but one whole for the first part is of promise the second is of promise fulfiled, I did apear unto Abraham on the plains of mamre before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorah and did tell Abraham of the birth of Isaac I AM THE FIRST AND THE LAST THE TRUE AND ONLY SAVIOUR HE WHO WAS BORN INTO THIS WORLD WHO DID LIVE AS A MAN AND DID DIE UPON THE TREE AND ROSE AGAIN FROM THE DEAD AND ASSENED INTO HEAVEN OF HEAVENS and it is only through Me can any of mankind be saved and redeemed and also none of mankind comes before the Father except through Me. Thus it is that I promised that ruash hackodesh or the Holy Spirti the Spirit of all truth holiness and righteousness shall be poured out upon mnakind before the great and terrible day that is to come upon the earth fire and smoke even great volcanoes earth quakes and floods and the turning of the moon to the colour of blood and a great darkness falling upon the Earth, the destruction of the armies arrayed in the vale of Jezreel for the last great battle. Then the end shall come. Behold all things shall become new for there shall be a new Earth and News Heavens. Wherein all shall live forever. The lion shall lay down with the lamb and children shall play where ever they please without fear and the youngest child shall be older than the oldest man who ever lived.

    Also take no heed of Assad and Putin in as far as Syria is concerned look unto that which ye see them doing and not what they tell you actions speak louder than words. Judge them by their past actions these are two who seek not peace with all of their people nor are set on reconciliation with the Western Nations. They seek to deceive so that their first objectives might be accomplished by lulling the west into a sense of peace in that country.

    This is the Word of the Lord to you.

Thursday, 24 September 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    The solution to the problem of Syria and Iraq is the same as when it first began the Nations of the World had the means to sort this out in the first place before it escalated to its present level and now must be addressed before it gets totally out of control and other Nations suffer at the hands of Isis, the Nations had the means but not the will. Now the will to sort it out must be found. The peoples fleeing the wars only want to go home and rebuild their homes and their lives. The ones who desire to stay are those seeking to play on the West’s hospitality who they now consider as a soft touch so to speak.
    Look unto the traffickers and the money they are making who are they and where are they from one answer to that is Isis needs money and people trafficking is a source of income and by Europe having an open door policy this solves two of their problems one money and two people they know killing to many of the population of both countries will provoke the west to take military action so the best way to get rid of those who oppose without mass killings is to make or help them to leave.
    So now the crisis approaches the dissolution of the Euro Zone or taking military action against Isis is a descision that has to be made, sooner rather than later when the problem is ten times worse than it is now.

This is the word of the Lord to you.

Saturday, 19 September 2015


Thus saith Lord God of Abram Isaac and Jacob

    As was with Israel and the prophets of old so shall it be now this is the only way I will reveal My Will and purpose to you and to all of the Holy People and that way is by the Spirit of all truth through a prophet who shall only be acceptable to you in this manner and that is when their lives and words are in agreement with My Word and that in context and also by confirmation in thine own heart and by signs following which is the fulfilment of past prophesy, false prophets ye have seen in the past and are many whose ways lead all who follow them astray to follow a path which leads down to the pit, by their fruits ye shall know them does a thorn tree produce apples or a fig tree thorn’s? These have led many into immorality perversion and self murder, wolves in sheep’s clothing they are and have been. The truth is simple yet simply profound and is set in the heart of man. But many are they who shut out what their heart tells them as it convicts them that they are walking upon the path that leads down to destruction.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

