Sunday 25 February 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus say I unto thee at the present time saith the Lord God of the Hosts of Heaven in as far as Brexit is concerned being a part of the Customs Union would be for the UK a catastrophic mistake and as is known that it would cripple the UK's ambitions in as far as global trade and finance is concerned and would in effect mean that trade and finance wise there would be little or no difference as concerning the EU's control of how Britain traded with the rest of the global trading Nations. Yes being a member of the customs Union would be an advantage but without the impositions of EU controls and or tariffs in as far as global trade is concerned. Thus the MPs siding with those in Parliament seeking to block the government on exiting from both the single market and the customs Union is looking more like a ploy being used by the remainers to sabotage Brexit using those MP's that support both Brexit and remaining in the customs Union or being a be a member of the customs Union with all of its restriction and contributions that the UK would have to make to the EU to be a member. Thus then say I what if this happens will in fact the difference be between remaining a member of the EU and being a member of the customs Union and what real advantage would it really have for the UK the global trading market is far larger than the EU markets put together and on top of that the UK imports more from many of the EU members than it exports no wonder the EU wants Britain to remain within the EU not only in as far as trade but finance as well. Thus as afore implied that the remainers and the MP's who favour Brexit and being a member of the customs siding with them to block the Government is their desire to reverse Brexit who will point out that the UK rather than being just a member of the Customs Union and being a full member of the EU in as far as trade and finance are concerned that the UK would be better off remaining in the EU rather than being just being a member of the Customs Union with the added advantages of full EU membership thus reversing they hope Brexit which is and has been their ambition all along and will use any person, means and MP's included that they can to achieve their ambition.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

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