Wednesday, 10 May 2017


Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.

    Thus say I unto thee in as far as these no conflict safe zones set up as a peace initiative by Russia the Syrian regime Iran and Turkey to be policed by Russia and monitored by the west is a deception on the part of those agreeing to this so called peace deal it is a means of gathering the Syrian rebels both fighters and those whom are considered rebels of the civilian population to be confined to these areas until the so called Islamic State terrorist group has been totally defeated the western forces withdrawn having no further need to be in Syria the borders closed to the western Nations and then the Syrian anti government rebels dealt with once and for all with the western Nation out of the picture the four Nations especially Russia with its past reputation on dealing with anti government factions and Syria with its Aleppo track record will close the borders to any foreign interference and then as they see it easily be able to eradicate the anti government rebels both fighters and civilians alike once and for all with ease. In as far as the refugees are concerned if they oppose the Syrian regime they will not be allowed to return to Syria and if some are just to keep the peace with the western Nations their lives will be at risk for in the eyes of the Syrian regime are also considered rebels and terrorists. But Turkeys involvement in the setting up the safe zones should be questioned as that country is moving more and more in the direction of becoming a dictatorship and membership of N.A.T.O. should be brought in to question for there is but only two reasons it can be legitimately involved and that the eradication of IS and the Kurdish occupation of Syrian territories and on its borders which it considers as terrorists and Turkey wants it out of Syria altogether as it sees them being a terrorists threat on its borders. In as far as the Western and UN monitoring of these zones is concern once IS has been eradicated will have little or no influence as to what happens in Syria.

This is the Word of the Lord God to thee

form the prophet of the Lord

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