Tuesday, 6 October 2015


Thus saith Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob the true and only Redeemer.
    Thou hast been given the gift of life thou didst not ask to be born thou wilt not ask to die it is I who hast given thee this gift yet your thanks are not forth coming, think not that thy parents are the originators of thy life for it is I who am the source of all life for in Me thou dost live and move and have thy being and without Me there is no life.

    But why art thou concerned about gaining wealth lands property for you came into this world with nought and thou shalt go out with nought so all thy efforts are for nought in as far as the material world is concerned, thus thou dost leave it to others after thee and they benefit from it to use misuse or waste it away and no matter what thou dost to ensure proper use yet ye have no control over it once thou hast past from this earth. But thou hast been put here to do My will and to walk in holiness purity and love all the days of thy life to tend to the welfare of this world its plants tree's animal life and all that herein is yet ye do this not thus is Mine anger and My wrath provoked and shall be and has been forth coming. For I shall bring down death and destruction upon all the wicked, immoral and disobedient of the Earth.

    Thy scientist seek to transverse time yet time as ye measure it is thine invention, the past is dead and gone and cannot be retrieved the future has not yet been born and now is all that should concern thee that and thine end. All things I have ordained since the beginning when I in eternity I laid out My plans for the Universe and laid the foundations thereof this I say unto thee all things I have fixed in place and will come to pass and nought can be changed even thy will has been ordained and fixed into My plan if thou dost decide to contradict My will and disobey Me then that has been ordained and if thou dost then change thy mind that to has been ordained nothing can be alterd and nothing can be changed. It is I who alone knows the end from the beginning. This is My secret Will and Purpose but My revealed Will and Purpose is set down in my Word.

    This life for thee is the chance for thee to spend eternity in peace happiness and eternal life in my presence forever. It is a choice that all must make only once in their lives to obey Me to do My will willingly and to Worship Me in the beauty of Holiness by the resurrection from the dead through the Messiah blood even the blood of the Passover Lamb through whom is the only means of forgiveness. Or to live without Me in the bottomless pit forever being banished from My presence for this is the reason the bottomless pit has been created, because I created thee in Mine image I could not obliterate thee from existence but neither can thou exist in My presence so banishment to the pit is the only choice and as I am the only source of Life Happiness Peace and Love so the pit is that place where only the burning of regret exists, this is the true place of death cut of from Love Life Happiness and peace.

This is the Word of the Lord to you.

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