Saturday, 18 January 2025


 Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

     Thus saith the Lord God and the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD saviour redeemer and the eternal Passover Lamb whose shed blood cleanses all of those who have upon repenting of Original Sin and of all of their sins committed in the breaking of My Holy Law and Commandments have believed in and accepted the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD as their saviour and upon being saved have through HIS shed blood have been cleansed of Original sin and all of their sins committed in the breaking of My Holy Law and Commandments and upon being clothed in the MESSIAH IMMANUELS righteousness have become Holy Pure and Righteous in My sight saith the Holy One Of Israel.  For it is that without the repentance forgiveness and cleansing of Original sin, committed in Eden’s Garden by Mankind’s first Parents Adam and Eve resulting in the Fall and the cutting off from the source of all Life even I Myself of all of Mankind as so said afore there can be no salvation or redemption. Only the repenting, forgiveness and cleansing of Original sin and all of the sins committed in the breaking of all of My Holy Law and Commandments can result in the Salvation and redemption of Mankind and of the Holy People Israel and that is as sad by Faith in the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD. Thus it is by the committing of the first and Original sin death corruption and the grave entered into all of creation and it is for that Sin that the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD was crucified upon the tree (was crucified upon a Roman gibbet) and was cast into the bottomless pit and was resurrected from the dead having conquered death and the grave for all of those who have, shall and will believe in Him and accept Him as their saviour, redeemer and eternal Passover Lamb who shall as did He ascend into the Kingdom of Heaven forever. Thus it is for the breaking of least of My Holy Law and Commandments the penalty thereof is death, the grave and to be cast upon passing from physical life into the bottomless pit wherein as said the flames of everlasting torment burn forever. But as said first and foremost if found guilty in Judgement and unrepentant of Original Sin there is and can be only one penalty.  Thus saith the Holy One of Israel creator of the whole of all that is was and ever shall be even all of creation the heavens and the heaven of heavens of which  at the centre of My creation created I saith the Lord God, the Earth Sun and Moon and all that lives moves and hath their being thereon and did set the path of the Earth around the Sun and the Moon around the Earth and in the heavens created I all the stars of the heavens set in their place greater in number than all of the grains of sand upon the  sea shores of the Earth the number thereof beyond mankind’s comprehension and thus it was that I created the Sun to govern the day as is set down and revealed in My Word and the Moon the night and all the tides of the seas and oceans of the Earth form in the Heavens the womb and the birth places of the stars for as mankind and the creatures of My creation are born and die and go to their graves there is birth and death so also it is in all of creation the stars are born at the centre what mankind hath named Galaxies these are as said being the birth place and nurseries of the stars and the grave of the stars after giving their last light are buried as so to speak in their grave of which mankind are called by mankind black holes s. But as they were and are created by Me at the centre of the Galaxies so also are they destroyed by Me in the grave of the stars. Thus also it is as I created the heavens and heaven of Heavens the stars and galaxies thereof created I also all the wonders of My creation saith the Lord God of the Hosts of Heaven and the Heaven of Heavens named by mankind the universe to the Glory of My Holy Name. Thus as I created all of the stars, the Galaxies and the wonders thereof seen in all of My Creation so created I upon the  Earth’s all of the lands seas oceans and upon the land forests mountains and the herbs of the fields along with the Mountains, hills, lakes,  rivers and streams that water the land and upon the land and in the oceans and in the air created I all the creatures of My creation to live move and have their being and to multiply and cover the face of the Earth with their offspring. But the chief of My creation was  mankind created in Mine own image in mine own image created I them both male and female and gave them dominion over the whole of My creation and though fallen Mankind’s soul, person personality though corrupted by the fall yet their soul still remains as it was  when created in My Image and thus as they fell and were cast out of Eden’s Garden and the curse of death and corruption descended upon all of My creation so also began the beginning of days of which now as so said afore many a time is now coming to an end  and shall end with the dawning of Judgment day now approaches on  swift wings and as it approaches in these days of wrath and anger so for the Love and sake of all of My people even the redeemed of the Lamb throughout all of the Earth especially for My Holy People even Israel’s sake I have I shortened the days of wrath and anger revealed in My Word the great tribulation for if I had not done so then no flesh could