Wednesday, 31 October 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the Hosts of heaven as concerning the catastrophic Budget put forth by thy Chancellor in his proposed management of public finances or I should say the mismanagement of public finances as revealed in the present budget that has been locked into the present governmental strategy of seeking to convince parliament that the Brexit plan put forward by the Prime Minister is the only means of avoiding  a no deal  Brexit with the EU and to encourage Parliament and their party to wholly back that plan to the hilt.  As has been mistakenly put forward by the chancellor of the exchequer it would be a financial disaster for the UK; with a veiled threat; if there was a no deal Brexit of a budget uturn in the Autumn and that the only way of avoiding such a situation would be for parliament to vote in favour of the deal brought back by the Prime Minister the problem is what concessions to the plan the Prime Minister has devised will have to be made to attain a deal with the EU avoiding a no deal Brexit the only answer to that in as far as the EU is concerned is an unlimited backstop plan put in place.  But the EU seems to have the attitude that they have the Prime Minister and the UK government where they want them by threatening the UK if the EU didn't get the concessions they wanted from the UK in the plan the UK put forward there would be a definite no deal Brexit of which the UK government dreads happening. First of all there is no solid foundation for the scaremonger claims of the chancellor of the exchequer and that the present Budget is a panic Budget aiming to as thou wouldst put it butter up Parliament to accept the Prime Ministers plan and the deal brought back as the only means of avoiding a no deal Brexit a budget which will now in the end cause more harm than good in that it in no way can it end the austerity measures put in place by the present government caused by the past Banking bail out paid for by the tax payers of the UK and the failed privatization strategy that caused a financial black hole in the British economy what term was used for privatization and local government in the past selling of public assets selling off the family silver to avoid the shame of bankruptcy and the question must be put is this country heading towards bankruptcy as austerity selling of public assets and privatization and a juggling of public finances look like a Government on the verge of collapse heading towards bankruptcy a prosperous and competent government does not bring in austerity measures privatization and the selling of public assets unless there is a financial crisis on the horizon. Thus said I in the past if thou didst heed My Word obey all of My Holy Law and Commandments and did do all that I have in the past commanded thee to do then I would prosper not only this Government but the whole of this Nation so much so that it would after Brexit become a prosperous global trading Nation of the World and if thou would not obey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments heal the sick feed the hungry meet the needs of the poor  care for the homeless the needy the elderly and the down trodden and did begin to reverse the harm thou and this Nation hath done unto My creations environment then thy only destination would be to become equal to that which ye consider third world Nations along with the EU member Nations being still attached in part to the EU when it collapses as it will

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Tuesday, 30 October 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God even Adonai Elohim Tzva'ot unto thee at this time as said afore in times past so I say now again but more so that there is only one way into My Kingdom the Kingdom of Heaven by Mankind and that is My Way according to My Will and purposes as is set down in My Word and of a certainty there is no other way and never hath been and never shall be that ye can be assured of and as it were is set in stone, even the stone tablets upon which I wrote the Commandments that I gave unto Mosher/Moses to deliver unto the children of Israel of which now lays in the true and only Ark of the Covenant hidden wherein I placed it surrounded by four Cherubim to protect it from all harm and abuse by mankind and at the right time and upon the right day that hath been ordained by Me since the beginning shall the Ark of the Covenant once again be returned unto the House to My Holy Name to be a witness to all of My People and all of Mankind that My Name and My Glory hath returned unto its rightful place amongst MY PEOPLE ISRAEL IN MY HOLY CITY WHEREIN THE ARK SHALL RESIDE IN THE HOUSE TO MY HOLY NAME and from that time forth shall never ever again be removed and as said there is only one way into the Kingdom of Heaven and that is as said by My Will and Way alone as is set down in My Word there is no other way not by the will of mankind nor by the will of the World nor by the will of the Adversary nor by the Will of the flesh and contrary to every way as so taught by the religions of mankind. Thus it is that the only the way I have set down in My Word is by perfect perpetual obedience to all of My Holy Laws and Commandments by Faith in the true and only Passover Lamb of God the Messiah Immanuel whose shed blood cleanses from all sins/crimes and transgressions as was foretold by all of the Law and the prophets of past ages and so told and taught in these last days and at this time. Thus it shall be in these last days all that hath be revealed in My Word shall at this time come to pass even as I have so ordained since the beginning and not one iota or jot and title shall be omitted all shall be accomplished according to My Holy Will and purposes for all of creation and all of mankind as set down in My Word.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Monday, 29 October 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God how have they who seek to deceive others have been they  themselves been deceived and have been lead in the direction and down a path they wanted not to go by seeking  to prove others are not what they claim to be and instead of laying a trap for others they have themselves fallen into a trap set by Me saith the Holy One of Israel who shall reap the reward that is their due first they and then others who seek to do as they have done but I say this the trap they set for others their victims have escaped from but the trap I have set none who fall therein shall escape from but shall come before Me to be Judged but what shall the verdict be and what shall be their punishment even the position they now hold and the wealth they posses shall be torn from their possession and shall in the end go down unto their graves paupers even they who in their arrogance they look down and despised the poor the down trodden and the homeless shall they themselves before death be as they whom they despised. But say I as I so warned the Nation that if they by their miss use of fossil fuels continue to pollute and cause harm to My creation the seas the oceans and the creatures therein and all of the environment even the pollution that now orbits the Earth what I could and would do even the cause main fossil fuel to disappear from beneath the surface of the Earth for example the great caverns beneath the Earth thou calls oil wells these I can easily cause to disappear by causing as I have done deep earth quakes that shall cause the collapse of the oil wells and by the same means create deeper caverns beyond the reach of mankind, but on saying that not many wells need be sunk only those full of oil! For it is that they are many that are almost as thou wouldst say it at the end of their lives ready to run dry for it is that the supply of that fossil fuel as thou calls it by thy excessive use in all of thy modes of transport are causing those wells to run dry sooner than they would have if thou had by good stewardship used it wisely but thy civilization is based on the philosophy live now pay later. But in times past I warned thee of the consequences of thy actions and so shall it come to pass for there is not an infinite supply of oil the supply is finite and rapidly running out especial with thy increased manufacturing of thy modes of transport look to the times of the past ages before oil and that is that which shall be thy destiny if thy pollution and thy excessive use and manufacturing of thy modes of transport continues to cause My creation to suffer as it hath done in the past. But this I do say even if I punished thee not for the destruction caused to My creation by the whole of mankind yet would thy fossil fuel resources soon diminish which would cause Nations to go to war over the remaining diminishing resources and I say this not lightly for Nations in the past have gone to war over much less even over the assignation of a leader or over territorial disputes as hath been recently proven and concider also the recent conflicts caused by petrol and oil shortages at the petrol pumps. Thus as I said the present civilization philosophy is and has been live now pay later thus have the Nation of this civilization lived now and in the past and now comes the time when payment has become due and shall be required by Me in Judgment saith the Lord God of the Whole of creation.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord.

Sunday, 28 October 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God unto the Nations and to all of mankind that as these now are the last even the days of the Judging of the Nations even all mankind by the Iron rod of My Holy Laws and commandments even by My Mighty right hand into which I have place this Iron rod of My Holy Laws and Commandments to strike all the Nations of the Earth in Judgment with and any who are by ME FOUND GUILTY OF BREAKING THE LEAST OF THEM SHALL THEREBY BE PUNISHED AS REQUIRED BY MY HOLY LAW AND COMMANDMENTS. Thus it is that the rule of My Holy Laws and commandments by Me shall be strictly applied to the whole of mankind. As thus is the Law of mankind in certain Nations class any accused guilty of committing a crime be considered innocent until proven guilty so shall it be when mankind is Judged by Me all shall be considered innocent until proven guilty but think ye not that by this condition of Judgment any who are guilty of breaking My Holy Laws and commandments shall escape if they are guilty of breaking even the least of My Holy Laws and Commandments of which previously I have set forth those that are at the top of the list in as far as My Commandments are concerned. But be it known by all of mankind I Judge not as mankind Judges and all of mankind’s Laws are not My Laws though some claim to have their whole Judicial system based on them. Unlike the application of the lax Judicial systems of mankind I shall strictly apply My Rule of Law and My commandments unto perfection and when I say a person is innocent until proven guilty shall be strictly applied to unto perfections thus it is by Mine own Name I promise that all who are proven innocent shall be acquitted but the guilty shall have descending upon them the full fury of My Wrath and anger and being committed to My Prison forever which is the bottomless pit with no reprieve or parole whatsoever. But first to be condemned in Judgment shall be those who break in the slightest degree those commandments already set before thee and then one other that I shall now set before thee and it is Thou shall not take My Name saith the Lord thy God in vain for I shall not hold any of mankind guiltless who taketh My Name saith the Holy One of Israel in vain the full weight of My wrath and anger shall descend on such as do so. But in as far as My Judging of mankind and the Judging of criminals by the Judicial system of mankind differs is that nothing is hidden from My sight and I can search a person’s heart out unto perfection even all of their thoughts words deeds  and desires are an open book as it were unto Me and all that every person in all of their lives have done have thought desired and spoken have been set down in My book of life and when they come before Me that book shall be opened and all that they have done thought desired and spoken shall be declare and revealed unto them before all there assembled and on the basis of their lives on Earth shall My Judgment of them proceed and as said any and all of their sins crimes and transgressions shall be consider and on that basis shall they be Judged guilty or innocent but it is also as in thy courts before Judgment is passed and the verdict is given and the punishment is due if guilty is applied all shall be given a chance to speak on their own behalf and in their own defence. But one thing must be put forth every chance is given to every human being throughout their lives to seek when convicted by Roach Hakodesh/ the holy spirit of sins unrighteousness and crime and of punishment in the breaking thereof in the Judgment to come and the means of escape by the seeking of forgiveness through He alone who can save them from the wrath to come upon all of mankind and when asked who it is that can save them Roach Hakodesh/the holy  spirit reveals unto them the true Messiah and the eternal Passover Lamb whose blood sacrificed upon the altar of grace alone that can cleans them of all sin crime and transgression if they believe in Him by faith they in Judgement can be acquitted by Me as Holy and righteous and innocent in My sight. For it is that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin crime and transgression in the breaking of the least of My Holy Laws and commandments

