Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob
Thus saith the Lord God and the MESSIAH #IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD the only true saviour, redeemer and eternal Passover Lamb of all of those of mankind and Israel who have by Faith accepted the MESSIAH IMMANUEL as their saviour, redeemer and Passover Lamb who upon repenting of all of their sins committed in the breaking of My Holy Law and Commandments especially of Original sin have been forgiven and cleansed of all their sins crimes and transgressions and of inherited Original sin committed in Eden’s garden by Mankind’s first parents Adam and Eve. Thus saith the Lord God even the Holy One of Israel all who obey from the heart all of My Holy Law and Commandments upon having accepted by Faith the MESSIAH #IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD as their saviour, redeemer and eternal Passover Lamb have been cleansed from all sins transgression and the crimes of breaking any or all of My Holy Law and Commandments, especially cleansed of Original sin by the MESSIAH #IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD’s shed blood and of which are upon passing from Earthly life ascend into the Kingdom of Heaven forever. But it is of a certainty that all who have not repent of all their sins crimes and transgressions committed in the breaking of all of My Holy Law and Commandments especially of Original sin shall in these last days; the days of wrath and anger and of the Punishing of all of the unrepentant fallen Nations, the Judging of the Nations having been fulfilled; upon being found guilty of breaking all of My Holy Law and Commandments and of Original sin and rejecting the salvation and redemption offered in the days of grace and mercy as so prophesied they would and upon being as Judged found guilty of committing all of manner of wickedness corruption and immorality shall be punished according to the demands of My Holy Law and Commandments and shall indeed be by being by being condemned to be cast on Judgment day by the angel of death into sheol and the bottomless pit wherein burns he flames of everlasting torment. Thus it is that these days of wrath and anger shall herald in the Last great Battle the signs of which have been in the rising tensions of the Mighty Nations of the Earth. Thus amongst mankind there is a saying pride comes before a fall and so it is and shall be with all who are in My sight and before Me are the proud arrogant disobedient unbelieving Nations and peoples of every Land tribe and Nation upon face the Earth who have believed not in the MESSIAH IMMANUEL and have not been redeemed by the shed blood of the only true eternal Passover Lamb the MESSIAH #IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD who are guilty of breaking all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and who shall fall and great shall be their fall thereof even down unto the dust of the ground and into the bottomless pit and sheol forever even all of those who believe I exist not and that MY JUST JUDGEMENT day is not coming wherein all the inhabitants of the Earth shall have to answer to Me for all of their sins transgressions and crimes committed in the breaking of all of My Holy Law and Commandments who even believe that there is no life after death and who will find out soon that there is life after death when upon the casting off of their mortal coil find themselves before the Angel with the book of life being asked their Name and he upon finding their name in the book of life sends them to await being Judged even at the close of the last day of the end of day when time and the passing of days hath ceased and eternity enters in that now soon shall come to pass upon all of mankind past present and future who shall have been brought before Me saith the Lord God of the whole of creation even the Holy One of Israel to be Judged upon Judgement day even all of the righteous and unrighteous shall be equally Judged thus it is and shall be that those redeemed by the only true Messiah IMMANUEL and clothed in His righteousness after being thus Judged and found Holy Pure and righteous in My sight shall be acquitted and the unrighteous as judged and found guilty of all the sins crimes and transgressions of breaking all of My Holy Law and Commandments especially My Holy Moral Law and of Original inherited sin as so set down in My Word My Law and the prophets for all to see and having when they come before Me to be Judged no excuse that they knew not that they had broken any and all of My Holy Laws and commandments and My Moral Laws and that the just due punishment to come shall be executed upon all who break any and all of My Holy Laws and Commandments their consciences bearing witness to the breaking thereof making void the excuse they shall put before Me in Judgment upon Judgment day that they knew not that they had broken any or all of them and if they had known they would not have broken any of them knowing the consequences of so doing. But the reply I shall give is that from the very beginning I did write upon the fleshy tablets of all of the hearts of mankind My Holy Laws and Commandments for how else would and doth mankind from birth know right from wrong and when doing wrong are convicted of doing so by Roach Hakodesh even He who is called by the all the Nations upon the face of the Earth the Holy Spirit the Spirit of all Truth if My Laws and Commandments were not written on the hearts of mankind. Thus as so said when My Judgment day dawns all of the righteous and the unrighteous both living and the resting in their graves shall be brought before Me in Judgement upon Judgement day to be justly Judged, even as it shall be with this Nation SOMALIA having as Judged been found and found guilty