Friday, 15 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    On the negotiations for Britain’s exiting the EU yet having a beneficial trading relationship with the EU which benefits both the EU and the UK and avoiding unnecessary tariffs detrimental to both sides. There should be a request made to the EU for a draft on its complete terms and condition for having an amicable and beneficial trading relationship when Britain finally exits the EU. So that the British government can examine them as to which of those it can agree to and those of which it cannot accept or those of which it needs to discus to see on which ones there can be compromises made to suit both the EU and UK.

    There has to be established an agreement upon the residences of EU citizens who wish to remain in Britain and those British citizens that wish to remain abroad which should be on an equal basis. EU citizens are welcome in Britain and Britain hopes its citizens will also be welcome in the EU. That there should be certain freedoms of movement to and from the UK with the minimum of restrictions even only those which address the threat of terrorism and the security of the UKs borders. But in as far as the immigrant problem is concerned Britain does not wish to stop completely immigrants entering the UK nevertheless to avoid putting any strain on the British economy and the threatening the British public safety and security numbers must and have to be restricted the only exception should be on the refugees seeking to escape war torn Nations or of persecution which endangers their lives.

    An agreement of border crossings with and within the EU have to be addressed, if Britain is willing to apply the minimum of restriction on border crossing for EU citizens so should also the EU for British citizens especially in the case of Gibraltar’s borders with Spain.

    As to Britain contributing to the EU's budget as other Nations which are outside of the EU is concerned that should be such as Britain can negotiate as the minimum that the EU can agree to, making the EU aware that the continuation of trade and movement of labour is more beneficial to the EU than the UK.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord

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