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Saturday, 27 October 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the whole of creation unto thee even at this time that soon shall the dayspring from on high arise with healing in his wings to heal all of the Earth and to wipe from off the face of the Earth all that doth pollute it even all of the wicked corrupt and evil immoral Nations of mankind. Who walk contrary to My Holy Will as is revealed in My Word and all of My Holy Commandments even in all of the Law and the prophets. The Law and commandments first delivered to Israel and then to all of mankind through Mosher/Moses My servant and friend who are commanded to obey from the heart by Faith in the Messiah Immanuel all that is contained therein upon pain of death and destruction by My Hand in Judgment for first must come Judgement and punishment before the Earth and Mankind can be by the dayspring from on high be healed and the day of peace and prosperity for all who remain can begin. In that day peace and prosperity shall cover the face of the Earth and peace therein shall reign and war shall be learned no more. Thus it is of a certainty as day follows night so shall that day dawn when all that are wicked evil corrupt immoral and the disobedient to all of My Holy Laws and commandments of the Nations and mankind shall be banished to the bottomless pit and all who do remain shall obey from the heart; as said by faith; all of My Holy Laws and commandments even according to My Will and purposes as revealed as said in My Word. But   the darkest hour is just before dawn and the darkest hour is about to descend upon mankind and then My Just Judgment shall be executed first upon all of Israel no matter where they be and then upon the wicked immoral corrupt and disobedient of mankind and the Nations by punishing the guilty and fallen and blessing the righteous and upright in heart who walk upon the path of righteousness for My own Names sake and once the Earth hath be cleansed then shall come the healing of all of the Earth and peace and My Glory shall cover the Earth as the waters cover the seas and My Peace, Peace beyond all understanding shall reside in the hearts of all of those who then exist upon the face of the Earth who shall indeed be called children of the living God and the Lion shall indeed lie down with the lamb and the child shall never be in danger from any creature in all of the Earth and no harm shall come upon any in all of My Holy Mountain. But as said it is that the darkest hour is just before dawn and that darkest hour of the Last day is now upon mankind and as said this hour hath been shorten for My Own peoples sake that they fall not down unto death and destruction even unto the pit and sheol and are saved as I have ordained them so to be.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Friday, 26 October 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    The wicked evil corrupt and immoral disobedient Governments of the Nations of the Earth that are weaving webs of deception in the end will deceive no one but they themselves who have been deceived by the deceiver even the father of lies through unbelief in Me saith the Lord God  into believing the lie that I exist not and that this is not the day when all of  their hidden corrupt and evil ways and practices are to be brought out into the light of truth when they are by Me saith the Lord God of the Whole of creation are to be  Judged even at this time which will lead by Mine own hand to their being punished by Me in wrath and anger causing them to fall down even unto the dust of the ground yea even to be banished by Me unto sheol and the bottomless pit forever for now it is the time when all the Nations of the Earth are to be brought before Me to be Judged. First the governments of the Nation’s and then their people,  first the most wicked evil immoral disobedient corrupt and unrighteous Nations even all of those that follow after false gods and messiahs and bow down to idols of wood stone plastic and metal crafted by their own hands not only the past and ancient idols but the modern ones that are now enslaving mankind and the Nations even the Idols of wealth and power and modern techknowledgey which makes of mankind willing slaves breaking one of My Most Holy Commandments as concerning idolatry and the worshiping of idols false gods and messiahs which in the end deceives the deceivers. Even by My Most Holy Law shall all be judged and condemned from which none who doth practice the breaking thereof shall never escape the punishment  of My Just Judgment and being punished as I did Israel in the wilderness when Mosher/Moses went up to receive by Mine own Hand My Holy Laws and Commandments even the Covenant that with Israel I made after punishing Israel’s idolatry by casting into the bottomless pit all of those who did willingly fall down and worship that Idol even the golden calf such from that day until now hath My anger not risen in such fury as is was then so is it now arisen and as I did punished Israel at that time so shall I punish Israel now along with all who break this one of My Most Holy Laws and commandments. of which I set down herein to remind all the inhabitants of the Earth so that none maybe ignorant of and use as an excuse that they knew not of it when they come before Me to be Judged and it is THOU SHALT NOT MAKE UNTO THYSELVES ANY GRAVEN IMAGE OR THE LIKENESS OF ANYTHING THAT IS IN THE HEAVENS ABOVE OR THE EARTH BENEATH OR THAT IS IN THE WATERS OF THE SEAS OR OCEANS OR THE WATERS UNDER THE EARTH THOU SHALT NOT BOW DOWN UNTO THEM  FOR I THE LORD THY GOD AM A JEALOUS GOD VISITING THE INQUITY OF THE FATHERS UPON THEIR CHILDREN UNTO THE THIRD AND FOURTH GENERATION. Thus it is that by these commandments shall I Judge all the Nation and the inhabitant of the Earth even unto perfection those that righteous through faith in the Messiah Immanuel the only true Passover Lamb shall through His righteousness be considered Holy in My sight and those that are not shall be cast out into the outer darkness of the pit and sheol forever.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Thursday, 25 October 2018


Thus saith the Lord God Of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Holy One of Israel true Living God and creator of mankind the Universe and all that in it is thus say I unto thee as the stars of the Heavens are set in their course and the Earth in its orbit and the Sun in its place in the heavens so is it with that which thou doth call Brexit even the leaving of Britain from the bondage of the EU is set in its course to reach the destination which I saith the Lord God hath ordained it to reach of which cannot and will not be altered of which many both in the EU and the UK have sought with great effort to change but will not nor cannot change no matter how they seek to do so and will suffer great frustration when their efforts come to nought as said in My Word all things work together for good and so it is in this instance that I have ordained all things to work together for the good of this Nation and this people and better it would have been if so many in this Nation had not sought to go against My will and purposes as said in My Word that I said to Saul is it hard for thee to kick against the prick of thy conscience  so have these done to their own hurt and frustration and had they accepted My Will and purpose as concerning the Brexit Negotiation these negotiations would not have drag out as long as they have done so for as I said in the beginning obedience to My Holy Will and Law and Commandments and the acceptance of that which I had ordained to come to pass for this Nation would bring prosperity and cause this Nation to become one of the major global trading Nations of the Earth and disobedience would bring about the fall of this Nation into poverty and depression and would lose the respect of many of the World’s major trading Nations and this Nation would no longer retain its position as the fifth wealthiest Nation on Earth. Thus as said as I have ordained the course and the destination of this Nation for the good of this Nation and its people and so shall it be. But it is also for mankind’s point of view that many in thy Nation are beginning to see what that inevitable end of the Brexit Negotiations will be. Look unto thy Leader and the way negotiations have been conducted and the way they have dragged out a strong determined Leader as was the former Prime minister who promised that if he didn't get from the EU a beneficial deal that he would call a referendum which he did and if he had continued in office the UK by now would have left the EU what has to be considered is how long did it take for the previous Prime Minister to realise that he getting nowhere with the EU and the present one who has not yet realised they will get to nowhere with the EU unless it gets what it wants in as far as Brexit is concerned no matter the proposals the present Prime Minister puts to the EU and the deals offered by the EU as with the former Prime Minister will not be worth the paper they will be written on. Thus the conclusion is as said that if the former Prime Minister had continued in office the UK by now would have left the EU. He realised within a short period of time he was getting nowhere with the EU in getting a good deal and border security reforms for the UK and so has this Prime Minister to realise as it was with the former so also it is that the situation is now as it was then.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Wednesday, 24 October 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac andd Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God Judge of all of mankind and the Nations thereof in whose hand is the whole of creation even all of the Universe and all that in it dwells who caused the Earth at the beginning to bring forth life and created mankind from the dust of the ground perfect in every way until rebellion carried them away even to walk the path of disobedience leading down to death and eventually the grave He who set the stars in the heavens and in their course who revealed unto mankind the glory of the Universe and all that in it is that Hath created by but the Word of His Mouth that raise one up and casts another down to whom belongs praise and glory for as I saith the Lord God of the Hosts of Heavens thus that is My Name and My glory I will not give to another neither My praise to any Idol created by the hands of mankind behold the former things are passing away and anew thing I declare unto all the Earth before they come to pass I tell thee of them that the days of mankind are coming to an end and My day is coming upon the face of the Earth even the day whereby all of mankind is to be held accountable for all they have done in their lives upon the Earth even a day of reckoning for all of mankind and the Nations thereof whereby all those Nations that are wicked immoral corrupt and disobedient to all of My Holy Laws and Commandments of a certainty shall fall and all who walk upon the paths of righteousness for My Names sake shall be raised up even to the heights of the Heaven of Heavens all of those even who do repent of their great wickedness and immorality and do through Faith in the only true Passover Lamb of God the Messiah Immanuel obey from the heart all of My Holy Laws and commandments. But those who refuse shall I indeed saith the Lord God strike with full fury of My wrath and anger so that they are cast forth into the very depths of the bottomless pit. Thus it is even at this time have I struck in wrath and anger many Nations because they refuse to obey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments walking the path of immorality great wickedness and corruption being blind to the death and destruction that follows close on their heels ready to strike them down unto Sheol when their time nears its end when they are to pass for their life on Earth and come before Me saith the Holy One of Israel to be Judged then shall their hearts tremble in fear and will beg for forgiveness and the answer shall be even all of thy days upon the face of the Earth thou hast had the chance to turn unto Me seeking forgiveness of which I would have given thee upon the promise of obedience through faith in the Messiah of all of My Holy Laws and commandments of which many a time throughout thy life I did warn thee of the day to come when thou would have to answer to Me for the gift of life I gave thee that thou didst give thyself over to the World the Flesh and the Adversary in disobedience to all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and now as one saying of mankind goes which is favoured by mankind live now pay later thou hast lived now thine own way according to thine own will not Mine and now it is that that thou must pay for all of eternity for the life thou hast lead and so shall it be with whole of Mankind.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

