Thursday, 19 July 2018


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob

    Thus saith the Lord God of the Hosts of the Heavens and the Heaven of Heavens and of the whole of creation unto thee at this time as I have so said so shall it come to pass upon the Nations of the Earth even the fall of the mighty Nations having by Me been Judged and condemned  for the breaking My Holy Laws and commandments and for their great wickedness immorality corruption and the treatment of the whole of My creation in the destruction of it also by their treatment of the sick the blind the lame the poverty stricken Nations of the Earth the homeless and the elderly the refugee and the immigrants who are such through no fault of their own for these and other sins and transgressions and crimes as so set down and revealed in My Holy Word and Covenant shall they one by one fall and no more be found in all the Earth nor shall there be any remembrance of them remaining they shall all fall by the sword of My right Hand and by plague and famine by pestilence and storms and by Earthquakes of such magnitude as have never thus far been witnessed upon the Earth and also by tsunamis and by volcanic Eruptions and by hurricanes whirlwind and fire arising in all of their lands even according to My revealed will and purposes as is so set down and revealed in My Word but say I unto these who are to fall the wrath and anger in condemnation for all thy wickedness and thy refusal to obey all of My Holy Laws and commandments that hath thus far been executed upon the Nations of the Earth is as nought compared to that which is to come not only on the Mighty Nations of the Earth but upon all he Nations of the Earth for their braking of all of My holy Laws and Commandments and wickedness but especially for their immoral acts and practices committed throughout all generations. Though indeed hath My Wrath and anger been aroused against My People whom I returnd unto the Land of promise many years ago yet they have not returned unto Me neither do the shepherds of the flock of Israel feed the sheep of My pastures as they should and have so commanded by Me so to do. My people and their shepherds have stray far from Me and heed not My Word put before them to turn from all of their disobedience to My Holy Will and Law and the breaking of the Covenant that I made with them by Mosher in the Wilderness in that if they adhered to the Covenant I made with them I would give unto them the land of promise the land promised unto Abraham and his descendants forever a land flowing with milk and honey and as I promised then so I fulfilled and caused them to enter therein by the hand of Joshua yet did Israel break the covenant I made with them and for their disobediences did I cast them forth from the land of promise to go into captivity and only by their repentance and promise to obey the words of the Covenant from the heart did I return unto the Land of Promise and Israel while they obeyed all of My Holy Laws and commandments and kept to the Covenant I made with them did they prosper and were blessed and lived in peace but yet again did I have to  chastise cast them out for their disobedience and the breaking of the Holy Covenant and again many times and many times I forgave them when they repented and did return unto Me and so I returned unto them the Land of Promise and blessed them but for the breaking of the Holy  Covenant and disobedience to all of My Laws and Commandments and for the last greatest crime even their rejection of the only true Messiah IMMANUEL nigh on two thousand years ago did I punish by banishment from the Land of promise My People and as was so revealed by prophesy and the promised I made unto Israel as is set down in My Word and Law that once their punishment was at an end I would return them to the Land of Promise so that they could and would return unto Me and once More become My people and I their saviour and redeemer even I who AM THAT I AM the only true living God and they in whose arms as My Children would prosper and be blessed and be protected and prosper in all that they did to the glory of My Holy Name yet as I have fulfilled My promise to Israel and returned them to the Promised Land yet they have not returned unto Me and do continue in their disobedience to My Holy Law and Commandments as did their fathers before them what is it should I do unto them if they yet refuse to return unto Me shall I once again because of their great wickedness and disobedience cast them forth from the Land of promise and let them whom in times past possessed the Land yet again possess it Nay not so and not for their sakes will I refuse the former possessors of the land to once again posses the Land of Promise but it is for My own Names sake shall I cause the land to remain in the hands of the Children of Israel but not for My sake alone for yet within Israel there is a remnant that has and is returning unto Me even those who seek once again to raise up the House to My Holy Name and seek also to purify all the land of Israel and to purge it from all the wickedness and immorality and the breaking of My Holy Laws and Commandments and also to cast forth all the false faiths from out of Israel that once more she even Jerusalem shall be unto Me even as a virgin bride made ready for her husband to be. Thus do I decree that Israel and Israel alone shall from now on and forever possess the Land of Promise and none other. But on saying this all of the disobedient of Israel shall be punished even as I have and shall punish all the wicked Nations of the Earth but more so if the repent not and return not unto Me in obedience to all of My Holy Laws and Commandments as so set down in My Word and in the Covenant I have made with Israel in times past.

This is the Word of the Lord God unto thee

From the prophet of the Lord.

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