Tuesday, 10 January 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

     Unto thee as concerning that which I have a fore time put before thee as concerning the wasting of the Earth's resources and wealth on useless projects and as concerning that which is  horded by but a few Nations while two thirds of the Earth population live in poverty and but a few even a third of the Earth’s population live in comparative luxury. But even amongst the few wealthy Nations there is also a lack of equality in as far as the sharing out of those Nations wealth and resources are concerned the majority is confined to the rich and powerful whilst hunger homlessness and child poverty and ill health amongst the poor are rampant. Though in Britian in as far as once the vast majority of services such as the education services, housing, railways the national health services the prison service and the coal industry these all belonged to the whole of the Nation and the government that was elected by the people of the this Nation to run all of these services on their behalf, but no longer. The majority of these now are in the hands of but a few, once they were run for the benefit, health, welfare and education of those who elected the government to run the country on their behalf, but now they are run not for the benefit of the public but for profit the profit of the rich and powerful. The promises after the second world war of a National health, welfare, education, housing and transportation services and even prison services was then fulfilled by the then government so that all the people of the Nation would no longer suffer from the poverty depravation and disease ill health, lack of proper health and welfare, housing  and educational services that then existed and which continued throughout the war was fulfilled by the then government which was to be paid for by Nation insurance and taxes which became the envy of the whole world but now is no longer as said the public’s crown jewels has been sold off to benefit the rich and powerful the only way that these services can be returned to their former glory is to be returned to the control of the public by a government which has the Nations peoples interests at heart and not the pockets of the rich and powerful. Which will in the end return this Nation if left to them to the state in as far as the public are concerned it was in before the Second World War. As already said the wealth of a Nation is all of its people not silver or gold or diamonds and certainly not a few and as said without people there is no Nation no workforce to run industry. But what about the services that have been placed n the hands of the few are they all profiting the people are they all run as they should be meeting the needs of the general public? No! Why? Because those who run the have only their own interests at heart and not the general public. Thus I do say unto thee that the government that hath not the interest of the whole of their Nation at heart and do not govern as they were entrusted by the electorate on their behalf to govern this Nation not only will they in the end have the Nations public to answer to but to Me also saith the Lord of Host even according to all of My Holy Laws and Commandments.

This is the Word of the Lord to thee.

From the prophet of the Lord.

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