From the prophet of the Lord

Tuesday, 23 October 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac anf Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God even Adonai Tzva'ot unto thee as afore said concerning the Americas even the masses of migrants that are now flooding towards North America this is but the beginning of troubles for that region for as the Nations Governments of South America are weighed in the balances of My Just Judgement and cast down unto the dust of the Earth for their wicked corrupt evil ways causing their people to suffer great poverty and cruelty so shall the financial state of those Nations collapse causing mass migration on an unprecedented scale all fleeing towards the wealthy Nations of the North America and Europe to escape poverty starvation and disease. Thus say I it is that no matter what the North American, Mexican and European Governments do to seek to stop halt and turn these migrants and refugees back they will not succeed the conditions that are to cause the fall of a mighty arrogant and selfish corrupt governments and Nations have and are coming to pass and nothing whatsoever will alter all that is to come to pass in as far as the Americas and even Europe are concerned. If the Western Nations had invested in helping the poverty stricken Nations of the Earth out of their poverty instead of keeping their wealth to themselves living in the lap of selfish luxury of which even the poorest of the Western Nations standard of living is far above that of the poor Nations of the Earth it is only the homeless the elderly the orphans the sick and the disabled that are the sufferers of Western society. Look at the billions wasted upon useless projects of research and devilment such as space exploration the scientist archaeological and other search for knowledge especial on how creation began and how old the Earth is yea indeed medical research is a worthy cause but not enough is invested in such research as it could be but those billions spent do they feed anyone do they help anyone to have a better standard of living as said if the billions that have been wasted had been used to help poverty stricken Nations then that which has and is and shall come to pass in as far as the present migratory conditions are concerned what is now happening would not be happening. The two major causes of the refugee and migrant movement is war and poverty caused either by corrupt governments or cruel dictators creating conditions in their Nations for the people of that Nations to rebel for a cruel dictatorial Government can only go so far before the people rebel especially when they see they the peaceful prosperity of democratic Nations. But the prosperity of the Western Democracies is that which has and is galvanising the people of poverty stricken Nations with corrupt Governments either to rebel or to seek a better standard of living in western Nations and as more and more begin to seek that better life the harder it becomes to stop them and the hard it becomes to stop them sooner or later the masses of migrants will begin to overwhelm the wealthy Nations of the Western Nations which will inevitably lead to a crisis situation either causing conflict between migrants and the people of western Nations or dragging down into poverty by the mere overwhelming mass of migrants flooding into the Western Nations the west by refusing to aid poverty stricken Nations as they should have done, out of their poverty by diverting billions from projects that don’t feed or help anyone only satisfy the scientific communities curiosity or experimentation. The Western Nations by their own selfish greed and pre-occupation in creating a standard of living the envy of the World have by their action become their own worst enemy and what said I to those who give selflessly to help and aid those who are in desperate need of help that it shall be returned unto them ten times tenfold in prosperity in peace not only on a National level but in the hearts of all those who do so for those who help other by Me shall be blessed beyond measure.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Monday, 22 October 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the whole of creation even Adonai Elohim Elohei-Tzva'hot unto to thee at this time as I have said so hath it been done and so shall it be done that all the hidden things of darkness shall be brought out into the light even the light of truth divine truth and so shall it be in as far as the acts of a Middle Eastern Kingdom or State all of its hidden sins/crimes and transgressions shall be revealed and brought out into the light especially all of its crimes against other Middle Eastern Nations thus have I saith the Lord God of the Hosts of heaven weighed in the balances of My Just Judgment this Nation even by all of My Holy Laws and Commandments by which I do and shall Judge all of the Nations Kingdoms and States of mankind and as another Nation in that region is about to fall even all of its Regime and its allies so shall this one fall and great shall be the fall thereof as so shall all that have allied themselves unto it even of the Mighty and the wealthy Nations of the Earth that have and are going to profit from trading with this one not only in goods and services but in the supplying of that which hath caused so much suffering to the civilian population of another Nation in that region. Thus have I in past times warned this one of the consequences of its actions and the arrogance of the Government of that Nation whose ears were deafened  and eyes blinded by their hardened hearts to the warnings given and now thus it is as afore said so shall it come to pass upon this Nation, Kingdom or state as shall the fullness of My wrath and anger descend upon it and  others in that region that have committed similar crimes again defenceless civilians especially children they shall not escape the outpouring of My Wrath and anger upon them for not only shall the crimes of commission and omission committed against the civilian population of the Syria Nation in the Middle East be punished but also upon another Nation in that region for sins/crimes against a civilian population in another conflict be punished for I shall take from it all of those resources that have brought it wealth and prosperity and shall make its cities and towns and villages empty and deserted and its people wanderers of the desert lands a tribe of nomads wanderers Nation less as they have by their action destroyed the civilian population of another Nations homes and towns and villages and caused their defenceless men women and children’s deaths so shall I take from them their lively hoods and I shall cause to descend upon their land plagues and famines and pestilence even disease and drought so that they may know what it is to fall into the hands of the living God and be Judged and punished.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Sunday, 21 October 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God unto thee that the Brexit remainers by their actions are as said afore like unto spoilt children who cry scream and stamp their feet if they don't get their own way but unlike children in as far as Brexit is concerned are seeking to overturn a legal and lawful referendum vote passed by the Democratic Government of this Nation and is it not so that all who took part in the referendum agreed to abide by the outcome no matter which way the vote went and is it not so that if one side on the outcome of the vote disagreed with that referendum vote they agree to abide by are by their actions seeking to overturn a democratic referendum result and thus putting democracy in this country in danger of being overthrown and by their protest are creating an environment of conflict. When I say that protest and rallies when peaceful and democratic in nature having legitimate grievances that need voicing then they will never create an environment that results in conflict or rioting. But when protests grow in the number of the public taking part on both sides sooner or later as past conflicts bear witness clash and at first can be separated and persuaded to calm down and act in a reasonable and sensible manner but as the protest increase and no action being taken to remedy what they are protesting about the protesters get frustrated and angry that no one  in authority is listen to or seeking to address their grievances aggression creeps in and when meeting an opposing protest as in as far as those who voted to leave who have until now remain calm and who would have accepted the referendum vote if it had gone the other way without so much as a murmur start to protest against remaining in the EU if a proposal by the EU and the UK of a backstop that could see the UK staying in the EU permanently is agreed on. But what has to be considered is who is real behind the remainer political provocateurs seeking to created an atmosphere of conflict where there was none who is employing these rebel rousers to stir up the remainer public and which Nation or Union of Nation is going to suffer and loose out when Brexit happens and is seeking by any and all means to keep Britain in the EU who are they who are seeking to lead the remainers down the garden path to the compost heap. What those who are seeking to get this Nation to remain within the EU don't realise or see is that by their action are doing more harm than good to the EU and even if the UK did remain within the EU as other republics Empires and Union of Nations have come to a, as thou wouldst say it a sticky end so also will the EU and the cracks disunity and division and dissatisfaction with the EU are already appearing and will continue to grow no matter how the EU seek to gloss them over with its claims of Unity between the twenty seven Nations all Empires all Republics all Unions of Nations sooner or later fall the problem is not that they fall down unto destruction but which Nation they take with them.

