Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob
Thus saith the Lord God and the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD saviour redeemer and eternal Passover Lamb of all of those of mankind and the Holy People who have by faith believed in and have been cleansed by the MESSIAH IMMANUELS shed blood of all their sins, crimes and transgressions committed in the breaking of all of My Holy Law and Commandments and My Moral law but especially of Original inherited sin for without the repentance forgiveness and cleansing of ORIGINAL SIN there is no salvation or redemption thus by being clothed in the righteousness of the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD all who believe by Faith in HIM as THEIR SAVIOUR are made Holy Righteous and pure in My sight saith the Lord God for as afore said without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin thus those who by faith have been cleansed and made righteous in My sight through His shed blood have been forgiven of Original Sin and all of their sins transgressions and the crimes committed in the breaking of all of My Holy Law and Commandments throughout all of their life and are the redeemed of the Lamb and thus have by Faith in Messiah IMMANUEL become the rightful heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven and children of the living God even I WHO AM THAT I AM THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL. Thus say I unto thee at this time saith the Holy One of Israel creator of the Heavens and the Heaven of Heavens even all of creation and all that in it that doth exist the Stars of the Heavens and the planets that do orbit them and all the wonders thereof the chief of them being My creation of the Earth at the centre and created I saith the Lord God the Sun to govern the day and the Moon the Night and upon the Earth created I saith the Lord God of the Hosts of Heaven and Heaven of Heavens all that exists thereon the land oceans seas mountains and all of the creatures thereof that do live and move and have their being in Me for I am the source of all life and mankind created in Mine own image upon the face of the Earth and though fallen being deceived by the Adversary yet still the chief of My creation whose soul I did create in My image and though as said corrupted by the fall and being casting out of Eden’s Garden and in the creation of mankind, mankind is still a witness to the power and glory of My Holy Name. Thus as afore said when mankind fell time began and as time hath a beginning so must it also have an end of which is and shall come to pass even the end of this, that which is so named and revealed in My Word as the end of this creation and the beginning of the new that of a certainty shall soon come to pass. Thus it is and shall be now that all the Nations of the Earth have been as Judged found guilty of original sin and the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments shall now; as so said afore; be Punished after which My Judgement day shall dawn and all of Mankind living and dead shall be brought before My Throne to be Judged. Thus now that the Judging of the whole of the Nations of mankind past present and future hath ended and the righteous by Faith having been redeemed by the only true Messiah even the only true eternal Passover Lamb He having been Judged in their place they all shall escape Judgement and shall being Holy Pure and righteous in My sight having been clothed with the righteousness of the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD shall ascend when Judgement day dawns into the Heaven of Heavens and MY KINGDOM and the unrighteous and the wicked fallen disobedient corrupt and immoral of mankind having been found guilty of breaking all of My Holy Law and commandments shall be cast by the Angel of Death into the bottomless pit who when warned of the Judgment to come deafened their ears and blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts towards Me and My Word of warning and they having not heeded the warning given and repented not they shall when My Judgement day dawns upon being found guilty of inherited Original Sin and the breaking of all of My Holy Law and Commandments shall be cast along with the Adversary and his followers into the Bottomless pit wherein burns the flames of everlasting torment and from which there is no escape wherein the worm dieth not nor the flames of torment go not out forever having only themselves to blame for being cast therein and it is and shall be they having been warned their blood shall be upon their own heads. Thus as I have at this time Judged all the Nation of the Earth and have found them all Guilty of breaking My Holy Law and Commandment and of My Moral Law and of great wickedness immorality corruption and iniquity and also guilty of failing to halt the pollution and devastation of their environment that hath caused the deaths of many of the creatures of My creation and that is also causing the young and elderly to suffer cruel lingering illness and diseases ending in agonising and cruel deaths of which could have been avoided by the efforts of all of the governments of all of the Nations upon the face of the Earth by taking as so said action in not only curbing the pollution and the devastation of the environment but end it all together of which the governments of the Nations of the Earth and of this Nation ROMANIA seem to have lacked and still lack the will to halt the pollution and devastation of the Earth that hath been and is being caused by the Nations of mankind; the politicians of the governments of all of the Nations only talk and discus what might, could or should be done in dealing with the present critical situation that the Earth’s environment is in that hath and shall result in not only in the countless deaths of the creatures of My creation but also in the countless deaths that humanity will suffer from this escalating catastrophic crisis the Earth environment is in. Thus you have sought the answer to the source of the recent pandemics plagues diseases devastating fires of lands and forests the answer to the question where did they originate from is right in front of you but your eyes see it not even the pollution and devastation of the Earth’s environment caused by Mankind thus hast thou sown to the wind only to reap the whirlwind of thine own careless and thoughtless actions. Thus therefore it is that far worse devastation of the Earth’s environment is coming that shall have catastrophic consequences for all of mankind for as the devastation increases so shall the plagues diseases and viruses for the breeding ground of this and many diseases is in the pollution and devastation of the Earth’s environment and thus as so said afore at whose door shall the blame be laid for the devastation and destruction of Earth’s environment at and that door can only mankind’s door and especially for the lack of action on the part of the Governments of the Nations of the Earth when warned of the devastation to come took little or no action in trying to remedy the situation thinking or believing it would remedy itself or that I saith the Lord God would sort it out for them but mankind by their lack of action and being the cause of the present irretrievable state of the environment must and