Sunday, 12 February 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    As concerning marriage and the act thereof is set down in My Word from the very beginning and is written as it were in stone and cannot be altered and anyone and any Nation seeking to do so and doth do so shall reap the whirlwind of My wrath and anger in no uncertain manner and all who profess to believe in My Word and in Me must believe My Word as immutable and unchangeable and if they so teach aught to the contrary then they shall be by Me utterly and totally condemned when they come before Me to be Judged. Thus I do repeat what My Word from the beginning saith that I first made man in My Image and took from him a rib bone and there from created woman and the man said this now is bone of My bone and flesh of My flesh and she shall be called woman and for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined together and the twain shall become one flesh. But indeed also do I say this that the word the two shall become one flesh refers to the physical as well as the spiritual in the act of procreation that the becoming one flesh physically means procreation in that children are the product of a man and a woman they are in the flesh the evidence that the twain have become one flesh they are the one flesh having in themselves the characteristics of both parents that are seen when relatives say that they have say their father say eyes and their mothers nose or some such other characteristic which cannot be evidenced by any other means. Thus all who doth believe and teach contrary to My Word and that kept in context are not and cannot be of Me and shall be thus Judged when they come before Me in Judgment.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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