This the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Saturday, 20 October 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God unto the Nations of the Middle East unto Israel and other Nations in that region wherein conflict shall arise that hath not been seen therein for many decades and shall not be seen thereafter even Nation against Nation Kingdom against Kingdom of which the curse of war shall devastate many cities town and villages also shall plague and famine shall strike the whole of that region and those who do Join themselves unto Me saith the Holy one of Israel and do obey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments it is that shall I defend and protect them but whomsoever do turn against Me and those who join themselves unto Me to obey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments I it is that shall turn against them to destroy them utterly. But it is unto two Nations of that region especially do I say turn from thy wicked disobedient and rebellious unbelieving ways one of which is called by My Name the other is one set by Me saith the Lord God of creation for a fall from the heights of prosperity and wealth unto the pit of destruction and poverty along with all of those who have allied themselves unto it either in as far as supporting it in all of its endeavours and supplying all of its weapons of war used in the destruction of the civilians of another Nation in support of a cruel and wicked government that looks upon all of the people of that Nation as but the off scouring of the Earth whose corruption that is now hidden if brought into the light will reveal the cause of the past suffering of the people of that Nation whose condemnation at Mine own hand shall see it and all of those who are joined unto it in the very near future coming before Me to be Judged condemned and cast into sheol/hells deepest depths. Thus say I unto Israel cleans the Promise Land of all that pollutes it and restore unto Me the House to My Holy Name so that once more My Name might once more reside in the land of Promise in the Holy of Holies and I do command the whole of Israel from this day forth to keep Covenant for it thou doth do this as thou returns unto Me I shall return unto thee to bless protect and prosper thee as in times past even as it was in the days of  David King of Israel and his son Solomon wisest of all the Kings of the Earth past present and future. Do not and as I did punish thee in the past so shall I do now even at this time and in these days. But say I unto the other Nations of that region as said be Joined unto Me and I shall be Joined unto thee and if all the Nations do so then the Middle East shall see such peace and prosperity as it hath never seen afore time but if all refuse to do as afore said war and conflict death and destruct6ion shall be like a raging fire that shall bring down and destroy many Nations in the Middle East. But not only conflict, but plague and famine drought and disease and pestilence shall befall all the disobedient unbelieving wicked immoral Nations of that region. But for those Nations that have thus far caused the suffering and death of many civilians especially children for them there only one destination after Judgment and in their heart of hearts they know for them there is no hope only a certain waiting for My wrath and anger in Judgment to be poured out upon them upon them and to be cast in the depths of sheol and the bottomless pit.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord.

Friday, 19 October 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Holy one of Israel as said the day of redemption is at an end and the day of wrath and anger even as was set down in My Word hath begun but to put everything in context why say I that this day is the day of wrath and anger and the day of redemption is at an end? Thus it is as I created the heavens and the Earth in six days so also there are the six days of mankind or six ages of mankind as thou wouldst say it the six ages of mankind are thus the first day or age was the fall and the casting out of mankind from the Garden of Eden and from the fall of mankind till the Noah’s flood whereby I wiped the face of the Earth of all of mankind and the beasts of the Earth except for Noah his family and the creatures of the Earth in the ark saved by pairs male and female. The second day or age was from the flood till the covenant I made with Abraham Isaac and Jacob to give unto him and his descendants forever the land of promise the third day or age was from the covenant of the promise I gave to Abraham till the Covenant of My Laws and Commandments for all of Israel to obey upon pain of death in the wilderness through Moshe/Moses and the possession of the promised land by Israel through Joshua and the fourth day or age of mankind was from the covenant and possession of the land of promise till Messiah and the Covenant made though His sacrifice upon the altar of grace for all who by Faith had did and would believe in Him as the only true sacrificial Lamb of God who was sacrificed upon the altar of Grace unmerited Loving Kindness He whose Name is Immanuel who shed His blood to cleanse them from all sin/crime and transgressions for without the shedding of blood there is no remission for the sins/crimes of breaking any and all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and for original sin/crime that caused mankind’s fall from grace and that those of mankind who believed through Faith in His death and ressurection could be saved from the wrath to come upon all of mankind even at this time and to live forever and ever before My Throne in My Kingdom of the Heaven of Heavens. Thus the day of the covenant of grace unmerited loving kindness was the beginning of the fifth day and thus to the sixth day now upon all of mankind as I said so hath it come to pass and as the days of the creation of the Earth and the Heavens and all that existed therein even the creation of mankind was completed in six days so shall the days or ages of mankind be completed at the end of the sixth day or age. For as I said afore that I measured not the days or ages of creation or mankind as mankind measures days and ages for creation as set down in My Word was to simplify the whole of creation so that mankind could relate to the amount of time I took to create the Universe and all that in it is for as My Word states for example the first day as morning and evening and was thus set down to simplify the time I took to create the heavens and the Earth even all of creation as mankind when it was first set down in My Word could never have comprehended eternity and still cannot for in the beginning until the fall of mankind time existed not even all of creation could not be measured only eternity existed then and in as far as mankind was concerned creation if measured could have happened in an instant or many, many years for eternity is the forever now for in eternity past and present as mankind understands it exists not only now for if mankind could live forever would the past or future matter or exist for if mankind could live forever there would be no beginning or end only now the present. Let Me put creation in this context there was only the beginning and end of each stage of the creation in eternity everything that happened, happened now and was set down as morning and evening so that mankind could understand it in relation their existence in time.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Thursday, 18 October 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the Hosts of Heaven and the Heaven of Heavens even My Kingdom as hath been so set down to come to pass over all the Earth is the day of salvation and of redemption and the spreading of My Word throughout the Earth and that day hath been fulfilled as it hath been set down an prophesied to cover the whole Earth and it is that all of mankind throughout the last two thousand years hath been given the chance of being redeemed through the blood of the true and only Eternal pass over Lamb even the Messiah Immanuel especially My People Israel thus it was that the stone that the builders rejected became the head of the corner and the means of salvation through Faith in Him whom they cruelly slew who took upon Himself the punishment for all of the sins/crimes and transgressions of all of the children of the living God past present and future throughout all of the Earth even all who did believe and do believe and shall believe through Faith personally that He did die that they may live in Heaven for all eternity for it is only a personal individual Faith that saves from the wrath now to come upon all of the Earth and His sacrifice by Me saith the Holy One of Israel was accepted and the sign of that acceptance was His resurrection from the bottomless pit even the place of everlasting death and which was witness by the rising up of all of those who had believed in the coming Messiah as their saviour and being seen by many in Jerusalem and all of Israel and the talmidim His followers who were commissioned by Him to spread the word of redemption throughout all of the Earth of which they and those who followed them faithfully did until the present day and it is now that the days of redemption and salvation hath been fulfilled as so set down and now hath come to an end and the day of wrath and anger begun as afore hath been so said and so set down even the Judging of all the Nation of the Earth and all of mankind and as the day that hath lasted two thousand years so shall not the day of wrath last as long but be not mistaken that which hath gone on before is nothing as compared to that which is to be poured out upon all of the Earth even the full fury of My Wrath and Anger and indignation as My Word hath so revealed therein as it was in the days of Noah before the flood so now are these days of mankind upon the Earth and as it was at the time of Lot with the cities of the plains so is it now and hath all of the days of mankind been fulfilled so shall the days of wrath and anger be fulfilled upon the Earth and so shall the Nations be Judged and if they be found wanting even in as far as the breaking of all of My Holy Laws and commandments especially My Moral Laws shall they be punished according to My Holy Laws and commandments and so shall they fall of a certainty down unto the dust of the ground even unto sheol and the bottomless pit never more to be seen or remembered upon the face of the Earth.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Wednesday, 17 October 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God unto thee even at this time in as far as Brexit is concerned that no matter what agreement that the EU and the UK come to in the Brexit negotiations the only outcome is going to  be a no deal Brexit not because of the EU's redlines nor because of the UK's redlines that each have in place but because of the veto’s of two EU Nations that shall be triggered if their demands are not met which will mean in effect that the UK will have to give up two of its territories if it wants a beneficial progressiver trade deal with the EU. Gibraltar to Spain and Northern Ireland to Southern Ireland which certainly will not happen because that would in effect be giving in to the black mail of these two Nations. As voiced by the Irish political party Sinn Fein that they will settle for nothing less than Irish Unity and the Spanish long lasting conflict with the British government over Gibraltar will not settle for anything less than Gibraltar being reunited with Spain of which it adamantly claims Gibraltar is Spain’s and not Britain’s.  But the UK has in the past given Gibraltar a referendum vote upon whether or not Gibraltar’s residents wanted to remain part of the UK or become a Spainish territory and that vote was almost a hundred percent that the peoples vote was to remain British and a Gibraltar to remain British and a UK territory. But in as far as the Irish and Northern Ireland the vote in any referendum called in the past for Northern Ireland to be reunited with Southern Ireland has always been contrary to the Irish Government and political parties claims that the majority of the Northern Irish wanted the North to be reunited with the South of which was revealed when they voted in favour of remaining a part of the UK and a UK territory and if the UK government sticks to its guns it will remain a part of the UK for as long as the majority want it to. The real problem is though if and I say if the UK agreed to Northern Ireland remaining in the EU and refused to give into Spain’s demands then Spain would veto any deal between the EU and the UK and same with the Irish over Northern Ireland it would veto any agreed deal between the EU and the UK. But even if these two veto’s by the EU could be rescinded which they would not do because of the backlash that it would engender, then there is still the red lines of the UK and the EU to be considered no matter what anyone does in either the EU and the UK the only end to these Brexit Negotiation is going to be a hard no deal Brexit thus it is for any deal to be agreed on between the EU and the UK is for the two veto’s to be quashed and the redlines to be by both sides ignored and both sides be willing to compromise on all major issues in as far as these negotiations are concerned. But say I this if no agreed deal is worked out then the EU is going to suffer the most as it will threaten the very fabric of the EU as a viable union of Nations and in as far as the UK is concerned the hard border that will result in an hard no Brexit will result in the good Friday agreement becoming void and the return to the IRA troubles of the past. Thus say I both sides in these Negotiations are stuck between a rock and a hard place of their own making the UK in dragging out these Negotiation far longer than they should have been and the EU’s intransigents and unwillingness to compromise in any way shape or form of which to a certain extent also is the UK guilty of. A good beneficial progressive free trade deal made between the UK and the EU would have brought greater prosperity and unity for the EU of which now is suffering from a lack of bringing it closer and closer to the cliff edge of a disaster resulting in its falling apart at the seams but also giving the far right elements in the EU free reign and UK returning to the days of the former Northern Ireland troubles of the past.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