Thursday, 17 September 2015


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

    The moral state of the Nations has angered Me so much so that if those immoral Nations do not turn from their immoral wicked ways then upon those Nation's I shall pour out My wrath and anger in full measure, I do not mean their concept of morality but that which is set down in My Word I mean a morality both physical and spiritual that conforms to My Holy Will and Law, I have been thus far lenient with the Nations and their actions both physical and spiritual but no longer, if there are those who refuse point blank to conform then they shall suffer My righteous indignation resulting ultimately in their destruction, this I want not for I would rather they turn from their wicked and rebellious ways to be blessed by Me having long and prosperous lives and I refrain from taking such a path that leads to destruction, but nevertheless if thou dost read My Law and do know the consequences then what follows is that which must follow is that which is set down in My Word as I have done with others in the past. I am a Just, Holy and merciful God but justice must be done and seen to be done, mercy is given to the repentant and the merciful not to the wicked and rebellious. Other civilizations have followed this immoral and wicked path and they have fallen at My hand from Sodom and Gomorrah to the Egyptian and Roman Empires. From the rise of the various European, Eastern and far Eastern Empires, to the rise of the German and Japanese these have been cast down by Me Working through those who I raised up for the purpose of casting down and destroying such as these which have sought to enslave peoples and lands and Nations. Sometimes I act directly and sometimes through acts of Nature other times through those that I raise up for the specific purpose of casting down these wicked and rebellious Nations. But their end is still the same total and utter destruction.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015


         Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob the true and only redeemer, Messiah and Saviour.

         The warning goes out to all the Nations that your nuclear power and weaponry is not as stable as you assume it is. One country amongst the far Eastern Nations is seeking to perfect its nuclear weaponry but what they don't realise is that the more they perfect it the more unstable it becomes to such an extent that the weapons they seek to defend themselves or use against another nation is so unstable that instead of wiping their enemies off the face of the Earth it will blow up in their faces and wipe them out and no amount of safe guards will help.
       The weapons ye have ye should be aware could be the means of your own destruction.

This is the word of the Lord to you.

Monday, 14 September 2015


Thus saith the Lord

        Beware that which is happening in Syria and Iraq it is for the regaining of those countries for the bath parties one under Assad and the other under Saddam’s old regime. But the backer who supplies support, weapons and money has but one objective and that is the control of Syria’s and Iraq's Oil field’s which will be promised payment for the support, finances and the weapons.
       He did it with Ukraine, backing rebel groups, then with their request anexing the crimea and making it part of his Nation and he will do it with these if he is allowed to. The west is already wary of putting troops into Iraq and sending into Syria aircraft to attack targets there now that his forces under the pretence of protecting his territory are in place is it not the beginning of that which happened in Ukraine? Will he anex Syria and Iraq making them  protectorates or part of his nation also?

       Also what you must ask is who is supplying weapons and money through various channels to the main rebel group in both countries? Is it the same one who is supplying Assad? Is Isis being just used as a means to an end?

       What western Nations have to worry about is will they stop at Iraq’s borders or carry on to Kuwait after its Oil. Once they control Iraq’s oil. Thus controlling the supply of oil to the west and putting what price they want upon it.

        Whoever controls the World's energy resources controls the World.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015


Thus saith the Holy One of Israel the on true God and redeemer.

All the religion’s of this world are man made but Faith and The true Faith is of Me and it is My gift to those I have chosen to give it to.

    Thus this is why there is so much religious conflict or conflict between religions because they are not of Me, religions are created by mankind to give divine credence to the controlling of the populations of the Earth, dictating to them what is the right and the wrong way to believe in Me, there is but one way to believe in Me saith the Lord My way simple and straight forward, yet simply profound and the only way as is set down in My Word. There is no need of complicated interpretation or exposition I mean what I say and there are no hidden meanings in My Written Word, My Word means what it says and that in context and is set down so that the whole of mankind can understand it even children can and  like unto a child it must be accepted as a child accepts the tuth for do not children simply trust and believe what their parents teach them, so also MY children in truth and in spirit trust and believe in Me and My Word. So must ye if you wish to obtain everlasting life.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

#Attack on #British #jihadists

Thus saith the Lord.

    You have a few questions to ask yourselves about the attacks on two terrorists and the immigrants entering Europe. One is if this had been put before parliament , would it have voided secrecy and could not a  warning  have leaked out to the terrorists giving them a chance to avoided an attack and if British citizens joined Isis  if it would be illegal to attack them would it  give them  immunity from being attacked by British forces thus giving them a clear field to attack any British or European target  and knowing that if they had planned an attack thus putting the public and the crown and government in danger would it not be a crime to avoid dealing with it in the first place thus leading to them escaping justice. Security and secrecy in this instance was absolutely necessary as it was a threat to the public, the British crown and government. But if this had not been done would it not have given the terrorists a mandate to use any  British citizens who had joined Isis to attack British and European targets and would not any European country who had been attacked by British jihadists turn on the British government for not dealing with it in the first place?