or would have been saved. But yet as Israel hath strayed far from Me yet still there shall be in these days of the great tribulation a remnant saved from My wrath and anger death and destructing plague and pestilence a remnant that shall be redeemed and once again be made pure and holy in My sight having been by Faith cleansed through the blood of the only true eternal Passover Lamb the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD of all their sins crimes and the transgressions committed in the breaking of all of My Covenant made with them by the Hand of  MOSHE at the foot of My Holy Mountain even He who is My friend and servant as they have afore in times past kept Covenant with Me in the purity of their heart and mind when I and My People were one in Spirit and in truth and that remnant shall at last enter into My Heavenly Kingdom to dwell l forever with all of those gone on before them who dwell forever now at My right Hand. But now as so said these being the days of wrath and anger wherein all the Nations of the Earth having been As Judged by My Just Judgment and found guilty of breaking My Holy Law and Commandments especially My Most Holy Moral law and of great wickedness evil iniquity Immorality and corruption and of the pollution and devastation of the environment by the misuse of the Earth’s resources given by Me as said afore in the creation of the Earth of which hath resulted and is still resulting in not only the cruel injuries and deaths of the creatures of My creation but causing many of the diseases and illnesses suffered by mankind especially terminal illnesses, thus those I have saith the Lord God of the Hosts of Heaven and Heaven of Heavens found guilty of the misuse of the Earth’s resources at this time and in Judgement shall  in no way escape the  punishment which is their Just Due at My Hand they shall not by Me be held guiltless but shall indeed suffer the full fury of My all consuming wrath and anger and the casting of them; having in Judgment upon Judgment day been found  guilty of all of these crimes sins and transgressions; by the angel of death into the deepest depths of the bottomless pit wherein burn the flames of everlasting torment  wherein the worm dieth not nor the flames thereof go not out forever. But it is that not only ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA and its government shall suffer the full out pouring of My wrath and anger but all of those Nations and Governments that have failed in their God given duty and responsibility to not only meet the needs of the needy of their Nation but also all the needy of the Earth especially the needy of all of those Nations that are poverty stricken, downtrodden, destitute, war torn suffering from terrorism and civil war even all of the starving men women and  children of the Nations that do constitute two thirds of the Earth’s population even by the one wealthy third of the Earth’s population who could have done so much to alleviate their suffering but have done so little of which they shall at this times and the days to come before Judgement day suffer the consequences of their inaction in the meeting of the needs of these Nations which is their God given duty and responsibility. But as said and so say I again and set down in these words that I saith the Lord God even the Holy One of Israel and of all of creation shall not hold the guilty guiltless in the Judgment of those also who have been found guilty of causing the cruel injuries and deaths of the creatures of My creation through the pollution and devastation of the Earth’s Environment. Thus say I as so said afore I shall punish all the Nations of Earth according to the Judgment given when I Judged all the Nations of the Earth and found them guilty of breaking all of My Laws and Commandments even with whirlwind and fire by great storms tornadoes hurricanes Earth Quakes and volcanic activity in many place especial upon all the Island Nations of the Earth also shall I punish the Nations with  floods tsunamis tidal waves the height of the tallest buildings of mankind but it is that not only shall there be Earth Quakes upon the land but in the seas and oceans of the Earth followed by the increased of the Suns heat scorching and drying out the Earth so much so that no crops or vegetation shall grow therein and shall cause many streams rivers ponds and lakes to dry up causing massive drought and famine resulting in plagues disease and pestilence. Thus it shall be as it hath been with other civilizations and Empires so shall it be with this civilization and the Empires that exist now upon the Earth in that when once they reach their zenith or peak there is only one way they can go for they in their arrogant delusions think and believe that they cannot be defeated or fall and therefore in their arrogance complacency cast off of all moral restraints and the full rule of the law in as far as the punishment required for the most heinous of crimes even the death penalty and abandonment of corporal punishment of which the examples of the fall of previous empires and civilizations such as the Inca and Roman empires the fall of Babylon and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and paramount the Noah’s flood teaches us that when a civilization abandons the full rule of Law and corporal punishment and the total abandonment of all Morality and lawlessness ensues which inevitably leads to the fall of both civilizations and Empires