        Thus saith the Lord God unto thee of the Nations of the Middle East  thus far the raging fire of conflict has be confined to but a few Nations of that region though thereby causing much suffering mainly borne by the civilian population especially doth the blood of children cry out to Me from the ground for vengeance to descend upon the perpetrators responsible for their deaths and My Promise does go out Vengeance is Mine saith the Lord I shall repay the guilty for their crimes they shall not escape Justice even My Just Judgment saith the Living God redeemer and saviour of all the children of the World that are most precious in My sight shall descend upon them and these shall suffer the full fury of My wrath and anger in this life and after Judgment when consigned to the bottomless pit forever shall suffer the fires of torment as none other cast therein hath thus far suffered and those who are to suffer shall not suffer as shall they and thus shall it be for any who do harm innocent children in any way whatsoever that includes the neglect and suffering of children throughout the whole Earth by those governments and those wealth inhabitants of the Earth that could and should have and should do more to provided the means to alleviate the suffering of the poor neglected children of the Earth for of such is My Kingdom of Heaven for as the Nations shall suffer the full fury of My wrath and anger for their sins/crimes of commission and omission in as far as the conflict that has raged and is still raging in that Nation causing much suffering and death of the civilian population so shall all those who in as far as the suffering children of the World are concerned even the sins/crimes of omission neglect to help and alleviate the suffering of the children of the Earth and the sins/crimes of commission deliberately and cold heartedly causing the suffering of children and deliberately avoiding helping the suffering children of the Earth every single and multiple crime thus shall in Judgment all of those who have committed such crimes will have every one put before them of which shall  required of them an answer as to why they committed such wicked crimes and then for each and every crime punishment shall after a guilty verdict is declared be listed forthwith and then shall be executed upon them forever their punishment due by been cast into the deepest depth of the Bottomless pit/ hell and into the heart of the lake of fire from which there will be no relief and no reprieve whatsoever. But as said this raging fire hath been confined but to a couple of Nations in that region but not for much longer for another conflict with one of the Nations of the Middle East is brewing and shall burst eventual into a full raging conflict that in the end will cause that Nation to fall even unto the dust of the desert and its lands shall be claimed and posses by other Nations in that region causing still more suffering for the civilian population of that region of the Middle East and as a wildfire spreads so shall this throughout all of the Middle East spread Nation against Nation Kingdom against Kingdom family against family till even many Nations therein shall be as devastated as Syria is and Iraq was and to certain extent still is.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Monday, 15 October 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus as afore said saith the Lord God of the whole of creation that the days now coming to pass hath been ordained for the rise and fall of many Nations upon the face of the Earth and as said the unrighteous to be cast down and the righteous ro be raised up to shine even as the stars of heaven even according to My Will and purposes saith the Lord God. But it is that first must come to pass is the fall of the mighty Nations of the Earth as hath by Me been ordained of which now by the striking of My swift and terrible sharp sword hath begun to fall one mighty Nation even unto the dust of the Earth for I have saith the Lord God weighed this Mighty Nation and its government in the balances of My Holy true Just Judgment which is all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and the verdict being guilty of the breaking of all of them and of the committing of past sins/crimes and transgression not only of those committed against Me but those past crimes/sins and transgression committed against lands and Nations and the civilians of those Nations and Lands but also of those past sins/crimes committed against the people of thine own Nation even the Native peoples the crimes and transgression if listed would take up many volumes because they were in the past committed by past generations thus say I saith the Lord God this Mighty Nation and its generation cannot be absolved of these past crimes/sins and transgressions which in many instances are yet committed by many by the present generation thus it is that all must bear the guilt and the punishment as a Nation for all of the crimes/sins of past and present generations and thus the punishment must be the fall thereof of this Mighty Nation of which of a certainty shall be executed thereon. Thus after all of the mighty wicked Nations of the Earth have fallen likewise shall all of the rest of the Nations of the Earth be Judged in like manner even according to all of My Holy Laws and Commandments unto perfection be thus Judged and as they are also guilty of past and of present sins/crimes and transgresions as a Nation they to shall stand or fall. None I say no not one Nation Mighty or not shall escape MY JUST JUDGEMENT OF THE NATIONS BY THE IRON ROD OF MY HOLY LAWS AND COMMANDMENTS of which is now place into the hands of He who is called and known as My right hand. Thus it is that the Judgingof the Mighty Nations and to follow the rest of the Nations of the Earth as hath been ordained by Me saith the Holy One of Israel hath begun.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord 

Sunday, 14 October 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God even the Holy One of Israel unto all of the Nations that these days are set for the rise and fall of many Nations upon the Earth the unrighteous corrupt wicked immoral Nations shall be cast down and destroyed and the righteous Nations shall rise upon on high and shall shine as the stars in the heavens. The first to fall are the Mighty Nations of the Earth whose course by Me hath been set and the order and means by which they shall fall is written as it were in stone and great shall be their fall thereof for in wickedness disobedience and immorality and corruption have they risen casting off all that is holy righteous and true casting aside all morality and belief and obedience to My Holy Word and Law sinking into the cess pit of wickedness evil corruption and all manner of immorality and unrighteousness believing the theories of the scientist to be the truth in as far as creation and the length of the time the Earth has been in existence without concrete evidence to prove their theories teaching for truth as My Word says the doctrines of mankind who shall be cast after Judgment into the deepest dark depths of the bottomless pit wherein burns the fires of regret and loneliness, even the lake of the fires of torment and anguish and the absence of peace and the water of life to quench an everlasting thirst for the water of that shall never be quench as is told of Lazarus who asked if his relative could be warned and that he asked of Me but a sip of the water of life to quench his thirst the reply given was there is a great gulf fixed betwixt the pit and the Earth and Heaven itself that non can breach. Continually over the ages have I sent My servant to warn mankind of the age to come that now is and what was the response for their warning mankind of the Last Days before Judgment and the coming of the Judgment day wherein the day of reckoning dawn upon mankind some were mocked some were persecuted and tortured some were burned at the stake other hung drawn and quartered and their parts scattered throughout the lands of the Nations they warned yet they did not fail in their duty and did earn their Just reward in My Presence at My right hand now and forever as shall all of those who are faithful and true walking in holiness righteousness and believing in the Divine truth of My Word and in Me by Faith in the true and only ETERNAL PASSOVER LAMB WHO WAS SACRIFICE UPON THE ALTAR OF GRACE(UNMERITED LOVING KINDNESS) FOR THEIR SAKES BECOMING THEIR SAVIOURE AND REDEEMER. Thus say I now it is that those Nations especially the Mighty Nations of the Earth that are destined to fall shall fall at this time and in these days and those Nations that are destined to rise in righteousness holiness and truth even divine truth shall rise and there after shall it be upon the Earth a time of peace and not war a time of prosperity and not famine a time when the weapons of war shall be abandoned a time of hope and not hopelessness of health and not sickness and disease and a time wherein in all My Holy Mountain none harm shall come upon any one that dwells thereon where all shall willingly obey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and My Holy Covenant strictly and willingly adhere to.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Saturday, 13 October 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob   