shall suffer the consequences of their actions who are all talk and take little or no action in trying to at least slow down the inevitable cataclysmic disaster that shall befall all of Mankind and the deaths of the creatures of My creation of which mankind also shall be blamed and punished for, well have I said in the past mankind will in the end be the author of their own destruction. Thus as said afore and I saith the Lord God of the Host of heaven and repeat it again, the time has long passed wherein mankind could have reversed the effects of the pollution and the devastation of the environment caused by mankind has had and is still having on the Earth’s environment and climate many a time I have through the voices of others warned mankind of the consequences of their industrial pollution and the catastrophic effect it would have in the end upon the Earth’s environment of which one of the causes is greed and the lust for power prestige and the accumulation of wealth lands and position of which none were are willing or wanted to take notice of and sacrifice that lust and greed for of which would not only have benefit of mankind and the creatures of My creation but their own welfare and that of their descendants. But as so said it is now too late to reverse the devastation and destruction of Earth’s climate and environment all that mankind can do if sufficient action is taken by the Nations of the Earth is to slow it down as I have afore said that is if mankind and the Governments are willing to try and slow it down. But say I that as mankind’s will is not My will and My will not mankind’s neither can the two exist together in all of creation and especially in the Kingdom of Heaven. Thus as so said I and repeat doth it not say in one prayer when asked of the MESSIAH IMMANUEL how they should pray the MESSIAH IMMANUEL replied by reciting the prayer He taught His disciples called by many of Mankind the Lord’s Prayer ana especially this section THY WILL BE DONE UPON EARTH AS IT IS DONE IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. Thus the reason why those of mankind who seek to do their own will can never ever enter The Kingdom of heaven the will of Mankind being the true source of the fall even of all sin, crimes and the transgressions committed in the breaking of all of My Holy Law and Commandments and of all wickedness immorality corruption rebellion and unbelief for until mankind is willing to do My will willingly then the banishment of mankind as begun in Eden’s Garden so must banishment be the destiny of those who refuse to do My Will even to be banished from My presence and the Kingdom of Heaven forever and to be cast into outer darkness and the bottomless pit only those who are willing to do My Will by Faith in the in the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD; willingly and not by force and as revealed and set down in all of My Word the Law and the Prophets past and present; shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven to dwell therein forever. For all of the crimes sins and transgressions committed in the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandment and also of breaking My Moral Law and all manner of wickedness evil corruption immorality and iniquity, Thus as so demanded by My Holy Laws and Commandments as so set down in Mt Word so shall punish this Nation even ROMANIA in these end of days by Earth Quake whirlwind tornadoes and hurricanes and volcanic activity and cataclysmic storms by floods and drought famine and plagues, pestilence and disease as I have thus far punished those Nations by Me Judged and found guilty of breaking all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and My Moral Laws and as I shall punish all the Nations of the Earth yet to come having been Judged By Me and found guilty of the breaking o all of My Holy Laws and Commandments. Thus say I saith the Holy One of Israel for all the sins crimes and transgressions of breaking My Holy Laws by all of unrepentant fallen of Mankind upon the rejection of salvation and redemption by Faith in the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD a price has to be paid and that price is death and destruction in the casting of forever into the bottomless pit when Judgment day dawns. But the price of salvation and redemption and the forgiveness of all sins crimes and the transgressions of breaking all of My Holy Laws for all who believe in the only true Messiah has by Him already been paid. Thus it must be said that the Adversary takes all and gives nothing. But saith Holy One of Israel I give all freely salvation redemption eternal life peace that passeth all understanding and prosperity without end and require nothing in return only obedience to all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and that willingly by Faith in the only true MESSIAH IMMANUEL. But unto the Nations of the Earth I say betwixt all of the Nations upon the face of the EARTH the only peace that can last is if they all are at peace with and belong unto Me saith the Lord God of the whole of creation. Thus those Nations that are against Me cannot and shall not stand and those who are for Me and of Me by Faith in the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD cannot fall or be defeated. Thus the peace I freely give is an everlasting peace beyond Measure but not just an everlasting peace between those Nations that belong unto Me by Faith in the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD but also between all those peoples lands tribes and Nations that belong unto Me is peace freely given so that all may be blessed and prosper in all that they do upon the Earth. Thus as My peace is feely given to all who belong unto Me so also is the water everlasting life by Me is freely given unto all who come to believe in and are redeemed and saved by Faith in the only true redeemer saviour and eternal Passover Lamb the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD. But in as far as the punishment of this Nation is concerned as so said unto all the Nations thus far due to be punished by Me so say I to this Nation even ROMANIA if this Nation turns from off all disobedience to all of My Holy Laws and commandment and from all wickedness immorality corruption and the breaking of all of My Moral Laws and obey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and My Moral Law from the heart according as so set down in My Word the Law and the prophets so shall I bless protect and prosper this Nation as it hath never afore been blessed or prospered in all that it does and shall surrounded this Nation around about with by My presence protecting them from all harm and alarm and all of their enemies until My Judgment day dawns at the end of days but if not then so shall I with the full fury of My wrath and anger descend upon this Nation and all of the Nations of the Earth. Thus it is saith the Lord God where there is life there is hope and in hope there is life and as I AM THAT I AM , am the source of all life in Me there is hope for all who believe in the only true eternal Passover Lamb the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD.
This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.
from the prophet of the Lord
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