not only of breaking all of My Holy Law and Commandments and My Moral Law but also of great wickedness corruption, immorality and especially of the pollution and destruction of the environment thus becoming guilty of the indirect slaughtering of the creatures of My creation of which the pollution and the devastation of the environment hath not only committed by this Nation but by all of the other industrial Nations of the Earth through excessive usage of what mankind calls fossil fuels especially used in the Worlds transport infrastructure of which condemns many of mankind to a slow lingering death by respiratory illnesses and diseases and from the increasing accidental deaths of which is caused by drunken and carless drivers of their vehicles of which many I shall not hold guiltless but shall punish them according to My Holy Law and Commandments of which are written on tablets of stone thus for all of their crimes sins and transgressions saith the Lord God of Israel and of the Hosts of Heaven and the Heaven of Heavens I will punish them all to the ultimate degree even unto perfection by the outpouring of My wrath and anger upon them and by the IRON ROD OF MY JUST JUDGEMENT and with great whirlwinds and storms and destructive floods and of Earth quakes and volcanic eruptions that shall come to pass not only in the places that Eruptions are common place but in many diverse places never afore having suffered from such eruptions, also of hurricanes tornadoes of plagues and pestilence of drought famines and the increased heat of the Sun scorching the surface of the land so much so that it shall become as hard and as desolate as the deserts of the Earth and in many places as unyielding as rock unable to give of its bounty. But it shall be that not alone shall I punish this Nation SOMALIA for the breaking of all of My Holy Law and commandments and the slaughter of the creatures of My creation but their government having been by Me found guilty of failing to meet the needs of the needy of their Nation even of the elderly of the sick the terminally ill the deaf and the blind of the homeless and the poverty stricken and even failing to provide adequate care and protection for the young of this Nation SOMALIA against those who would harm murder or abuse them for all of these sins transgression and crimes shall I punish this Nation. Thus say I saith the Holy One of Israel for all the sins crimes and transgressions of breaking My Holy Laws by all of unrepentant fallen of Mankind upon the rejection of salvation and redemption by Faith in the Only true MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD a price has to be paid and that price is death and destruction in the casting of forever into the bottomless pit when Judgment day dawns. But the price of salvation and redemption and the forgiveness of all sins crimes and the transgressions of breaking all of My Holy Laws for all who believe in the only true Messiah has by Him already been paid. Thus it must be said that the Adversary takes all and gives nothing. But saith Holy One of Israel I give all freely salvation redemption eternal life and peace that passeth all understanding and prosperity without end and I saith the Holy One of Israel require nothing in return only obedience to all of My Holy Law and Commandments and that willingly by Faith in the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD. But unto the Nations of the Earth I say betwixt the Nations of Earth the only peace that can be permanent is if they all are at peace with and belong unto Me saith the Lord God of the whole of creation. Thus those Nations that are against Me cannot and shall not stand and those who are for Me and of Me by Faith in MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD cannot fall or be defeated. Thus the peace I freely give is an everlasting peace beyond Measure to all of those peoples lands tribes and Nations that belong unto Me so that all may be blessed and prosper in all that they do upon the Earth. Thus as My peace is feely given to all who belong unto Me so also is the water of everlasting life freely given by Me unto all who come to believe in and are redeemed and saved by Faith in the only true redeemer saviour and eternal Passover Lamb the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD. But in as far as the punishment of this Nation even SOMALIA as so said unto all the Nations of the Earth thus Judged and all of those due to be punished by Me so say I to this Nation and again unto all the Nations of the Earth if they all turn; as afore said; from off all disobedience to all of My Holy Laws and commandments and My Moral Law and from all wickedness immorality corruption and obey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and My Moral Law from the heart according as so set down in My Word the Law and the prophets so shall I withhold My wrath and anger and instead bless protect and prosper this and all the Nations of the Earth Especially ISRAEL that do so as they have never afore been blessed or prospered in all that they do and shall surrounded them around about with My presence protecting them from all of their enemies until My Judgment day dawns at the end of days but if not then so shall I as said with the full fury of My wrath and anger descend upon this Nation and the rest of the Nations of the Earth. Thus it is saith the Lord God where there is life there is hope and in hope there is life and as I AM THAT I AM, am the source of all life in Me there is hope for all who believe in the only true eternal Passover Lamb the MESSIAH #IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD
This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee
from the prophet of the Lord
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