    Thus saith the Lord God even the Holy One of Israel creator and redeemer and saviour of mankind even He who is the true Eternal Passover Lamb of God whose shed blood alone can cleanse from all sin/crime and transgression and by Faith in Him shall save those who believe from My wrath to come upon all of those of mankind who believe not and who do break saith the Lord God all of My Most Holy Laws Commandments and all of those of Israel who do break Covenant. This say I vengeance is mine saith the Lord God unto all of the Nations at this time I shall repay all of the wicked immoral and disobedient Nations of the Earth with wrath and anger death and destruction not only for their great wickedness and immorality and the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments but for the sins/crimes of commission and omission as afore warned of in as far as the conflict in Syria is concerned. For say I this unless the warring factions and the Syrian Government and their allies do cease fighting causing death and destruction upon the civilian population of Idlib  then it is that I it is that shall fight against them all to destroy them and cause them to cease form the face of the Earth even by those means I have thus far struck the wicked immoral and disobedient Nations of the Earth and shall continue to strike, but more so shall I hold to account now all of the Nations of their sins/crimes of omission in that before the conflict in Syria caused so must death and destruction of the Syrian people that instead of as thou sayest it sitting on the side lines much to thy shame thou could have collectively  brought it to an end saving countless lives and the cessation of the necessity of the civilian population to flee and suffer virtually the destruction of their Nation meaning all of those Nations that had the means and capability to bring it to an end before it got out of hand especially before Aleppo and in as far as the deaths of children of that Nation came to pass whose blood cries out from the ground for vengeance upon those who caused their deaths. But not only that but now the punishment that hath to be forth coming upon those Nations that committed the crime of omission would not now have been necessary of which I would rather have not had to cause to descend upon those Nations but for the committing of these crimes/sins must My Just Judgement be executed thereon as it shall upon those Nations that have committed the crimes of commission in as far as Syria is concerned. But not only shall the crimes of commission and omission committed against the civilian population of the Syria Nation in the Middle East be punished but also upon another Nation in that region for sins/crimes against a civilian population in another conflict be punished for as I shall take from it all of those resources that have brought it wealth and prosperity and shall make its cities and towns and villages empty and deserted and its people wanderers of the desert lands a tribe of nomads wanderers Nation less as they have by their action destroyed their homes and caused their children’s deaths so shall I take from them their lively hoods so that they may know what it is to fall into the hands of the living God and be Judged and punished.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Friday, 12 October 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God unto thee the leadership of the UK's government seems as though they are seeking to please all of those who have voted to leave the  EU and those who voted to remain within the EU and that in the end they will end up pleasing no one and causing even more division both in the Government and in the whole of the Nation the question that must be asked is what is Leader of the Government true position on Brexit in the first place they were a remainer and changed their position before and after gaining office to be in favour of leaving the EU thus say I those who change sides like they have done are like leaves in the wind being blown about in every direction and in reality going getting nowhere they are fence sitters and will changes side if it is to their advantage in this case gaining a high position in government. This Nation voted to leave the EU and the Government are by implementing the backstop solution are not honouring that vote and the only end to Brexit when the deal finally comes before parliament will be rejected on both sides of the house because those who vote to remain want to remain in the EU lock stock and barrel and will tolerate no half measures and the it is the same with those who voted to Leave they want a total final Brexit and will also settle for nothing less in the end. The way the Governments is going neither side will end up getting what they want Brexit no matter what anyone says is now hanging in limbo it is in no man’s land and if the EU by insisting on the Backstop solution will end up being disappointed because their proposed deal will also by Parliament be rejected. But as said before they see in the backstop solution is an answer to their desire to keep forever the UK in the EU even if it is on the fringes but the other parties involved the Irish Government and Sinn Fein’s ambitions are for a United Ireland and seen the backstop as but a means to that end. For once the backstop is in place and there are boarders dividing Northern Ireland with the UK will they will begin to put pressure on the EU to allow what it will term as greater integration in line with EU policies with Northern Ireland whether the EU will agree with the Irish governments future proposals if not already discussed is another matter but being that as it may that is their aim and ambition for the future even Unification and they will use all and any means as hath been evidenced in the past to achieve their objective. But as said this Nation as is, is divided along all of its boarders and the blame must be placed at the present Government Leaders door step. But say I this even if the back stop is put in place Scotland will still seek independence Northern Ireland will never agree with the Governments proposals and the Welsh assemblies leader is implying if Scotland gains independence it to will seek to follow Scotland. From the start as said the Brexit vote was on only two issues stay or leave the EU not upon a lengthy Negotiation process implemented by a Government that in reality wants to be on both sides of the fence and now must decide whether it want to be on the EU’s side or upon the referendum vote outcomes side and upon that answer depends their position in government stand or fall go with the vote of the people or against it for the present governments proposal is thus far against the vote voted on by the public of the UK. There can be only one word to describe the present government if it follows its present course to its ultimate destination and that begins with a capital T.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Thursday, 11 October 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the Host of Heaven and the Heaven of Heavens unto thee even at this time that any backstop solution in as far as Brexit is concerned will not work and will in effect be both a disaster for the UK and for Northern Island and onlt beneficial to the EU and as said also that these Brexit Negotiations are going to end but one way for whatever deal the EU hath offered the UK has been unacceptable to the UK and whatever deal that the UK hath put forward to the EU the EU hath rejected almost out right all of the negotiations have been but a waste of time it hath been from the beginning about the UK being either in or out of the EU not half way in or half way out either of these half way houses are but a betrayal of the public referendum vote that all of the majority of the UK voted for. The vote was for either the UK staying or Leaving the EU and thus far the present Government and that means all of the UK government and all of the political parties thus far have made a mockery out of that referendum vote. This present Government have by prolonging negotiations have divided the UK as no other Government has done in the history of the UK. When it was obvious in the negotiations that no deal was being offered by the EU trade or otherwise which was indeed self evident by the EU's red lines and the intransigence of the EU government in sticking to its own rules and regulations in as far as the conditions of membership to the single market and the customs Union and the terms and conditions in as far as trade and finance were concerned the Negotiations should have been terminated there and then. This government by it shillay shallying over Brexit have divided this Nation in more ways than one. Thus say I to this Nations government that the harm ye have done to the unity of the United Kingdom in that Scotland wants to become totally impendent of the UK as in essence also does Wales and Northern Ireland if this government had not made a deal with the Northern Irelands political party to support it then it too under the present circumstances be following the other two and the present Government would no longer be in Government. But say I this say I also that the divisions don’t end there contrary to the EU government claims of Unity the cracks in the EU's unity have been evident since the beginning of the Brexit negotiation by the various member Nations or states falling out with the EUs central government over their terms and conditions of membership and especially over border security and control in as far as the refugee and immigrant issue was concerned. Thus now it’s the government’s responsibility to Unite all the Nations of the UK and if it cannot then it should step down and a government should be elected by the People that can and shall unite this Kingdom for as I have said a divided Nation cannot stand and a United Nation cannot fall and as the UK under this Government is so divided that the public of the UK have little or no confidence in this Governments ability to Govern the UK as it should be governed. Thus as mI saith the Lord God there shall be but one conclusion to Brexit as thou calls it that none of those involved in the negotiations will shocked as to the actual outcome especially the EU because the only one to loses out will be the EU mainly because of its intransigence and unwillingness to compromise. The die is cast the end is set in stone and this Government if it follows the path its on will not see another term in office.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

form the prophet of the Lord

Wednesday, 10 October 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God unto thee at this time as thus far thou hast heed not the warnings given unto thee both in word and deed in as far as the catastrophes that I have struck the Nations with who are becoming more and more like unto the cities of the plains even Sodom and Gomorrah and have thus far refrained from pouring out upon them death and destruction even as I did with those wicked immoral perverse evil cities. If the Nations of the Earth continue to heed not My Word and turn from their great wickedness evil immorality and the disobedience of My Holy Laws and commandments as I did with them so will I do unto those Nations that heed not My Word for that which shall and is coming upon all those Nation who heed not My Word what hath thus far gone on before is nought as compared to that which is coming upon all of the Nations of the Earth that follow after the ways of Sodom and Gomorrah for as in those cities was Lot an upright and righteous man so amongst the Nations of the Earth are those who are righteous and upright in My sight and though I said as I did unto Abraham  if there be any righteous people in those cities of the plain I would hold back from destroying then utterly but the last straw as thou wouldst say it was when the people demanded that they whom were lodging with Lot were to be given over to the people of the city to do with them as they wanted to even defile them and when Lot refused when they sought to take them by force were blinded by the angels and they took Lot and his family out of the city to escape the outpouring of My Wrath and anger in death and destruction upon those cities as it was then so also will it be even now for as revealed in My Word I shall take from all the cities and Nations of the Earth all that are holy and righteous in My sight as I did with Lot so that upon all the wicked cities first and then the wicked , immoral and disobedient Nations of the Earth I shall pour out upon them all death and destruction in wrath and anger casting them down to the dust of the ground to be no more upon the face of the Earth even as it hath been so revealed in My Word to come to pass upon all of the Earth in the Last days the when all of the face of the Earth hath been cleansed of all that doth pollute it then shall come upon the Earth a day peace and prosperity for all the cities and Nations that remain and He who is to rule the Nations with the Iron Rod of My Holy Moral Laws and Commandments shall come as afore said to His place in My City Jerusalem and then shall it be without hindrance shall the house to My Name be built up not as before in troubled times but in the day of peace when righteousness shall l reign in all the Earth even My Righteousness when He who comes shall rise with healing in his wings  to heal all of the Earth saith the Lord God of the Host of Heaven and the Heaven of Heavens.

