Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.
The declaration by the I.M.F. about Britian leaving the E.U. puts forward just one message that I.M.F. is scared of Britain leaving and is trying to scare Britain into staying in the E.U. not because of the problems Britain may face, but the problems that the E.U. might face having one of it major contributors and trading partners leaving which would have repercussions on the E.U.'s economy and leaving the I.M.F. the possibility of having to bail out one, two or more E.U. states. In other words this can be seen as the E.U. getting concerned as it looks to the E.U. Britain is heading towards leaving. What the E.U. should have done in the negotiations for reform is gone a lot further in agreeing to the reforms put forward. But because of its own short sightedness it is now facing the problems it has now and those to come.
This is the Word of the Lord to thee.
From the prophet of the Lord.
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