Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.
Thus say I unto thee at this time what have I said unto thee afore time about a Nation and a government being divided thus look unto the middle east what has been the main tactic that the Terrorist have used in Iraq and Syria to establish their caliphate in those two Nations so easily. It is because of the principle of divide and conquer. They have first caused each Nation to be divided against itself by turning Shia and Sunni and other factions against each other and against the government making those Nations weak and vulnerable then invading the country meet little or no resistance. In both these countries they are now on the back foot as so to speak because Iraq is and has become a united country again and able to attack and defeat the terrorist. But Syria because of its wicked regime still remains divided and allows them to retain their base in that country.
So what have they now done and succeeded in doing in Turkey infiltrated that faction in the military that attempted a coup which if succeeded would have allowed them to take control of Turkey but as they have failed the blame has been placed upon that faction within the military that attempted the coup and not the terrorist group as the last thing they want is a united Turkey turning against them militarily speaking and now being internally destabilised is still no threat to them even if their plan now has not succeeded.
But now dost thou see what the tactic these terrorist are using in the west and in Europe it is to infiltrate and destabilise western Nations especially those who are attacking them from the air so that the main attention is turned to in those Nation which are suffering from terrorist attacks and disruption from the citizens blaming the refugee's and migrants and the governments for those attacks from the external terrorist problem and more onto the internal destabilization those Nations are suffering from with the aim of disrupting the attacks of those Nations upon the terrorist group in the middle east.
Thus say I unto thee turn the blame of thy people from off the refugees and migrants and on to the true source and unite the whole of the Nation’s attention on defeating this terrorist group called Isis.
This is the Word of the Lord to thee.
From the peophet of the Lord.
Thus say I unto thee at this time what have I said unto thee afore time about a Nation and a government being divided thus look unto the middle east what has been the main tactic that the Terrorist have used in Iraq and Syria to establish their caliphate in those two Nations so easily. It is because of the principle of divide and conquer. They have first caused each Nation to be divided against itself by turning Shia and Sunni and other factions against each other and against the government making those Nations weak and vulnerable then invading the country meet little or no resistance. In both these countries they are now on the back foot as so to speak because Iraq is and has become a united country again and able to attack and defeat the terrorist. But Syria because of its wicked regime still remains divided and allows them to retain their base in that country.
So what have they now done and succeeded in doing in Turkey infiltrated that faction in the military that attempted a coup which if succeeded would have allowed them to take control of Turkey but as they have failed the blame has been placed upon that faction within the military that attempted the coup and not the terrorist group as the last thing they want is a united Turkey turning against them militarily speaking and now being internally destabilised is still no threat to them even if their plan now has not succeeded.
But now dost thou see what the tactic these terrorist are using in the west and in Europe it is to infiltrate and destabilise western Nations especially those who are attacking them from the air so that the main attention is turned to in those Nation which are suffering from terrorist attacks and disruption from the citizens blaming the refugee's and migrants and the governments for those attacks from the external terrorist problem and more onto the internal destabilization those Nations are suffering from with the aim of disrupting the attacks of those Nations upon the terrorist group in the middle east.
Thus say I unto thee turn the blame of thy people from off the refugees and migrants and on to the true source and unite the whole of the Nation’s attention on defeating this terrorist group called Isis.
This is the Word of the Lord to thee.
From the peophet of the Lord.
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