Two, another point has to be set forward, yes refugees need help who flee from a war zone but awareness needs to be maintained as to the possibility of terrorists being amongst the refugees with the aim of attacking European and British targets.

from the prophet of the Lord.

Friday, 4 September 2015

#Gods #Word to #Israel

Thus saith Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to Israel

    Thus it is that have set my face against thee O Israel for thou hast followed after the ways of the Nations instead of returning unto Me as ye are the sheep of My pasture, shepherds of My sheep ye have neglected to feed and protect My sheep to such an extent that they have wander from My pastures and have become the prey of wolves therefore I am unsheathing My swift and terrible sword against thee first for thy neglect, second for thy complacency, Judgment is coming but where should it start as is set down in My Word Judgment begins at the House of God and thus shall it be so I shall sift thee as wheat and the chaff shall be burnt in the fire, the rebellious of Israel shall be cast out into everlasting darkness and My blessing shall be withdrawn until Israel repents and returns unto Me saith the Holy One of Israel.

    I have unsheathed My sword also against the Nations that are against thee to devour thee and the sword shall not be returned unto its sheath until all hath been fulfilled. I shall strike hip and thigh casting down all who have perverted My Word and Law and used it for their own nefarious ends to promote false faiths and seek to justify their actions, laws and beliefs by taking out of context passages from My Word. I have refrained until now so that the cup of wrath shall be filled to over flowing but no longer,  thou shalt drink this cup down unto the last drop even unto the dregs thereof.

Let the riders ride out even the four.

This is the word of the Lord to you.

Thursday, 3 September 2015


Thus saith the lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob the only true Messiah and redeemer

    There is a Judgment to come upon all of those who waste billions of money on projects that produce little or no results or true benefit to mankind yea some of this waste results in the pollution of the natural world. How many billions are wasted sending probes in to space sending up rockets and other projects. The problems which need addressing are not in space and neither is the answer to questions searched for. But here on Earth there is a need for those billions to be spent. Putting forth plans to colonise other planets example mars is to say the least ludicrous at worse criminal. Fair enough if all of the World had plenty to eat, no diseases, a comfortable existence for all, no wars, no drug problem, no crime, no poaching, no poverty and a surplus of resources then such projects could be proposed but not in the present climate the prosperous countries of the world should get together,  get their heads out of the sand and start to see and deal with the problems facing the earth now.
    How many billions are spent by researchers without producing beneficial results for mankind how many billions are spent by scientist on seeking the answer to the origins of life, of astronomy searching for other planets like earth totaly out of reach, yes they can discover a meteors path if it is set to hit earth but can they stop it? Same as predicting earth quakes and volcanoes but can they stop them?  Of archaeology its nice to know the past but of what true benefit is it now? All of the funding used by them could be used in seeking the answer to the problems which face mankind now the past is dead and gone the stars are in space volcanoes storms and earthquakes cannot be stopped but their victims need help afterwards.  It seems that ye who fund these projects are like unto the Egyptian Pharaohs who had the wealth of Egypt buried with them instead of leaving it to be used  for the needs of the living.
    The needs of the living outweigh the needs of the dead and digging up the past or researching the past is to ignore the present and the future having your head in space is avoiding earthly needs trying to stop disasters is like blowing in the wind having minor benefits, dealing and being prepared for the aftermath of disasters is better, of which there is a need for funding. There are wars that need stopping there are starving people that need feeding there are those in poverty that need helping there are drug lords that need stopping there is corruption that needs revealing and being dealt with there are people traffickers that need imprisoning and all of this needs resources those resources that are being wasted on unprofitable and useless projects could be put to better use.

From the prophet of the Lord even the true Messiah.