Monday, 13 February 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob
     Thus in My Word I said by the gift of wisdom I gave unto King Solomon Vanity of Vanities all is Vanity what in reality is meant by this saying of which is the theme of the book I gave unto Israel and mankind which I inspired him to write? In reality it means just this that the whole of this creation is temporary it shall not last forever it hath had a beginning and it shall have an end as doth the existence of mankind upon the Earth all of mankind are born into this World with nought and shall go there from with nought, but in the mean time shall live and move and have their being, but mankind seems to have the idea that in this world he possesses all that mankind gains, whether it be lands power possessions Nations countries gold diamonds silver crowns and thrones without the thought that in reality mankind in effect possesses nought in this world all is on loan from Me until the day mankind passes from this existence even mankind’s bodies are not their own as they shall return from whence they came and it is they shall come before Me in Judgment. But there is a possession which they shall possess forever even themselves their personality what thou doth call their spirit or soul which is created in My image and that I could no longer erase from existence as I could erase Myself but those what have rebelled against Me and My Holy Law and Commandments and have not believed in Me through the only true saviour and Messiah I can and will banish from My Kingdom and presence and send them to the place created for such as they even the bottomless pit for as I am the source of all life they shall be banish from Me and therefore from source of all true life. But in the New heavens and the New Earth all who have believed and do believe in Me through the true Messiah and saviour My Kingdom shall be their inheritance and possession forever.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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