Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob.
Thus thou will require of Me an answer how long will the day of Judgment be and where will it begin. First I say unto thee that Judgment of all the Nations one by one would to thee be like unto thee an eternity but I say this as it says in My Word a thousand of thy years is but a day unto Me and thus shall it be as is set down in My Word has it hath thus begun so it shall continue until all is fulfilled according to that which has be set down in My word and shall not deviate there from by so much as a jot or a title till all be fulfilled. Thus thou hast required of Me also an answer who shall be first to be thus Judged, what saith My Word Judgment begins at the House of God and thus shall it be so, Judgment shall begin at Jerusalem in Israel and then upon all the religions of the Earth, first those that profess to Adhere to My Holy Word Law and Commandments by Faith in the true Messiah even Immanuel the redeemer, then unto all others which profess to believe in Me and follow after and adhere to My Holy Law and commandments no matter who they be they shall all be Judged unto perfection and then shall be Judged all the religions of mankind true or false if they be true they shall stand if false they shall all be destroyed utterly even all of those who follow after false gods prophets messiahs and preachers and teachers who teach not My Holy Word and Law and Commandments as is set down in My Word in context with the rest thereof. Thus as said before those who add unto My Word even the interpretation thereof to promote their own religious beliefs to them shall be added the plagues of My Word and also those who believe in some parts of My Word and discard others that are not to their liking they shall have themselves taken from out of the book of life and those leaders that are seemingly righteous on the outside but their hearts are far from Me so shall they be Judged and cast into outer darkness for their hypocrisy. Thus after this shall begun the Judgment of all the Nation from High to Low from rich to poor from upright to downright wicked and evil none no not one shall escape My Judgment till all be fulfilled. Therefore thus shall My Judgment be unto perfection upon all the inhabitants of the Earth.
This is the Word of the Lord unto thee.
From the prophet of the Lord.
Thus thou will require of Me an answer how long will the day of Judgment be and where will it begin. First I say unto thee that Judgment of all the Nations one by one would to thee be like unto thee an eternity but I say this as it says in My Word a thousand of thy years is but a day unto Me and thus shall it be as is set down in My Word has it hath thus begun so it shall continue until all is fulfilled according to that which has be set down in My word and shall not deviate there from by so much as a jot or a title till all be fulfilled. Thus thou hast required of Me also an answer who shall be first to be thus Judged, what saith My Word Judgment begins at the House of God and thus shall it be so, Judgment shall begin at Jerusalem in Israel and then upon all the religions of the Earth, first those that profess to Adhere to My Holy Word Law and Commandments by Faith in the true Messiah even Immanuel the redeemer, then unto all others which profess to believe in Me and follow after and adhere to My Holy Law and commandments no matter who they be they shall all be Judged unto perfection and then shall be Judged all the religions of mankind true or false if they be true they shall stand if false they shall all be destroyed utterly even all of those who follow after false gods prophets messiahs and preachers and teachers who teach not My Holy Word and Law and Commandments as is set down in My Word in context with the rest thereof. Thus as said before those who add unto My Word even the interpretation thereof to promote their own religious beliefs to them shall be added the plagues of My Word and also those who believe in some parts of My Word and discard others that are not to their liking they shall have themselves taken from out of the book of life and those leaders that are seemingly righteous on the outside but their hearts are far from Me so shall they be Judged and cast into outer darkness for their hypocrisy. Thus after this shall begun the Judgment of all the Nation from High to Low from rich to poor from upright to downright wicked and evil none no not one shall escape My Judgment till all be fulfilled. Therefore thus shall My Judgment be unto perfection upon all the inhabitants of the Earth.
This is the Word of the Lord unto thee.
From the prophet of the Lord.
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