Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob
Thus saith the Lord God and the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD the only true Saviour Redeemer and the eternal Passover Lamb unto this Nation even the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. How is it that a mighty Nation that once peacefully traded with many Nations for over a hundred years shall because of its attack and invasion of an innocent peaceful Nation fall down unto the dust of the ground to be no more? But now say ye why is it that I have held back the full fury of My wrath and anger as I have; as is set down in My Word; caused to descend upon many Nations in the past. For it is that I am waiting to pardon and welcome with open arms all of those who in deep humility with a repentant contrite hearts do seek My forgiveness for all of their crimes committed against their fellow men and women and children and the breaking of all of My Holy Law and Commandments for I WHO AM THAT I AM, am gracious and merciful slow to anger and of great kindness who is not ready to forsake any if there is in them a possibility of a change of heart and a desire for them to turn from their wicked ways and sinful crimes to serve the Lord their God all the days of their lives. Thus say I unto thee there is a Nation upon this Earth whose spirit is that of past Nations and who treads the same path they once treaded that of those who built Empires that sought to subdue the whole world to their reign and who in their arrogance and pride in the end thought that I existed not that they were indeed gods and did commit all manner of wickedness and immorality sinking into a well of depravity from which they could not climb out of, who in the end when My Cup and of wrath and anger was filled up was poured out upon them and I brought upon them all manner of plagues and disasters but still in the hardness of their hearts they continued treading the path they whereon so much so that I weakened them so that the tribal Nations whom once they conquered and of whom they despised as weak and ineffective against the might of their empire saw the weakened immoral and depraved state of the Empire which once held sway over them rebelled and did cause them to fall. They relied upon their weapons of war and their mighty armies and their dominance of the Nations they conquered and had influence over and held in subjection through the fear of their might but did not count on My wrath and anger being poured out upon them. For these Nations Empires reckoned not on the power of the weapons I hold in My arsenal weapons against which there is no defence thus I struck and weakened them and then gave courage to those Nations they subjected to their cruel dominance by the fear of their mighty weapons and armies so that they could rebelled but when they did they found that the mighty empire they feared no longer existed and they conquered those Empires utterly and totally destroying them so much so that they vanished from the face of the Earth. Thus as said this Nation has thus walked this path and is still on it who attributes the disasters and plagues, earth quake and volcanic eruptions not unto Me but unto Nature whom they do call mother nature of whom doth not exist that mankind’s will gives mankind the right to do as they please and that mankind is not subject to My Holy Will and purposes and subject to My Holy Word, Law and Commandments relying upon the so called superiority of their weaponry and the belief that I exist not that I am a creation of the superstitious imaginations of mankind’s past beliefs. Well thus can I assure them I do exist and that the whole of Nature and their existence is subject to My Will and purposes and is subject to the Judgement of MY Holy Law and commandments which I can assure mankind which have and will become self evident. Therefore now say I saith the Lord God of the whole of creation unto that Nation how their mighty armies and weapons of war shall be brought to nought before My Weapons of war of which there is as afore said no defence. For it is I raise one up Nation and do cast another down for the whole of creation is Mine and I do as I will in the whole of creation and in the armies of the heaven of heavens and of which My army which is the hosts of the heaven of heavens there is also none who can stand against them saith the Lord of Hosts, to defeat them. Thus say I saith the Holy One of Israel for all the sins crimes and transgressions of breaking My Holy Laws by all of unrepentant fallen of Mankind upon the rejection of salvation and redemption by Faith in the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD a price has to be paid and that price is death and destruction in the casting of forever into the bottomless pit when Judgment day dawns. But the price of salvation and redemption and the forgiveness of all sins crimes and the transgressions of breaking all of My Holy Laws for all who believe in the only true Messiah has by Him already been paid. Thus it must be said that the Adversary takes all and gives nothing. But saith Holy One of Israel I give all freely salvation redemption eternal life peace that passeth all understanding and prosperity without end and require nothing in return only obedience to all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and that willingly by Faith in the only true MESSIAH IMMANUEL. But unto the Nations of the Earth I say between all of the Nations the only peace that can be permanent is if they are all at peace with and belong unto Me saith the Lord God of the whole of creation. Thus those Nations that are against Me cannot and shall not stand and those who are for Me and of Me by Faith in the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD cannot fall or be defeated. Thus the peace I freely give is an everlasting peace beyond Measure but not just an everlasting peace between those Nations that belong unto Me by Faith in the MESSIAH but also between all those peoples lands tribes and Nations that belong unto Me is peace freely given so that all may be blessed and prosper in all that they do upon the Earth. Thus as My peace is feely given to all who belong unto Me so also is the water of everlasting life by Me is freely given unto all who come to believe in and are redeemed and saved by Faith in the only true redeemer saviour and eternal Passover Lamb the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD. But in as far as the punishment of this Nation even UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and all the Nations of the Earth if they all turn; as afore said; from off all disobedience to all of My Holy Laws and commandments and My Moral Law and from all wickedness immorality corruption and obey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and My Moral Law from the heart according as so set down in My Word the Law and the prophets so shall I withhold My wrath and anger and instead bless protect and prosper this and all the Nations of the Earth giving them peace with Me and with each other; especially ISRAEL; that do turn from off all disobedience to all of My Holy Laws and commandments and My Moral Law, as they have never afore been blessed or prospered in all that they do and shall surrounded them around about with My presence protecting them from all of their enemies until My Judgment day dawns at the end of days but if not then so shall I as said with the full fury of My wrath and anger descend upon this Nation and the rest of the Nations of the Earth. Thus it is saith the Lord God where there is life there is hope and in hope there is life and as I AM THAT I AM, even ADONAI ELOHIM TZVA’OT AM the source of all life in Me there is hope for all who believe in the only true eternal Passover Lamb the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD.
This is the Word of the Lord to thee.
From the prophet of the Lord.
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