Sunday, 3 July 2016


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob even the only true redeemer and saviour

    To thee I say these words that it should not be, especially in this situation that one political part should decide who the next Prime Minister of the United Kingdom should be, but it should be the whole of this Nation that should decide who is going to lead them into that which is at the moment an uncertain future.
    For it is that if one party in negotiating for exiting the EU does not negotiate a good deal that will benefit the whole of society and business in the UK then that will bring about more divisions within the UK and inevitably destabilise the British economy. But also will generate a time of unrest till there is a General Election, which will see that party which fails to negotiate a deal that benefits the whole of the UK, voted out and another voted in. But this is the point once negotiations have been completed they cannot be re-negotiated without difficulty or not at all the deal will be in place for good or ill and it is whichever party is elected to having to accept the mistakes made by the party voted out and sort out the mess left behind.
    One reason for this is that the Prime minister negated his responsibility to his party and his country in resigning his position as leader and Prime minister when he should have fulfilled his duty to the office to which he was elect until after those events which he had set in place had reached their ultimate conclusion. Of which that resignation was accepted by part and country.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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