Wednesday 3 July 2024


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

           Thus saith the Lord God and the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON GOD saviour, redeemer and the eternal Passover Lamb. Thus say I at this time unto thee only those who obey from the heart all of My Holy Law and Commandments and My Moral Law by Faith in the MESSIAH IMMANUEL having accepted Him as their saviour and redeemer upon repenting of all of their sons crimes and transgressions have by Him been forgiven and by Faith have been cleansed through His shed blood of all of their sins crimes and transgressions committed in the breaking of all of My Holy Law and Commandments especially of Original sin shall when having been brought before Me in Judgement upon Judgement day to be Judged shall escape being cast into the bottomless pit forever. For these are they who upon being convicted of sin righteousness and the Judgement to come by the Holy Spirit Roach Hakodesh having had revealed unto them that the only means of escaping being cast into the bottomless pit forever is by Faith in the MESSIAH IMMANUEL being forgiven of all of their sins crimes and transgressions committed in the breaking of all of My Holy Law and Commandments and as said afore upon repenting have been forgiven and all of their sin crimes and the transgressions committed in the of breaking My Holy Law and Commandments and of Original sin and thus having been redeemed by Faith in Him and cleansed by His shed blood of all their sins crimes and the transgressions of the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments and of inherited Original Sin; for He alone is the only true eternal saviour redeemer and Passover Lamb the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON GOD for as so set down in My Word Law and the prophets without the shedding of blood there can be no remission of all of the sins crimes and transgressions committed by Mankind in the breaking of My Holy Law and Commandments especially of Original sin inherited from mankind first parents Adam and Eve; shall in Him be resurrected unto everlasting life and inherit  the Kingdom of Heaven forever at the end of their lives upon Earth saith the Lord God of all of creation even the Holy One of Israel. Thus saith the Holy One of Israel the only true living God creator of all that is was and ever shall be even all of creation so named by mankind the Universe  and all that exists upon the surface of the Earth especially Mankind the chief of My creation whose body did I formed from the dust of the ground breaking into their bodies the breath of Life even their immortal souls created in Mine own Image and placed them into Eden’s garden and commanded them to go forth and multiply and cover the surface of the Earth as I also commanded all the creatures of My creation formed from the dust of the ground and breathed into them the breath of life even the living spirit of the all of the creatures of My creation according to their species innocent without the sin only subject to corruption and death caused by the fall of Mankind as did as did all of My creation suffer the curse of Mankind’s fall and shall suffer it until the last day of the end of days.   The creatures of My creation being innocent cannot sin cannot suffer Judgement nor suffer Mankind’s punishment for all of Mankind’s sins crimes and transgressions. For as they were born lived and died upon the surface of the Earth innocent in all of their being so shall they upon death return unto Me. Thus it was in the beginning as I commanded the creatures of  My creation to go forth and multiply and cover the surface of the Earth so did I command mankind to go forth and multiply and also cover the surface of the Earth with their offspring. But it was that not only commanded I the creatures of My creation to cover not only the lands of the Earth but also all the seas and oceans lakes rivers and streams and the skies of the Earth. Thus as so said as they are of Me and created by Me I am in them they in Me and though by mankind the curse of death fell upon all of the creatures of My creation upon their flesh only did it fall and as mankind fell spiritual the creatures of My creation as said afore did not, not one of the creatures of My creation shall be as mankind Judged by My Just Judgement and therefore not one of the creatures of My creations shall be cast into the bottomless pit as mankind is and shall be upon being found guilty of original sin and the breaking of all of My Holy Law and Commandments only Mankind shall come before Me in Judgement to be Judged and if found guilty of breaking My Holy Law and commandments shall be punished and condemned to the bottomless pit forever for it is all the creatures of My creation of land sea and air are innocent and pure in My sight and shall upon their physical death being spiritually innocent shall as they as created and came out from Me so shall they return unto Me saith the Lord God even the Holy One of Israel and shall become one with Me forever and thus it is whomsoever cruelly treats and kills them not for mankind’s survival but unjustly for their own sport, pleasure, profit, pride and greed especially in as far as the cruel treatment of domestic animals is concerned for when they return unto Me all that hath transpired in all of their lives shall be revealed and set before Me and thus as is