Tuesday 24 April 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the whole of creation and the only true redeemer of mankind that which is least pointed out in as far as the death of the true and only Passover Lamb the Messiah is concerned is that the resurrection of the Promised Messiah is the most important part of Redemption for in My Word saith Lord God it is set down that without the shedding of blood there can be no forgiveness of sins, transgressions or crimes thus to truly be forgiven blood has to be shed and this is where faith in the shed blood of the Messiah brings about forgiveness of sins or crimes in the breaking of My Holy Law and Commandments for when I delivered unto Israel the covenant of which I demanded obedience to unto perfection and any breaking thereof by Israel as a whole a lamb the first born of the flock without spot or blemish was to be offered up on the altar on Israel behalf once a year so that all the sins and transgressions of Israel committed in the breaking of My Holy Law and commandments could be washed away, forgiven and served a twofold purpose to wash away Israel sin committed since the last sacrifice and to remind Israel of the promised Messiah to come who was to be the only true everlasting saviour of all of those who had and did and would come to believe in Him as their only sacrifice for sins or crimes committed in this life on Earth. But the blood of bulls and goats and sheep no matter how spotless could wipe away original sin and unite mankind with their creator for it was and still is when a supplicant comes before Me seeking forgiveness for all their sins and transgressions and in the Name of the true and only Messiah even Immanuel then I do forgive their sins and there it ends but does not save them from the final Judgment for as it is written all of mankind is dead Spiritually in sins and transgression or crimes against Me because of original sin the first sin or crime of disobedience inherited from Adam and Eve when cast forth from Eden for before they ate of the forbidden fruit the warning I gave unto them is that in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die and in the instance they ate they did die the first evidence was their awareness of their nakedness not only physically but spiritual as well and then the way to the tree of Life was barred from them and a holy one of heaven place in the way with a flaming sword. But after they were cast out a promise of a saviour was given to come the Messiah who would save those who came to believing in Him from death and destruction in the bottomless pit forever revealed in the seed of the Woman bruising the serpents head seen in the temptations in the wilderness and His rejection of the Adversaries temptations and the death of the Messiah in the bruising of his heel by the one who betrayed Him. Thus it is that the most important part of the true and only faith is the resurrection of the Messiah for He alone through His death can forgiveness of sins and transgression be give to all who ask forgiveness believing through faith that the blood of the true Passover Lambs bloodshed on their behalf as typified by the sacrifice of the Passover lamb of the first born of the flock sacrifice on the altar washed away the sins of Israel washed away their sins and transgressions. But the original sin not only had to be washed away but the sinner who was dead in trespasses and sins to gain everlasting life had to be resurrected from the dead and as is a fact of life the dead cannot resurrect themselves so unless mankind could be resurrected from the dead spiritually and eventually physically in the next life and as they could not resurrect themselves someone else would have to resurrect them and this is where the resurrection of the Messiah comes in for not only did He become the sacrifice for the sins transgression and crimes and did die in the place of all who had believed in Him as the promised Messiah and did believe in Him when that promise was fulfilled but also all who would come to believe in Him as their sacrifice once given upon the altar of grace My unmerited loving kindness saith the Lord God of all the redeemed of mankind but He also became their resurrection from spiritual death for He conquered death for all of those who would come to believe in Him. His resurrection from amongst the dead for death could not hold or conquer Him for His death and resurrection was not for Himself but all of those who through His death resurrection would come to believe in Him who are not only forgiven of all their sins and transgressions but are resurrected in the instance they believe to eternal life death no longer as with the Messiah has a hold of them. Thus it is I become their father they become My children but as My children obedience to all of My Holy Word Law and commandments is required of them and as parents on Earth require obedience of their children so do I and as their parents punish disobedience so will I but as with the rest of mankind not so with Mine own doth the sentence of death hang over them.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

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