and when  that occurs as I have done in the past so shall I do now with this civilization if it continues to follow the path it is doing along with its Empires a sudden demise or fall. Thus it is that I have given all of mankind the opportunity to repent warning them of the consequence of breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and of remaining unrepentant of Original sin in giving to all of mankind the days of grace and mercy wherein if they by faith in the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD repent of all of their sins crimes and transgressions and of Original sin could have escaped My wrath and anger to come in Judgement upon Judgement day and that being rejected by mankind and the Nations of mankind then warned I mankind again but not Just by Words  alone but by giving all of mankind a foretaste of My wrath and anger to come if mankind continues upon the path they are on of which I have done and thus a last warning by Me saith the Holy One of Israel is given to all of mankind  that if the Nations continue to break all of My Holy Law and Commandments and refuse to repent not only of breaking My Holy Law and commandment’s but of Original sin  then I shall as Judged punish all of the Nation upon the Earth and upon finding them guilty shall in wrath and anger punish those found guilty by casting them down unto the dust of the ground and into the bottomless pit wherein burn the flames of everlasting torment forever without reprieve and of which shall now be fulfilled. Thus all of the Nations upon the Earth shall known and feel what it is to be a part of a wicked and adulterous immoral rebellious civilization guilty as Judged of breaking all of My  Holy Law and Commandments and of breaking their Covenant with Me saith the Holy One of Israel that is about to fall.  Thus say I saith the Holy One of Israel for all the sins crimes and transgressions of breaking My Holy Laws by all of unrepentant fallen of Mankind upon the rejection of salvation and redemption by Faith in the Only true MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD a price has to be paid and that price is death and destruction in the casting of forever into the bottomless pit when Judgment day dawns. But the price of salvation and redemption and the forgiveness of all sins crimes and the transgressions of breaking all of My Holy Laws for all who believe in the only true Messiah has by Him already been paid. Thus it must be said that the Adversary takes all and gives nothing. But saith Holy One of Israel I give all freely salvation redemption eternal life peace that passeth all understanding and prosperity without end and require nothing in return only obedience to all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and that willingly by Faith in the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD. But unto the Nations of the Earth I say betwixt all of the Nations the only peace that can be permanent is if they all are at peace with and belong unto Me saith the Lord God of the whole of creation. Thus those Nations that are against Me cannot and shall not stand and those who are for Me and of Me by Faith in the Messiah IMMANUEL cannot fall or be defeated. Thus the peace I freely give is an everlasting peace beyond Measure but not just an everlasting peace between those Nations that belong unto Me by Faith in the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD but also between all those peoples lands tribes and Nations that belong unto Me is peace freely given so that all may be blessed and prosper in all that they do upon the Earth. Thus as My peace is feely given to all who belong unto Me so also is the water everlasting life by Me is freely given unto all who come to believe in and are redeemed and saved by Faith in the only true redeemer saviour and eternal Passover Lamb the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD.  But and as afore said thus shall it be in as far as the punishment of all the Nations of the Earth thus Judged and all of those due to be punished by Me so say I to this Nation even ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA and to all the Nations of the Earth if  they all turn; as afore said; from off all disobedience to all of My Holy Laws and commandment and from all wickedness immorality corruption and the breaking of all of My Holy Moral Laws and obey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and My Moral Law from the heart according as so set down in My Word the Law and the prophets so shall I withhold My wrath and anger and instead  bless protect and prosper this and all the Nations of the Earth that do so as they have never afore been blessed or prospered in all that they do and shall surrounded them around about with My presence protecting them from all of their enemies until My Judgment day dawns at the end of days but if not then so shall I as said with the full fury of My wrath and anger descend upon this Nation and the rest of the Nations of the Earth. Thus it is saith the Lord God where there is life there is hope and in hope there is life and as I AM THAT I AM, even ADONAI ELOHIM ELOHIE TZVA’OT AM the source of all life in Me there is hope for all who believe in the only true eternal Passover Lamb the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD


This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee


from the prophet of the Lord



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