revealed so shall the guilty be severely be punished none shall escape My Just Judgement, condemnation and punishment. Thus it is that as I gave mankind the responsibility for the care and protection of the creatures of  My creation so shall all of mankind be held to account for their failure in the execution of their God given responsibility for the care and protection of all the creatures of My creation. Thus those who do fulfil their God given responsibility towards the creations of My creation so unto them shall be given the reward and praise they deserve but the reward for those who fail to fulfil their God given responsibility towards the creatures of My creation condemnation and punishment wrath and anger death and destruction and thus their lives from this time forth until Judgment day and from thence if found guilty of cruelty and the cruel unnecessary treatment death of the creatures of My creation from the minutest insect to the mightiest of carnivores and from the one celled creatures of the oceans to the mighty leviathan of the oceans and from the flightless birds of the arctic to the mightiest of eagles of the air so shall the full might of My all consuming wrath and anger descend in the casting down of them into the bottomless pit and the fiery furnace of everlasting torment from which there is no escape or reprieve for all eternity but in the respect of the cruel treatment neglect and deaths of the creatures of My creation the two major sins that I shall punish with  the full fury of My all consuming wrath and anger are that of omission meaning the neglecting of their God given duty given by Me in the beginning to all of mankind to care for and protect all of the creature of My creation and the crimes of commission even the deliberate acts of cruelty and death committed against the creatures of My creation and that means all the creatures of My creation domestic or wild all found guilty of so doing by Me shall be most severely punished and shall in Judgement not be held guiltless. Thus as the acts of mankind in as far as their responsibility given to care for and  protect the creatures of My creation in the neglect and abuse thereof that shall and hath incurred and provoked My wrath and anger to descend upon them now and in Judgement. So shall the miss use and the abusive use of natural resource even of so called fossil fuels that have and do result in the cruel  injuries and death of the creatures of My creation by the means of the disposal of industrial waste toxic or otherwise and the careless leakage of toxic substance thus say I this there is no safe way upon the face of the Earth to dispose safely of such waste that will not affect the lives of creatures of My creation and those who seek to dispose such waste in the main have little care or forethought as to the damage the disposal of such waste has and is causing to the creatures of My creation so shall I have no thought or intention of being merciful now and when they come before Me in Judgement upon Judgement day to be held to account for all of their lives all of their thoughts words and deeds that are contrary not only to all of My Holy will and purposes but all of My Holy Laws and Commandments especially in as far as the treatment of the Earth’s environment and the creatures thereof even of all of the creatures of My creation. Thus as so said My wrath and anger even the all consuming fires of My wrath and anger hath been provoked and thus shall descend upon all those guilty of committing these sins crimes and transgressions against the environment and the creatures of My creation full measure unto perfection. But it is as so said I have weighed in the balances of My Just Judgement this Nation PUERTO RICO and found them guilty of the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and as I have found them guilty so shall I with the all consuming fires of My wrath and anger punish this Nation PUERTO RICO as is so set down and demanded by My Holy Word Law and Commandments unless they have repented and by faith in the only true eternal Passover Lamb the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON GOD have been redeemed by His shed blood cleansing them from all sins crimes and the transgressions of breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and of the pollution and destruction of the environment of this Nation by their people which as above said affects any and all of the creatures of My creation either by causing the cruel injuries and deaths of the creatures of My creation. Thus for the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments shall I punish this Nation  but not as afore said for these sins alone but as pointed out for all the sins crimes and transgression of omission as well as of commission shall I punish this Nations but and also shall I punish this Nation Government for failing to meet the needs of the needy of this their Nation the responsibility of which was as so said along with the care and protection of the creatures of My creation given by Me right from the beginning and as so said for the failure thereof so shall the full fury of My wrath and anger descend upon all of those found guilty of failing in their God given duty and responsibility towards the needy of mankind and the innocent creatures of My creation even of failing to meet the needs of the sick the elderly the widow the homeless and the outcast