This is the Word of the Lord God

from the prophet of the Lord

Tuesday, 9 October 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the Hosts of Heaven and the Heaven of Heavens and all of creation from the minutest to the greatest from what thy scientist call microbes to the vastness of the Galaxies of the Universe and all of the Universe and all that it contains are indeed My Creation so say I unto thee that as it is that many western Nations because of their Governments and their inherent corruption are sitting on powder kegs ready to explode of which the tinniest of sparks will light the fuse that will cause them to explode. Thus say I that those corrupt and wicked governments that heed not the voice of the people of the Nation seeking by any means to remain in government when it is obvious that their end is in sight should relinquish the reins of government to those whom the people wish to elect in their place. The problem with the UK Government that there is no party competent capable or united enough to govern this Nation as it should be Governed all the political party have either a weak leadership a divided party or a Leader that is incapable of Uniting their own party behind them never mind the Nation what is needed for the UK is a strong determined Leader who knows what they are doing and is capable of uniting both party and people behind them to make this a strong united Nation ready to stand on its own two feet after Brexit and meet all of the challenges it will have to face in the days to come a Leader in which the whole of the Nation can rely on and have confidence in to; not as previous governments have done promised and not delivered; deliver what the person they elect promises will, can and shall deliver, not a person of many words and promises and little action but a person that is all action and few words any one can spout great and fancy words and promise the Earth but have neither the means nor the intention to deliver as the saying goes power corrupts and ultimately powers corrupts ultimately only those who are of humble and contrite heart that know that to govern is not to rule but to serve the people that have entrusted them to Govern their Nation any and all true Governments are servants of the people not rulers only dictators and tyrants are rulers in the truest sense and meaning of the Word to rule is to subdue a Nations people and in the true sense of the Word to Govern is to serve all of the people of a Nation according to the mandate given by those whom they elect to Govern them. But it is as set down in My Word as concerning the Last days that Nation shall go to war against Nation Kingdom against Kingdom wars and rumours of wars and great disasters Earth Quakes in divers or many places where before they were never known to come upon the Nations of the Earth fountains of fire floods famines Tsunamis tornadoes even whirlwinds of great magnitude and catastrophic hurricanes and storms. That brother shall be against brother and sister against sister and a persons own family will be their own greatest enemy that there will be great famines and plagues even those thou doth call pandemics these are but the signs of the beginning of the last days and for many days shall these last days continue and what thou should consider is if these last days shall last for many days even months or a few years then it is that many of the hearts of mankind will fail them for fear of that which is come upon the Earth for these disasters will not diminish in ferocity as the end draws nearer but shall increase until the last days are at an end and  if I had not as afore said shortened them even the hearts of Mine Elect would fail them for fear of that which is to and shall come upon the Earth and all of mankind before the end of these last days. But as said once these days have been brought to an end then shall he who is to rule the Nations with the iron rod of My Holy Laws and Commandments shall come to his place then shall there come upon the Earth a time of great peace and prosperity for all the Nations of the Earth that obey all of My Holy Laws and commandments and all those who obey not all of My Holy Laws and Commandments even all of the disobedient and unbelieving Nations shall perish and no more be seen upon the Earth.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Monday, 8 October 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God unto thee at this time all rebellions have innocent beginnings but the end result is always the same conflict and one of the main reasons is that the Government of a Nation that the people have elected and entrusted to Govern their Nation on their behalf begin to Govern the Nation contrary to the mandate given by the people of a Nation so to govern and put in place policies that conflict with public interest welfare and security as said a Democratic Government is there as the servant of the people to run the country to the best of their ability on behalf of the people according to the mandate so given by the majority of the people who elected them to Govern on their behalf. Therefore as more and more policies are put into place by that Government that meet not the needs of the people and are contrary to public interest welfare and security the greater the outcry of the people who will then seek at first by peace full means to insist on the Governing Party to stand down and call for a general election to elect a political Party that will govern their Nation according to the mandate so given by the people and the more the Government refuses to comply with the wishes of the people the greater the outcry resulting in protest after protest to be enacted on the streets of the capital of the Nation which if that Government still refuses to stand down and call for a general election the more the possibility of open conflict between the protesters and the security forces and this is the situation in which peaceful protests if they get out of hand that can change the situation from peaceful protests into open rebellion and the possibility of it changing into open conflict between the Government of a Nation and its people in other words civil war. This situation saith the Holy One of Israel because of the actions of certain western governments that stubbornly refuse to listen to their people and to Govern their Nation according to the mandate given by their people who elected them to govern their Nation that sooner or later open rebellion will ensue and civil war will follow many are the western Nations that are sitting on a powder keg just waiting to explode all it needs is just one spark to light the fuse.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee
From the prophet of the Lord

Saturday, 6 October 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Now saith the Lord God unto thee soon it is that all that I o0rdained to come to pass even at this time and in this age shall be fulfilled of a certainty the troubles ordained to come shall increase astronomically as the end of days gives way to Judgment and the day of reckoning wherein all of mankind shall have to answer to Me for all of their sins transgression and the disobedience to all of My Holy Laws and commandments but especial My People Israel for their breaking of My Holy Covenant unto which I say turn ye back from all of your sins and transgressions and the breaking of My Holy Covenant with thee whilst there is still time for once the end of days is finish then they will be fixed in the Heavens and upon the Earth an end to the days of salvation and redemption and a certain awaiting of the Judgment day to befall all of mankind without exception. Throughout all of the ages past and in all of My Word have I warned mankind of these days that began after the end of the second World war and as saith My Word these days shall continue until the day of the Judging of the Nations is completed which is not long off but as said afore many are the Nations that once Judged shall descend down unto Sheol and only those out of those Nations that belong unto Me through faith in Messiah and are clothed in His righteousness shall be saved even as I so saved Lot at the destruction of the cities of the plains even Sodom and Gomorrah. But say I to the three proud and arrogant mighty Nations which believe not in Me that what hath been set down as concerning these days even though the evidence of the disasters now befalling mankind witness to the contrary that these are indeed the end of days and the day of Judgment approaches and is just as thou wouldst say it just around the corner deny that this is so and will indeed come to pass but not at this time.  But in as far as the coming Judgment day is concerned the passage of time is not as mankind measure it but as I measure it giving mankind the final opportunity to turn from all of their wickedness unrighteousness corruption immorality disobedience to all of My Holy Laws and Commandments the neglect of that which I entrusted to the care of mankind in the beginning even My Creation and also the care of those of mankind by those who could  even the elderly the poor the sick the lame the disabled the homeless and  the orphans not only of thine own Nation but of many other Nations. Into the hands of many Nations and peoples of mankind I have place the means and the wealth to care for all of these and more who suffer deprivation and poverty not of their own making yet ye have not spent it on that which I entrusted it to thee for but as My Words says have wasted it on that which is not bread but upon thine own selfish useless projects upon thy luxurious living upon a techknowledgey that instead of being controlled by mankind is beginning to control mankind the servant is becoming the master and even as the Egyptian and Roman Empires became dependent upon their slaves that in the end they could not exist without them and therefore became weak and easy targets for all of the surrounding aggressive Nations and tribes also with this modern civilization thou only hast to see the obsessive behaviour of mankind towards modern techknowledgey to know the direction mankind is going in and where it will end when the resources run out that modern techknowledgey is dependent on.  But say I this the first Nations to be Judged and to be cast down are the Mightiest Nations of the Earth because of their pride arrogance unbelief and their disobedience to all of My Holy Laws and Commandments these as said shall be the first to be Judged and to fall and then shall fall all of the wealthiest of the Nations that have not used their wealth for the good of mankind and of all of those of humanity who needed their help thus shall follow on all of those corrupt wicked immoral Nations who know not Me nor desired to know or believe in Me or the True Messiah who follow after false gods and worship idols who are not only lead astray by false religions the creations of men’s vain imaginations but also who lead others astray that they with them after Judgment are cast into the bottomless pit and sheol forever. Thus say I to all of mankind that as said of a certainty all things shall come to pass as are set down in My Word and through My servant that have been ordained at this time to come upon all of the Earth. Read I say in verification the books of Isaiah Daniel and Ezekiel and of all the writings of the followers of the only True Messiah Immanuel also look unto all that My Word reveals from first to last as concerning these days read and take heed for if thou dost not thou will only have thy selves to blame and suffer the burning regret that shall consume thy soul when being cast into the bottomless after being Judged convicted and punished by Me saith the Holy One of Israel. But as said in My Word Judgment begins at the House of God and so as it is written so hath it begun as all will be witness to the out pouring of My wrath and anger upon all of the unrepentant of My People Israel.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord

