Thus saith the Lord God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob
In as far as the junior doctors proposed strike action is concerned there is a necessity for action when the pressure of weekend cover is overwhelming and has not been addressed by the government on staffing issues so long as the lives of patients are not at risk and adequate cover is supplied.
But this changes when the lives of patient are put at risk when adequate dedicated staffing is not and has not been addressed. Thus two issues present themselves here one is that all doctors take the Hippocratic oath and two is, it is not just a job but a vocation where in all doctors by their very nature are there to heal the sick, it is a healing profession. The deliberate putting of patients lives at risk therefore says that doctors who take such a path do not deserve to be called doctors especially if they consider their vocation in the light of their wages. They are supposed to be dedicated to healing the sick as was the profession of those who have gone on before which was their major principal who considered not their wages and in some cases where paid in kind or not at all, they were dedicated to healing the sick by any means whatsoever they could without any thought for themselves. But also is it not so that doctors who neglect or miss treat their patients can in the first instance be warned that they face being struck off and their licence to practice medicine revoke if they continue to neglect and or miss treat their patients is it not Medical negligence where patients are harmed because they have been neglected by receiving poor medical care from healthcare professionals i.e. Junior Doctors and is it not so that they can be struck off for such practices? Is it not neglect when Doctors who strike put patients at risk and is it contrary to the ethics of the medical profession to strike?
Therefore the doctors should consider why they are in the profession they are in and their responsibility towards their patients and the government should consider their responsibility towards the medical profession and the work they do and the health services and provide the wages and contract they deserve. But in both cases no lives should ever be put at risk no matter the circumstances.
This the Word of the Lord to thee.
From the prophet of the Lord.
In as far as the junior doctors proposed strike action is concerned there is a necessity for action when the pressure of weekend cover is overwhelming and has not been addressed by the government on staffing issues so long as the lives of patients are not at risk and adequate cover is supplied.
But this changes when the lives of patient are put at risk when adequate dedicated staffing is not and has not been addressed. Thus two issues present themselves here one is that all doctors take the Hippocratic oath and two is, it is not just a job but a vocation where in all doctors by their very nature are there to heal the sick, it is a healing profession. The deliberate putting of patients lives at risk therefore says that doctors who take such a path do not deserve to be called doctors especially if they consider their vocation in the light of their wages. They are supposed to be dedicated to healing the sick as was the profession of those who have gone on before which was their major principal who considered not their wages and in some cases where paid in kind or not at all, they were dedicated to healing the sick by any means whatsoever they could without any thought for themselves. But also is it not so that doctors who neglect or miss treat their patients can in the first instance be warned that they face being struck off and their licence to practice medicine revoke if they continue to neglect and or miss treat their patients is it not Medical negligence where patients are harmed because they have been neglected by receiving poor medical care from healthcare professionals i.e. Junior Doctors and is it not so that they can be struck off for such practices? Is it not neglect when Doctors who strike put patients at risk and is it contrary to the ethics of the medical profession to strike?
Therefore the doctors should consider why they are in the profession they are in and their responsibility towards their patients and the government should consider their responsibility towards the medical profession and the work they do and the health services and provide the wages and contract they deserve. But in both cases no lives should ever be put at risk no matter the circumstances.
This the Word of the Lord to thee.
From the prophet of the Lord.
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