the orphan and the terminally ill the poverty stricken and the destitute and of the refugee seeking refugee but and especially for the failure of this Nations government to provide adequate care and protection for the young very young and vulnerable against those who would harm abuse or murder them. Thus now more so that the days of grace and mercy have come to an end and the days of wrath and anger and the out pouring of the all consuming fires of My wrath and anger shall descend upon all of Mankind more so now that the days of grace and mercy have ended and the days of wrath and anger begun and Judgement day is thus now not long off even at the door ready to enter in I shall in wrath and anger death and destruction by  great storms that will be in comparison to the those recently descended on the Earth like unto a summers breeze is to a mighty storm thus these shall be the like of which hath never afore been seen upon the face of the Earth and never shall again be seen followed by tornadoes cyclones whirlwinds Earthquake and volcanic activity in many Nation along with floods, tsunamis and tidal waves in upon the sea shores of many Nations upon the face of the Earth of plagues famines and droughts and of pestilence and of diseases of pandemic proportions. Thus it is of a certainty that indeed now the days of grace and mercy have ended that in wrath and anger I shall saith the Lord God of the whole of creation punish all the Nations of the Earth but not only  shall I punish all the  Nations of the Earth but also all of their Governments central and local All Shall Be Brought Before ME and shall upon being found guilty of Original sin and the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and all of the sins herein set down As Judged so shall they all be punished according  to the demands of My Holy Law and Commandments. Thus say I saith the Holy One of Israel for all the sins crimes and transgressions of breaking My Holy Laws by all of unrepentant fallen of Mankind upon the rejection of salvation and redemption by Faith in the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD the Only true Messiah the SON OF GOD IMMANUEL a price has to be paid and that price is death and destruction in the casting of forever into the bottomless pit when Judgment day dawns. But the price of salvation and redemption and the forgiveness of all sins crimes and the transgressions of breaking all of My Holy Laws for all who believe in the only true Messiah has by Him already been paid. Thus it must be said that the Adversary takes all and gives nothing. But saith Holy One of Israel I give all freely salvation redemption eternal life peace that passeth all understanding and prosperity without end and require nothing in return only obedience to all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and that willingly by Faith in the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD. But unto the Nations of the Earth I say betwixt all the Nations of the Earth the only peace that can be permanent is if they all are at peace with and belong unto Me saith the Lord God of the whole of creation. Thus those Nations that are against Me shall not stand and those who are for Me and of Me by Faith in the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD cannot fall or be defeated. Thus the peace I freely give is an everlasting peace beyond Measure but not just an everlasting peace between those Nations that belong unto Me by Faith in the MESSIAH but also between all those peoples lands tribes and Nations that belong unto Me is peace freely given so that all may be blessed and prosper in all that they do upon the Earth. Thus as My peace is feely given to all who belong unto Me so also is the water everlasting life by Me is freely given unto all who come to believe in and are redeemed and saved by Faith in the only true redeemer saviour and eternal Passover Lamb the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON OF GOD. But in as far as the punishment of this Nation and the Nations of the Americas, Europe and the Middle East are concerned as so said unto all the Nations thus far as Judged due to be punished by Me so say I to this Nation even PUERTO RICO and all the Nations of  the EARTH if they all turn; as afore said; not from off all disobedience to all of My Holy Laws and commandment and from all wickedness immorality corruption and the breaking of all of My Holy Moral Laws and obey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and My Moral Law from the heart according as so set down in My Word the Law and the prophets so shall I bless protect and prosper this and all the Nations of the Earth that do so as they have never afore been blessed or prospered in all that they do and shall surrounded them around about with My presence protecting them from all of their enemies until My Judgment day dawns at the end of days but if not then so shall I as said with the full fury of My wrath and anger descend upon this Nation and the rest of the Nations of the Earth. Thus it is saith the Lord God where there is life there is hope and in hope there is life and as I AM THAT I AM, am the source of all life in Me there is hope for all who believe in the only true eternal Passover Lamb the MESSIAH IMMANUEL THE SON GOD


This is the Word of the Lord God to thee


from the prophet of the Lord



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