Friday, 5 October 2018


Thus saith the Lord god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus saith the Lord God of the whole of creation even the redeemer of all who by Faith in and follow after the true Messiah obey from the heart all of My Holy Laws and Commandments especially My Moral Law and those of Israel who by Faith keep Covenant delivered by hand of Mosher/Moses in the wilderness after being freed from slavery in Egypt. First and foremost say I saith the Lord God of the Host of Heaven and the Heaven of Heavens, all of those who seek to use scaremongering tactics to reverse Brexit have not the welfare of the British people and Nation at heart only their own interests their own bank balances in as far as their investments in the EU's Business Banking and financial sectors are concerned but is it that they shall indeed see a period of stagnation but that will soon pass even as the UK and the EU come to grips with the partnership being dissolved and industry trade and finance having to accept that until a new complete working relationship with the EU is in place there will be confusion disruptions and conflicts especially in as far as the transport sector is concerned and the transportation of of goods and services to and from the EU are concerned but this will pass no matter what the EU government says to the contrary neither the UK nor the EU can afford a period of stagnation conflict of interest and the losses that the EU will suffer far more than the UK to its overall GDP if there is not a smooth overall working relationship and agreement with the UK in place by the time that the UK leaves the EU mainly because the UK will be freed from the EU's rules and regulation on trading with other Nation on a global scale. Thus say I once the UK leaves the EU even as I have ordained Britain’s prosperity shall increase tenfold and unless the EU reforms its whole system and all of its rules and regulations the EU will only have itself to blame for the consequences that will ensue especially as it is beginning to do blame the UK for all the troubles it is suffering and will suffer from in the future. The future relationship after Brexit will determine the EU's future as a Union. But say I this it is not the business and finance and banking sectors upon which a Nation and a Unions success prosperity and future depends whether they stand or fall but on all of the individual people of those Nations or Unions for remember without people there is no work force without people there are no buyers or sellers without people there are no borrowers or savers and without people there is no government it is the people that make a Nation and it is I saith the Lord God who decides by the obedience or disobedience of the people of a Nation or Union of Nations to My Holy Laws and Commandments  that determine whether a Nation rises or falls for it is that I Judge not Just a portion or an individual of a Nation to determine its salvation or destruction but the whole of the Nation every man woman and child determines the outcome of My Just Judgment and or whether mercy is forthcoming or withheld.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord

Thursday, 4 October 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God even the only true redeemer and saviour of all of the Holy People even all of those who belong unto Me through faith in the true Messiah even the eternal Passover Lamb Immanuel whose shed blood is sprinkled upon the doors and lintels of their hearts for without the shedding of blood there is no remission for sins and transgressions more so original sin/crime. He who took their place before My Judgment seat and was Judged and condemned on their behalf and in their place was cast out into outer darkness and the pit in their place for all of their sins and transgressions especially original sin becoming the ultimate sacrificial Lamb of which sacrifice I accepted as the price paid by Him on their behalf and as He was pure Holy and Perfect death could not hold Him being perfectly innocent of all sins and transgression in and of Himself and therefore the price having been paid the pit and death could not hold Him He rose from among the dead not only for Himself but on the behalf of all of those in past who believed in the promised Messiah to come and all of those who believed through Faith at that time and bore witness and testified that He had risen from amongst the dead and all of those who from that time would come to believe and through Him by Faith would be resurrected in Him from everlasting spiritual and eventual physical death  and all of those who would and are coming to believe e through Faith as He died so did they and as He suffered in their place being cast into the bottomless pit so did they and as He was resurrected from amongst the dead they too were and are resurrected unto eternal life. Thus it is as I afore have said all that is to come to pass upon the Earth will do so even according to My Holy Will and purposes for these days are the last days the days or wrath and anger and of the casting down of wicked corrupt immoral and disobedient Nations of the Earth for as I have afore said no longer shall the sins and crimes and transgressions and the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandment by mankind be tolerated upon the face of the Earth and in as far as the Children of Israel are concerned the breaking of My Most Holy Covenant made with them if they repent not and turn from their great disobedience of all of My Holy Laws and Commandment My Wrath and anger full force shall of a certainty be poured out upon them both as individuals and as a Nation for thou O Israel are supposed to be the children of promise even children of the Living God who bears My Name and in whose care is My Holy City and have been commanded to raise up once more the House to My Name where once it stood so that therein it would again reside once More and that once more Israel would be a Holy and Righteous Nation and an example to the whole of the Nations of the Earth to the Glory of My Holy Name. But as said no Nation no  not one especially Israel My Nation shall escape My Just Judgment and Israel shall as an unruly and rebellious child be chastise until she repents and turns from her disobedience and breaking My Holy Covenant with her but one thing I can assure the Nations of and that is though I shall chastise her yet shall she never be cast out from the Land of Promise whether she returns unto Me and is blessed and doth prosper by Mine own Hand or whether for her sake I do curse the Land because of her disobedience and transgressions  for  these days shall see the rise and fall of many in Israel those who are to fall shall be cast down to sheol and those who are to rise shall shine as the stars of Heaven and shall at last enter into the Kingdom Of Heaven there to dwell at My Right hand saith the Holy One of Israel.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee.

from the prophet of the Lord

Wednesday, 3 October 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the host of heaven and the Heavens even My Kingdom and My throne of which all must come before to be Judged both the righteous and the unrighteous as hath been ordained from the very beginning as hath also been ordained all that hath gone before and all that is coming to pass and all that shall come to pass upon the Earth even the outcome of Brexit and the war in the far East to come betwixt two mighty Nations of which the first verbal salvoes have been fired and also the plagues and the famines pestilence drought of the failure of the resource fountain of this civilization and as in the past with other civilizations so with this one of which now at this very moment is coming to pass and is being fulfilled even its fall according to My Holy Will and purposes for this generation and as this one falls another shall rise in its place even as also have others done so but the civilization to come hath never afore been seen upon the face of the Earth for it is in the not too distant future that My Glory shall cover the Earth as the waters cover the seas and by this ye shall know and understand that which is to come upon the Earth will be a civilization of peace not war of love not hatred of obedience to all of My Holy Laws and Commandments and not disobedience, rebellion and the breaking thereof of all of My Holy Laws and Commandments a civilization wherein murder rape immorality robbery of any kind has no place wherein righteousness reign supreme where only that which My Word says is the beginning of wisdom which is to quote, “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” that fear alone shall exist a civilization wherein the one who is to rule the Nations with a rod of Iron shall sit upon King David’s throne wherein the dictator and the tyrant and the warmongers have been cast out Judged and cast into the lake of fire even the fires of everlasting torment to burn forever even as has come to pass those that have passed from this earth even all of the wicked corrupt and evil dictators governments and rulers that have come before Me in Judgment and have been cast into the Lake of the fires of everlasting torment thus as said in the civilization to come that shall encompass the whole Earth righteousness shall reign supreme but also peace and prosperity but not the prosperity that this civilization craves but My Peace and My prosperity even the peace that passeth all understanding both in all the Earth and in the hearts of all of those of mankind that shall exist in that day. But of the present civilization shall fall and the many Nations that I have thus far punished because of their great wickedness immorality greed and corruption that hath been instrumental in the destruction of My creation even also the acts of wicked Corrupt corporations and businesses whose only interest hath been and  is self gain at any cost whether it be to My Creation in the form of pollution both of the Earth and the surrounding orbit of the Earth or to the whole of mankind thus shall it be that all these are about to suffer My Wrath and anger for as before I have sent plagues upon the Earth to punish mankind so shall it be that these plagues I shall once again cause to descend upon a wicked corrupt and evil civilization and thus it shall be that against these mankind will have no defence but one and that is to turn from their corrupt wicked evil immoral ways to obey all of My Holy Laws and Commandments from the heart well have I sent disasters in the recent past upon mankind but mankind hath chosen rather than to attribute these disasters of the out pouring of My Wrath and anger unto their gods of nature which exist not except in their vain and vile imaginations and belief in their theorise of which yet have to be proven true for if mankind attributed the disasters thus far befallen mankind to the out pouring upon the Nations of My Wrath and anger then mankind would have to admit I exist and if I exist then also the Last Days are come upon all of mankind and if The Last days the days of wrath and anger of the Living God are come upon the Earth then the day of reckoning the Judgment day is just around the corner of which it is saith the Lord God and redeemer of those of mankind who belong unto Me. But whether mankind believes in My existence or Not yet it is all as mankind shall find out shall come to pass and all shall see and know that I exist and My existence relies not on their belief or unbelief I exist and all as revealed in My Word as mankind shall bear witness to is and shall come to pass but then for those who believe not a certain dread of that which is to come of a true shall cause their hearts to fail and for them awaits only My Judgment seat.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

from the prophet of the Lord